Walking Stick

Chiron POV

I've seen a lot of blind individuals in my past. They all had one thing in common: their lives were altered because of a traumatic experience. It was hard to adapt to a new life.

Percy Jackson was slightly different.

He wasn't a normal individual. Percy had his whole life in front of him, and it all came crashing down. Percy had a name and identity since he was a popular and very talented athlete. Now, Percy didn't know who he was anymore.

However, Percy was also stubborn.

He was refusing to find his way in life again even if he wants to. That's why I had decided to go out of my way to help him.

"Percy, you need to keep your arm straight," I said boldly.

I had forced my pupil to come outside. Clearly, Percy hadn't been outside since losing his vision.

"Why?" Percy snapped as he stopped walking.

He threw his walking stick down on the ground in frustration. I could tell that he hated this. However, he didn't have another option for walking and living now.

I went forward and roughly grabbed his shirt.

"You better not be raising your voice, young man. Just because you're blind doesn't mean that I cannot fix your behavior one way or another," I said firmly.

"Do you understand me?" I asked.

Percy nodded as he swallowed the lump in his throat. I let go of him, and we simply stood there for a few moments.

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. He was a few inches shorter than me, but that was just because I was really tall.

Percy flinched at my touch. I could see the emotions brewing in his eyes.

"I know it's hard, Percy, but you can do this. You can get your life back even while blind. Trust me, I've seen so many individuals like yourself have happy lives," I said.

He nodded again. "Okay," he said quietly.

"All right, pick up the walking stick," I commanded.

Percy fumbled his hand on the ground until he found his stick. His grip tightened around the hilt as he stood up.

"This walking stick has to become a part of you, Percy. It'll help you navigate and survive," I explained.

We spent the rest of the day walking around the empty roads of the town. It was Saturday so the roads were empty. Meanwhile, we were in a more isolated part of town, so that Percy could train on his walking skills without interference.


"Percy, you have to keep your arm straight," I repeated for the millionth time. We had been practicing for two weeks, and Percy still refused to listen to this one tip.

"I don't get why I have to keep my arm straight," he said.

Just then, his stick hit a crack, which forced his arm to stop. His legs were still walking though. Percy's elbow hit him in his private parts due to the sudden stop.

I couldn't help my smile. Now, he would know why his arm has to be straight.

Percy stood up clumsily.

"Okay, my arm has to be straight. Got it," he said firmly.

I smiled. Percy was actually starting to get a hang of this.

In the next few days, Percy was walking confidently with his stick even in relatively unknown locations such as stores and parking lots.

"Chiron, we'd like to thank you," Sally said.

"For what, Sally?" I asked. Percy had very kind and supportive parents.

"You've helped so much since coming into Percy's life. Percy is much more independent now, which is greatly helping improve his attitude towards life as well," Sally said.

Paul nodded in agreement.

"It's my pleasure to help a young man like Percy. We still have a lot more work to do," I said.

They both nodded with smiles on their faces.

Percy's attitude was improving. Percy had learned how to take care of himself after Paul and I taught him ways to do personal hygiene without his sight. Also, I taught Percy how to use his touch and hands to solve a lot of problems (such as getting dressed, eating, etc.).

"Anyway, where is Percy now?" I asked.

"I believe that Percy is in his bathroom," Paul said. "You're free to check on him if you would like."

"Thank you, Paul."

I was impressed at what I say when I made it to Percy's bathroom.

His door was open, and he was standing in front of his mirror. Obviously, Percy couldn't see himself, yet he was gazing into the mirror. His hand was reaching forward and touching his reflection softly.

"I'm blind," Percy said in acceptance before pausing.

"But, I can still live," he said firmly.

I nodded with a smile. Tears were welling in my proud eyes. I loved that moment when an individual with a disability realizes that they were still strong and capable.

Percy turned around clutching his walking stick.

He started walking out of the bathroom confidently with the walking stick skills I had taught him. Plus, he was familiar with his own home.

However, he stood in confusion as his walking stick hit my foot.

"Who's there?" Percy asked firmly.

"It's just me, Percy. Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm ready," he said with a nervous smile. His fingers were fidgeting with his red and white walking stick.

