19: Heat

Sally POV

There was a relatively large crowd at the swim meet today. I was sitting on the stands with Paul eagerly waiting to see my son compete again for the first time in months.

I was beyond nervous but also happy. This is what Percy wanted and loved to do.

I watched as Percy carefully climbed the white starting board. The race would start soon. His fingers carefully trailed the edge of the starting board as he lined himself up with the lane.

I noticed that he kept his eyes closed as he performed his initial steps.

"He's gonna do great, Sally," Paul said comfortingly.

I gratefully accepted his hand, and he kissed my fingers softly. I took in a deep breath as I waited in anticipation.

Two of Goode High's staff members were at either end of the lane with a tapper pole.

"It took Percy a lot of time to fully trust his helpers," I said firmly.

"Yeah, but he learned to trust them, Sally. We should have faith that they'll do their jobs properly as well. Percy knows who's good for his team," Paul said.

I noticed Annabeth nod from the other side as well. Jason and many other friends of Percy's were here to cheer Percy on. Actually, the swim meet was so crowded because many of our town's citizens were here to witness the star swimmer (who was blind now) compete again.

The whistle blew loudly, and the swimmers dived into the pool.

I was sitting on the edge of my seat as I watched Percy glide through the water and resurface. His powerful strokes and kicks took over as starting to swim.

Tears brewed in my eyes as I watched my son swim again.

Percy belonged in the water. Even blindness wasn't hindering that passion.

In a matter of seconds, the first back tap came. Percy flipped and turned immediately, and he pulled it off perfectly.

I could almost hear the sighs of relief from the people around me, who all cared so much about my son.

You didn't need your vision to succeed in swimming.

Percy was proving that.

Normally, I wouldn't come to Percy's local competitions because I had honestly gotten used to Percy's successes in the pool. But, it felt so great to see his success once more.

Percy finished first in the heat by several seconds, and he continued to rank high throughout the competition. Percy didn't win every heat like he used to. Also, his times were slightly down compared to last year, but it didn't matter.

Percy was still so competitive and so strong.

"Well, it looks like Goode High is back in the game," the announcer boomed at the end of the swim meet.

"Congratulations, Percy Jackson. It's an honor to have an athlete such as yourself in our circuit. You are an inspiration to us all," he exclaimed.

Cheering erupted throughout the pool room.

Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks as I gazed at my beautiful boy.

Percy nodded firmly with a bright smile.


Paul POV

"Percy, we're so proud of you," Sally exclaimed as she ran and embraced our son in the parking lot.

I couldn't help but smile after seeing my beautiful wife so happy. I was also so proud of Percy for pulling off a successful competition.

While I did not doubt that he'd be great, I was anxious about the things that could go wrong.

"Mom, too tight, I can't breathe," Percy said laughing.

"Ooh, sorry, honey," Sally said as her grip loosened.

Percy hugged her back. Both of his arms wrapped around. His one hand was holding his walking stick, and that was lightly pressing into Sally's backside.

"Great job, Percy," I said as I patted his back.

"Thanks, Paul," Percy said as he hugged me too. It caught me off guard, but I happily accepted it.

"So, where's Annabeth?" Percy asked cautiously as he stepped back.

"Oh, you can't seem to wait for your girl," I commented slyly. Sally chuckled knowingly.

Percy's face reddened with a blush.

"She's not my girl, Paul. I, um, just-"

Percy faltered off. Sally and I knew our son enough to know when he had feelings for someone. Percy's feelings were so strong and powerful that any girl would be grateful to have him.

We knew that Percy was holding back his feelings. He usually wouldn't, but the blindness had changed some parts of him, including how he felt about relationships.

However, Percy needed to understand that it was okay. He could still love and be in a loving relationship.

"Well, was she here?" Percy asked hesitantly.

Before Sally could speak up, I spoke up. "Well, we didn't see her, Percy," I lied.

Obviously, Annabeth was here. She wouldn't miss Percy for the world. Plus, she was sitting right next to me.

"Oh," Percy said in shock and sadness.

