
"Mom!" Kayden run towards my mother. I sat glued to the couch with a bowl of popcorn in my hands as I watched Kayden cry in my mother's arms.

"I miss you!" I heard Kayden sob.

The melancholy look afflicted on my mother's face made me look away, and I resumed watching the blockbuster movie Kayden and I was watching before our mother interrupted us.

Brad has gone on a business trip. My loneliness led me into joining Kayden's blockbuster movie marathon to ease my boredom.

"April" I moved my eyes off the TV and look at my mother. Kayden's arms were clinging to her waist. I am afraid he might never let go of her.

She smiles at me. It was the kind of warm smile you often see mothers shoots at their kids. It stirs a feeling inside. I don't want to feel anything for this woman. But I can't help it.

"You are back," I said drily.

"Yes." She awkwardly replied.