As I drove to Demeter's cafe, I knew that Percy was nervous. Demeter's cafe was a popular eating spot for this town's residents. Percy and I both knew that we'd certainly encounter people.

But, this was important.

So far, Percy only had interactions with me, his family, and some of his friends (Jason and Annabeth amongst them). It was important that he be able to talk to anyone and everyone.

I could tell that Percy was a very popular and social person, so it was time to bring that person back. It was the final step to reacquaint Percy back to his life.

I let Percy take the lead after parking the car.

Demeter's cafe was a cozy coffee and snack place. There were a lot of people, and it was loud simply in the parking lot. I almost considered taking Percy away.

"Percy, maybe we should-"

Percy turned towards me with a small smile. I could see a little bit of hope and excitement in his eyes as he relished the familiar atmosphere and people.

"I'm fine, Chiron. Let's go get some hot chocolate," Percy said as he slowly continued walking towards the cafe's door.

His walking stick was bouncing left and right in front of him with every stride.

A lot of heads turned as Percy walked into the cafe. People were staring as their conversations softened. It was a small town and Percy was a popular student, so everyone knew of the star athlete who lost his vision.

I put my hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Go slow, Percy," I said.

Percy nodded as he slowly navigated towards an open table. He used his walking stick to maneuver through the tables while he listened to see if the table he was at was open or not. His hands also felt for an empty table and seats as well.

He accidentally touched a woman's face for which he apologized sincerely.

Finally, Percy successfully found an open table.

Finding a table in a crowded place without disturbing others and without guidance was one of the hardest things for a blind person to do. Percy definitely disturbed a few people, but it was all right. Plus, people were generally understanding.

"You did pretty well, Percy," I said as we sat down.

"Thanks, Chiron. I could've been better, though," he said firmly.

"Yes, but it was your first time, and you're still learning."

A barista waitress came over to take our orders. She was a short African American girl with curly hair and golden eyes. Her nametag read Hazel.

Hazel definitely knew Percy, and they immediately began a conversation. Hazel looked so happy to see her friend again. They certainly had a good friendship with a lot of history.

"Chiron, do you see Annabeth here? She said that she'd be here," Percy asked once Hazel left to get our orders.

"Annabeth is the tall, blonde girl that's your friend?" I asked.

Percy nodded. Percy still remembered how his friends looked, but he'd soon run into people who he didn't know. He'd simply have to know them by name and personality, then, someone else would have to describe their physical characteristics.

"I don't see her, Percy."

"Oh," Percy said before nodded gently. He seemed disappointed.

"Percy, this Annabeth friend, do you-"

"We're just friends, Chiron. Actually, we didn't like each other before, but she's been very helpful in the last few months."

"Sounds to me that you were genuine friends, but you guys also argued a lot, which clouded the friendship. "

Percy chuckled. "Yup, I guess so."

Our orders arrived, and Hazel warned that they were hot. Regardless, Percy was very careful in drinking his hot chocolate. At home, it was okay if he was sloppy or if something spilled. But, messy actions wouldn't be good in public.

I was actually so proud of Percy's progress over the summer.

"So, Percy, the summer is almost over. What are your plans now?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said earnestly.

"What about your high school?"

"Yeah, I'm going to miss it," Percy said. Hazel paused with the bill and change next to our table, but she was listening to our conversation with sadness on her face.

Of course, Hazel noticed me staring and quickly got back to work.

"Here, Percy, I got your change," Hazel said.

Percy placed his hand out, and Hazel dropped the bills and coins into his palm.

"Uh, Hazel, can you count the bills out for me?" Percy asked hesitantly.

I smiled. Percy remembered what I had taught him about making sure no one took advantage of him because of his disability.

"Of course, Percy," Hazel said with a smile. She counted the seven dollars in change as she placed each bill onto Percy's hand.

"Thanks, Hazel," Percy said with a smooth smile.

I understood why Percy was popular and liked by all. He was very friendly and kind.

After Hazel left, our former conversation continued. "What about your senior year?" I asked Percy softly.

"I guess that I'll be homeschooled for the blind," Percy said dissatisfied.

"Is that what you want?" I asked genuinely.

"Do I have a choice?" Percy asked.

I smiled at my favorite blind student. "You always have a choice, Percy. We are only going to do what you want."