
Percy POV

It was very hard to learn how to use a walking stick. I wasn't used to it, and it slowed my movements down.

However, the walking stick allowed me to walk around safely with relative confidence.

I used the stick to guide me around my surroundings. I can feel when things are in front of me and move around accordingly. Chiron was right in that the walking stick quickly became an extension of my arm when I was outside.

"Do you really think that I can go back to school like normal?" I asked.

I was sitting at the dinner table while my mom was serving us food. My mom was an excellent chef, and the smells in the room emphasized that.

"Chiron said that you can, honey. We already talked to the school as well," my mother said cheerfully.

I could almost see the smile on her face. Almost.

"Unless you don't want to Percy," Paul suggested.

I knew that both of my parents were worried about me going back to school. However, I wanted to go back to a normal life.

"I want to, Paul," I said with a smile.

School had already opened, but tomorrow would be my first day. Chiron and I had spent the last few weeks (during the weekends) familiarizing myself with the location.

Using my walking stick and sense of touch, I mentally mapped out the entire school to the best of my abilities, especially the path I would take between classes.

I was still very nervous about school, though.

My hand glided over the table until I softly felt my plate and utensil next to my plate. I started eating the mac and cheese as the conversation continued.

"We're very excited for you, honey," my mom said.

"Me too, mom. It's gonna be great to see-"

I faltered off suddenly. Sometimes, the blindness still caught me off guard despite being months since I lost my vision.

"Err, it's gonna be great to talk to all of my friends and supervisors," I said.

I had gotten better at accepting my fate.

I'm blind, but I accepted that and I was okay.

"Yes, definitely beats being at home all day," Paul said.

I felt my mother's touch rubbing my arm supportingly. Paul also patted my shoulder on the other side.

"The food's delicious, mom," I said with a genuine smile.


My fingers fumbled against the shirts hanging in my closet. I stopped fidgeting when I hit the right fabric. My hand felt the stitching of the sweatshirt.

I wanted to wear my swim hoodie on the first day of school.

I knew that my swimming career was over, but that didn't mean that I couldn't wear my favorite sweatshirt. Right?

The rest of the morning passed by quickly and before I knew it, my mom was driving me to school.

"So, will your friends be waiting for you Percy?" my mom asked.

"Yup, Jason said that he'll be there. Plus, Annabeth, Thalia, and the others are also available in my different classes. I'm fine, though," I said.

I honestly felt like I was trying to convince myself of that.

"I know you are, honey," my mom said reassuringly.

After a few minutes of driving, my mom finally parked the car in front of my high school. My hands were slowly rubbing my thighs. I was really nervous.

"Percy, we have reached your stop," my mom said.

I turned towards her voice. At that moment, I wished that I could see my mother's comforting smile, but I could only imagine it.

"Aren't you walking me inside?" I asked softly.

"Percy, I have some errands to run," my mother said softly.

I nodded. I knew that my mom didn't have work to do. However, she wanted me to be independent and go into the school like any other student. I appreciated her so much for not falling for my vulnerability.

I didn't want to be treated too differently, and she was respecting that. As I opened my door, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.


Sally POV

I watched my son step out of the car and close the door. His walking stick was already in his hand.

Percy used the walking stick and slow steps to make his way to the first silver pole. There were several silver poles (lined several feet away) going up to the school doors.

As Percy slowly started walking towards each pole, the other students took notice.

They were staring at my blind son, and I could hear the whispers in the air.

Percy missed his count to the next silver pole, and his body gently bumped into the pole. My own body instinctually reached forward for my son.

However, Percy managed to recover and keep walking.

I was scared more than anyone to let my son go back to school. I was trying to be supportive, but who knew how the other students would treat Percy now.

None of the numerous students standing outside went to help Percy.

They were too shocked by his arrival.

The students (including Rachel, his ex-girlfriend) were simply staring and talking about Percy as he walked towards the school doors.

It was a good thing that Chiron and Percy made rounds through the school because Percy was familiarized with where he was going now.

Percy had left the silver poles and was climbing the front steps of the school when Jason, Annabeth, Piper, Thalia, and Leo stepped outside with smiles on their faces, they met Percy a few feet in front of the school doors.

I let out a shallow breath and smiled.

My son and his friends were conversing brightly as they stepped inside. Like always, Percy continued to use his walking stick as he entered his school.

Percy was a survivor, and he'd be able to adapt, especially if he had his family and friends behind him at all times.


Jason POV

I was impressed with how well Percy was doing in the school. Percy refused to walk forward without using his stick or hands to make sure the coast was clear.

"Percy, what's your first class?" Annabeth asked with a smile.

It still surprised me that Percy and Annabeth were actually friends now. I mean, they were always friends, but it was clouded by the fact that they seemed to always argue and irritate each other. Their relationship was complex and honestly funny.

"Math in 213," Percy said with a groan. "The classroom should be here on the left."

I looked at the closest classroom to the left. The sign did, in fact, read 213.

We all paused in the hallway outside of the classroom. All of our friends were glad to see Percy again (even though he couldn't see us, he still had the same personality and voice).

"Are you sure, Percy?" Annabeth asked firmly.

Percy was actually right, so I didn't understand why Annabeth was testing him.

Percy gazed forward in confusion. He wasn't necessarily looking at any of our faces; he was simply gazing in our general direction.

"I, um, yeah. It should be this classroom," Percy said as he went forward. His walking stick hit the doorway, and his hand grasped the doorway.

Percy was still frowning.

I was about to let Percy know that he was correct, but Annabeth beat me.

She went forward and fixed his backpack's straps against his chest.

"You're correct, Seaweed Brain. Don't let anyone trip you up, okay? You can ask for help, but don't let anyone take advantage of you," Annabeth said with concern.

Percy smiled as he nodded.

For a moment, they seemed to just be looking at each other. Annabeth was close enough to Percy for him to be gazing directly at her.

Piper nudged my side with a sly smile.

I sighed in confusion. I didn't really understand what was happening here.

Luckily, the bell rang and split us up. I decided that it was okay to be a few minutes late to my first period.

"Are you okay, bro?" I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm good, Jason. Thanks for looking after me," Percy said.

"You'd do the same for me, Percy. Besides, we are all looking after each other. Just call me or tell someone to call me if you need anything," I told him firmly.

Percy nodded with a smile.

He seemed happy enough to be back at school. He was getting back to life, and I couldn't be happier for my best friend.