Chapter 57: You’re Already Perfect The Way You Are

  **ding dong** 

Miyeon's forehead scrunched up upon hearing the doorbell ring. She didn't order any food delivery and wasn expecting any packages to come in today. 'Must be a new neighbor or something. Maybe I could just pretend I'm out and they'll leave a note at the door. I'm not in the mood to entertain anyone right now,' she thought.

  **ding dong ding dong ding dong** 

The doorbell persistently rang. Miyeon sat on the floor finally unpacking the boxes she had shipped over from the UK and gave a long sigh. 'So persistent! This better be important,' she huffed as hurriedly stood up and made her way to the door.

"Just a minute!" she called out to the person outside of her apartment.

After tying up her hair in a messy bun, she ran over to open the door expecting to meet a new neighbor and to exchange a few pleasantries. However, what she saw wiped any semblance of a smile off her beautiful face. Outside her apartment stood CEO Lu garbed in dark grey joggers and a white windbreaker jacket over a crew neck top. With his stunning model-like visuals, He looked like the epitome of athleisure. 

"CEO Lu? What are you doing here?" Miyeon asked, a look of confusion evident on her face. Since her place was currently a mess, she had not fully opened the door to her apartment, only propping it wide enough so half of her body was visible. This only served to pique Lu Minzhe's interest.

"Are you hiding something in there?" Lu Minzhe asked, craning his neck upwards and then to the side.

"No," Miyeon answered quickly, mirroring Lu Minzhe's actions subconsciously. "Why are you here?" she repeated.

"We're supposed to have plans this week, remember? Lunch and a movie," Lu Minzhe answered with a charming smile.

"Yes but...that we can just set up an appointment via text," Miyeon said with knitted brows.

"In theory, yes we can. However, a certain someone hasn't been responding to my texts all week," said Lu Minzhe. "If I didn't know better, I'd think that person was avoiding me," he continued with a knowing smile.

"What?! I never…." she exclaimed guiltily. "Ahem, I was busy this week. I had an interview."

"Oh? When was that?" he asked.

"Uhm...Wednesday," she said quietly wincing on the side.

"Ah..yet it's already Friday evening," Lu Minzhe casually pointed out.

"Ah well...other things came up here and there," Miyeon attempted to pass things off nonchalantly but was only given a raised brow and a knowing smile for her efforts. 'Dammit he knows I've been avoiding him. I didn't think I was being that obvious,' she thought to herself.

"Ahem. came here to simply make an appointment?" she asked, changing the topic.

"Mhmm. Well, since I did have to drive down from District 1, I should be rewarded for my efforts, no?" Lu Minzhe asked with a self-satisfied grin.

"...." Miyeon didn't say anything and simply bit her lower lip in response. 'The thought process of this man is really….unbelievable. It's not like I asked him to come here but now he's asking for a reward.' 

"Not inviting me in?" Lu Minzhe asked, leaning forward slightly causing the young woman to take a half a step back.

"CEO Lu...I mean, Minzhe-ge. My apartment's a mess right now. Maybe you should come in some other time," Miyeon said, attempting to slowly close the door.

Lu Minzhe pretended to think for a bit before responding, "Mmm, alright."

Miyeon, who had not anticipated Lu Minzhe to agree so readily, immediately jumped at the chance to cut the conversation short.

"Great! Let's just text each other regarding the movie plans. I promise I'll res--" she happily began to speak. 

"We can have dinner outside. I've already made reservations," Lu Minzhe interrupted with a charming smile.


Lee Miyeon again found herself swept away by the bulldozer that was Lu Minzhe. With a resigned look on her face, she quietly sat in Lu Minzhe's Mercedes AMG G63 SUV as the man maneuvered his way out of her apartment complex.

"By the way, I took your advice," Lu Minzhe casually noted.

"Huh?" she asked, perplexed.

"The jeep," Lu Minzhe turned to Miyeon and pointed to the steering wheel.

"Yes?" she asked again, still uncomprehending.

