Back to the city

I was right news dies out as fast as it spreads out like wildfire.

Brad and I are back in the city, and the rumors about me feel like they never happened.

Well, my life is never short of drama. Right away, I am trending for another thing.

This time round is quite positive. The painting videos I uploaded on my new YouTube art channel have gone viral. It has debunked fake painter claims.

I didn't intend to upload the videos to prove my legitimacy as a painter. It's just something I thought will be fun to do. To appreciate the hard work I put into creating beautiful paintings out of blank canvases

All things are surely working for my good, Just this week I have gotten calls from art agents from big galleries around the world, giving me tempting offers to exhibit my works in their galleries.

I am yet to take any offer. Still have other things I have to deal with. Like finding out who the hell is the psycho who has been tormenting me.