He looked so disappointed, and all of the happiness that he was feeling before simply went away.

I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm kidding, Percy. Annabeth was there the whole time," I said with a smile.

"Oh my god. Paul, that's so cruel," Percy breathed out.

His smile tentatively came back as he turned around. Percy's friends were coming up to him now. They must've got stuck in the foot traffic.

Pretty soon, they were all talking. Percy looked so alive as he talked to Annabeth who was now next to him.

I put my arm around Sally.

What more proof did we need that Percy liked Annabeth?


Chiron POV

"Hello, Chiron, please welcome!" Paul said openly.

I decided to visit Percy on Sunday. I couldn't make it to his swim meet yesterday even though I wanted to attend very much.

"Is Percy home?" I asked as I entered their home.

"Yes, I believe that Percy and Jason are handing out in his room," I said.

I nodded as I started walking towards Percy's room. I had been over so many times and they accepted me so much that I felt like I was a part of Percy's family.

"Chiron, wait, can I talk to you really quickly?" Paul asked softly.

"Of course, Paul. Is there a problem?" I asked with concern.

"It's not so much of a problem. It's something that Sally and I both noticed about Percy that is a little unsettling, I guess," Paul said.

I nodded for Paul to continue.

"Our son is closed off, Chiron, in terms of relationships. Even if he likes someone, I think that Percy is pushing it away," Paul said softly. "That's so not like him."

"I've noticed it, too," I said nodding.

"And, what can we do?" Paul asked.

"There's nothing that we can do about this, Paul. We can do everything to help Percy follow his dreams and physically recover, but this is emotional. It's something that he needs to understand and accept himself," I explained.

Paul nodded as he accepted my wisdom.

"It's not like we can force relationships," I said. "But, I can try nudging Percy."

"Yeah, thanks, Chiron."

I nodded again before walking towards Percy's room.

Jason was playing video games as Percy listened to the sounds. They both were talking about random things when I entered.

"Hello, Percy and Jason," I greeted.

"Hey, Chiron, we missed you yesterday," Percy said immediately as he crossed his arms with fake seriousness.

I chuckled as I took a seat on his desk chair.

"Sorry, Percy, I really tried to come," I said earnestly. "Regardless, I wanted to say congratulations. I heard you were amazing."

"My bro certainly was," Jason exclaimed.

Percy simply shook his head with a smile as he sat down on the bed again.

We conversed for a few minutes before I decided to try something.

"So, Percy, I heard that your school has a winter formal dance," I said firmly.

"Yeah, so...I think that you're too old to go, Chiron," Percy said sassily. I rolled my eyes knowing that he couldn't see me.

"Jason, did Chiron possibly roll his eyes?" Percy asked.

Jason simply chuckled. Percy knew me enough now to know how I would react in certain situations. Jason was probably the same way with Percy.

"Don't bother, Chiron, Percy simply doesn't want to talk about the dance," Jason said.

"Oh, how come, Percy?" I asked.

Percy sighed. "I'm not going to the dance, Chiron."

"And, why is that?" I asked.

Percy shrugged. "I don't know. I can't dance, and it's not like I have a date."

"Maybe, you can try getting a date, bro," Jason said. I nodded my head towards Jason.

"I'm blind. Who's gonna date me?" Percy asked softly.

I simply stared at Percy. This was what I was expecting, and it was sad to think about. I got up and went over to Percy. I patted his shoulder softly.

"Percy, you freaking swam competitively while blind. Are you seriously telling me that you can't find a girl that you love and want to dance with?" I asked.

Percy didn't respond yet.

"Percy," Jason said softly.

"I can do swimming by myself. The liability and responsibility fall on me. Dating requires another individual who deserves the best from her boyfriend. I can't give that now, can I?" Percy said with slight irritation and sadness.

I sighed and let the conversation slide. Jason and Percy went back to doing what they were doing, and I simply talked about other topics.

However, he was wrong.

Percy was worthy and capable of taking and giving amazing love. But, he'd have to understand and accept that for himself.