20: Dance

Jason POV

"Come on, Percy, you have to come," I exclaimed.

"Jason, we've already been over this. I don't want to come to the dance. Besides, I'm super tired from today's swim meet anyway," Percy said.

We were in Percy's room. I stopped by his home on my way to Piper's house.

"Percy, we're not going to the dance unless you come with us," Thalia said firmly.

Percy simply sighed. "Thalia, please-"

"And, you better come because I didn't wear a dress for no reason," Thalia said quickly interrupted Percy before he could finish.

"Bro, seriously, the dance will be a good unwind from the stress of the past few weeks. You've been working hard with school and swimming," I said.

Percy had competed in every meet in December.

Now, all of the sports seasons were on break for the holidays.

"Guys, I don't have a date nor do I want to date. Can we please just drop it?" Percy pleaded.

"Yeah, like I have a date," Thalia snapped.

"A bunch of us are going as a group, Percy. You're not the only single fella. Besides, if you really want a date, I'm sure we can find someone for you at the dance," I said.

"That's not the point, Jason," Percy said seriously.

I patted his shoulder, and my voice softened "I know, Percy, but it's okay. Just come and have fun."

I could see and hear Percy's shrug. Then, he smiled.

"Fine, I will. I gotta ask Paul for a tux," he said.

"We already got that handled, Kelp Head," Thalia exclaimed. Thalia carefully picked up the tux off of the table and held it out for Percy.

"What? How?" Percy asked in confusion as he took the suit.

"We convinced your mom to have it ready. Duh," Thalia said while laughing.

I was chuckling too as I gently pushed Percy towards his restroom. Percy quickly showered and got dressed while Thalia went to the living room. In a few minutes, Percy was ready with his tailored tux, green tie, and walking stick.

I freshened up while waiting for Percy.

I fixed my light blue tie that Piper picked out to match her dress. I couldn't wait to see Piper in her dress, and I was actually excited for the dance.

"All right, we're all ready," Percy said as we both walked into the living room.

"Aww, you look so handsome, honey," Sally said brightly.

Thalia and I waited by the front door as Percy talked to his mom. Before we left, Percy hugged his mom and kissed his mother on the cheek.

Sometimes, I got jealous of Percy for having such a loving mom.

Percy was very lucky to have a mom and step-dad like Sally and Paul.

Percy knew that as well, and he always showed his appreciation. I loved that about Percy. He never took things for granted, and he always showed his gratitude.

We quickly went outside and got in my car to go pick up Piper. I was pretty sure that Leo also needed a ride to the dance.

I looked in the rearview mirror at Percy. I could tell that my best friend was nervous but also very excited.

"All right, everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yup, let's go to the dance," Percy said brightly.


Annabeth POV

"Hazel, you already look perfect. Frank is freaking going to love you, so stop fussing," I told my friend.

Hazel was wearing a sparkling brown dress with gold lace. Her hair was in a curly and attractive way. She looked like herself but with a professional touch.

"Are you sure, Annabeth?" Hazel asked cautiously.

"Yes, you look beautiful. I know that this is your first date, so it's natural to be nervous. But, it's gonna be great," I said.

"Aww, thanks, Annabeth," Hazel squealed.

Her eyes widened as she looked through the window of her house. Frank was pulling up in his car. He looked just as nervous as Hazel. He took a deep breath before stepping out of his car and walking up to the house.

"All right, I'm gonna go now, Hazel," I said.

"What? You're not gonna stay?" she asked nervously.

"No, you don't need me in between you two. Besides, I have my own car here," I said. "Good luck, Hazel."

"Okay," Hazel said with a deep breath.

I knew that Frank and Hazel would be great. They were already good friends, but it was natural to be nervous about taking the next step.

I quickly stepped out of the back door and made my way to my car, which was parked on the street.

I was riding alone to the dance, but I didn't mind. I'd meet all of my friends there.

All of my friends but one.

Percy said that he wasn't going to come to the dance. I was disappointed that he didn't want to go. Now, I honestly didn't want to go to the dance, but Thalia was forcing me.

My mind wandered as I drove to the dance.

