
 Brad's traces kisses around my neck as his strong arms clutches my waist with my arms locked around his neck, rooting me to the hood of the car. "Let's get married" He whispered huskily into my ears.

"Huh, get married like now?." I breathlessly said, responding to his breathtaking kisses.

He lifted his head to meet my eyes. He stares at me with ardor and desire in his eyes making me fall in love with him all over again.

"Yes, let's elope to Las Vegas to get married. I can't wait any longer to make you my wife, Crazy. " He eagerly suggested. 

"Okay," I nonchalantly say.

He frowns slightly. "Are you sure, crazy?, You don't want a big wedding?". he paused and a worried look looms on his handsome face. "I am sorry for suggesting this. You might want a grand wedding."

I shake my head. "Nope, I have never fancied big weddings." I shrugged.

"Let's skip the whole exhausting wedding preparations and elope," I say.