"You mentioned you preferred a discreet ride," he explained.

"...." (Miyeon)

"So I changed to a different vehicle. It's a black jeep. Very discreet," he said, obviously proud of himself.

After about a minute of silence, Miyeon finally spoke up. "Excuse me, Minzhe-ge."

"Hmm?" he asked as they passed a green light. The skewer place recommended by Secretary Jin was about 5 minutes away.

"Isn't this car about 1.1Million CNY?" Miyeon inquired. Being best friends with Shu Li, she had learned a bit about luxury cars. That friend of hers always has her eye on new models and collects them as if they were shoes.

"Thereabouts yeah," he answered with an easy nod.

"Wu hua ke shuo," Miyeon whispered and shook her head. 

Author's Note: Wu hua ke shuo means I've got nothing to say. It's an expression that is typically used when someone makes you so speechless with their brazenness/shamelessness.  ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ


At the skewers restaurant, the two comfortably ordered several sticks of lamb, chicken, beef, and veggie skewers. Actually, Miyeon particularly liked to eat roasted mantou skewers dusted with mixed spices and skewers. However, considering Shu Li has just sent her another 'carb check' text for dinner, she opted to only order a few chicken and veggie skewers for herself.

Author's Note: Mantou are steamed buns. They are typically sold in skewer places roasted on a stick with the same flavoring as the meat. (●♡∀♡)

"Is that all you're having?" Lu Minzhe asked concerdly. 'Did she already have dinner? I made sure to come early.'

"Ah, yes. I have to watch what I eat this week," Miyeon said with an apologetic voice. 

"You're already skinny as it is," Lu Minzhe commented with a frown. 'I was planning to take her to dessert after too.'

"Yes well, it's for a shoot," she explained, taking a bite of her A-choy.

Author's Note: A-Choy is taiwanese lettuce. V●ᴥ●V

"Another one?" Lu Minzhe asked surprised. All of a sudden he recalled the behind the scenes photos he'd seen of the LeVy Strauzz Jeans campaign and he found himself frowning unconsciously.

"Mm yes," she answered.

"Where? With who?" he inquired.

"In Tokyo. Alone..well with Shu Li.. It's a collab for her brand," she said. 'Is this some sort of interrogation?'

"I see. You'll be back to your regular eating habits after?" he asked. 'Good. It's not another couple's shoot,' he thought, relieved.

"Yes. I only diet when I have a shoot. I can't imagine watching what I eat full time. Haha," she said, chuckling as she picked out the fatty parts of the chicken skewer.

"It must be difficult," Lu Minzhe commented as he watched the girl's ministrations.

"It is. I find myself thinking of food more often when I have to restrict what I eat. I think this is partly why I don't think I can ever model as a career," she admitted.

"Was that what the interview was for? So you can quit modeling?" Lu Minzhe asked. He knew Miyeon had interviewed with SunFox from chatting with Shu Li.

"Well.. not necessarily.. It's just… modeling has always been something I did to earn extra cash. I never saw it as a career," she said, refusing to elaborate further.

"You seem to be very good at it. Or else, Shu Li won't keep working with you," Lu Minzhe noted. Although Shu Li was already a rich heiress, she also happens to have a keen eye on business. She wouldn't keep investing in something that keeps losing money. 

"Ung..well… even so. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful. I appreciate all the work and exposure Shu Li has given me. But I'm just looking for something else. I don't think I can keep working a job that is constantly pressuring me to change something about my appearance," she said quietly.

"That's great. You're already perfect the way you are," Lu Minzhe said unconsciously. 

Lu Minzhe's words caught both himself and Miyeon off guard and for a few seconds they both just silently looked at each other, not knowing what to say. 

Finally, Miyeon decided it's best to simply change the topic and not touch on that comment entirely.

"Anyways, when did you want to watch that movie?" Miyeon spoke unnaturally, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Is this Sunday alright?" Lu Minzhe asked in a hoarse voice.