It was hard though. I had feelings for someone who was rejecting me. It's happened multiple times now where Percy and I would be having a moment, but he'd pull away.

I understood that Percy was scared or shameful after losing his vision, but he didn't have to be.

I didn't care about his blindness because he made me happy, laugh, and have feelings for him, regardless.

The parking lot was packed with cars, and lots of people were walking into the gymnasium. It was definitely looking to be a good time. While I didn't like spending time at home, I was glad that it was the holidays. A slight break from school was warranted.

My friends were already inside. They pretty much claimed a large table.

"Piper, you look gorgeous," I said as I looked at her in her perfectly braided Cherokee hair and light blue dress.

"Thanks, Annabeth. But, you're the real beauty here," she said brightly.

"Honestly, I am so glad that you made me buy this dress," I said.

I was wearing a silky gray dress that flowed down. It was simple and elegant, but also extremely luxurious looking. Furthermore, I was wearing light make-up, and my hair was flowing down smoothly. I loved it, and I knew that I looked good.

"Of course, Annabeth. Percy is gonna flip," Piper squealed.

"Piper, he can't see me," I said softly.

The smile immediately disappeared from her face, and I felt bad about bringing it up. We stood there in silence before Jason saved us.

"Well, you still look amazing, Annabeth," Jason said.

"Err, I hope that it's okay to say that to Annabeth, Piper," Jason added quickly.

I chuckled at that. They were adorable.

"I'll let it pass this time. Speaking of, where's Percy?" Piper asked.

"Wait, Percy's here at the dance. He said that he wasn't coming," I said in surprise.

"I managed to convince my best friend otherwise," Jason said simply. "And, Percy's talking to some friends in the hallway, but he'll come in soon."

My eyes shifted to behind Jason. Percy was slowly walking towards us with his walking stick. He looked so handsome in a tuxedo. The lights and his green tie made his sea-green eyes sparkle with intensity and life.

"Oh, Percy, over here," Piper called once she noticed as well.

I've seen Percy in swim shorts, and he looked hot and sexy (for obvious reasons).

Now, in a tuxedo, Percy looked so handsome.

Piper and Jason were in a conversation and that helped Percy navigate towards us and stop in front of us. Percy rested his palms on his walking stick.

"Hey guys," Percy said casually.

Of course, Seaweed Brain thought that he was approaching our entire friend group. In reality, it was just Piper, Jason, and me.

Piper and Jason looked at me, then at Percy, and back at me. Both of them wore knowing smiles on their faces.

Good luck, Piper mouthed.

Then, Jason and Piper both quietly walked away to the dance floor, leaving me alone with Percy.


Percy POV

"Hello?" I asked as no one responded. I was literally in darkness, so I needed my friends to respond to me.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth's voice spoke softly.

"Wise Girl," I acknowledged. "Um, where is everyone?" I asked.

"it's just you and me, Seaweed Brain. Everyone else is doing their own thing: dancing, eating, or hanging out elsewhere," Annabeth said.

I nodded as silence took over. I really wished that I could see Annabeth. I bet she looked fantastic in a dress.

"Annabeth, you look beautiful," I said hesitantly.

"You can't see me, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said chuckled.

"I know that I can't see, but I still know that you're probably beautiful right now like always," I blurted out without thinking.

"Thanks. You're not too shabby yourself," Annabeth commented.

We stood there in silence again. My hand was fidgeting against my walking stick. I didn't know what to do or say. Ugh, why did I have to be so awkward with girls now?

I liked Annabeth, but she deserved better than me.

"Percy, do you want to dance?" Annabeth asked suddenly.

"What?" I blurted out in confusion.

"I'm serious, Seaweed Brain. I don't know what's stopping you from asking me, so I'm just gonna ask you. Do you want to dance?" she asked again.

I wanted to dance with Annabeth so badly.

But, my mind was conflicted. I didn't know if I should say yes or no. I didn't understand why Annabeth even wanted me. She could literally have anyone.

I felt Annabeth's hand reach forward and take mine.

Annabeth was waiting for my answer.

Suddenly, all of my thoughts and troubles melted away, and I quickly made an important decision.