Chapter 58: A Prior Engagement

  "Is this Sunday alright?"

Lu Minzhe asked in a hoarse voice. He couldn't believe that he just blurted out those words to Miyeon. 'You're already perfect the way you are.' As he thought about it, he couldn't help but wince in embarrassment. He already knew he was being shameless in the way he approached her but he never used such lines before. Did he think he was some leading character in a movie? Urgh. For the first time in his life, Lu Minzhe wanted to dig himself a hole, crawl into it and hide.

And then Miyeon had completely glossed over his comment as if it didn't affect her at all. Inexplicably, Lu Minzhe felt both a sense of relief and a sudden stuffiness in his chest. He was relieved that she didn't seem to notice his embarrassment. But he felt stuffy in his heart knowing that his existence, his words were something she can easily disregard. Although he thought that they'd grown closer as of late, in actuality she still thought very little of him. 'Ah, I want to mean more to her. I want to be an important part of her life. I want to be someone she couldn't ignore,' Lu Minzhe thought to himself. 

"Mm.. This Sunday is a bit.. I already have a prior engagement. Can we reschedule?" Miyeon asked with a small frown, suddenly remembering that she had to meet with Su Tian that morning. 'I don't know how long that discussion will last.'

"A prior engagement? With who?" Lu Minzhe asked, curious.

"Su Tian." Miyeon responded honestly.

"Su Tian?" Lu Minzhe asked, surprised. "I didn't know you two were friends," Lu Minzhe spoke tentatively, afraid of giving anything away. According to Cheng Yan, Su Tian is definitely connected with Guo Feng, although no one has seen them together in public in the past 2 years. It was confirmed that the two were lovers in the past. Su Tian was also only able to attend IED (Istituto Europeo Di Design) with Guo Feng's help. On her own, Su Tian would have never been able to achieve the success she has now; she simply does not have the financial resource or the social connections. However, the fact that she is able to put surveillance on Miyeon and to employ such a highly rated and exclusive company only further goes to show that Su Tian must have a powerful backer. If she truly was acting on Guo Feng's orders, then it could be dangerous for Miyeon.

"We...aren't. You're right." Miyeon admitted with a small laugh.

"Then, can I ask what the meeting is for? Since you mentioned you two aren't friends,' he asked, keeping his voice neutral.

"Ah, just..she has some things she would like to tell me," Miyeon answered flippantly. 'These are things I'm not ready to discuss with anyone, not even Shu Li, much less Minzhe-ge.'

"She can't do it over the phone?" he inquired, pretending to casually glance at his phone. 

"The matters are a bit sensitive to discuss over the phone," Miyeon answered vaguely.

"...." Lu Minzhe gripped his phone as his mind raced through different possibilities in handling this situation. He needed to intercept this meeting somehow but he still has yet to acquire any solid evidence. 'Dammit,' he inwardly cursed.

"I fly out next Tuesday afternoon and I won't be back until friday night. I likely won't be able to see CEO Lu until the weekend. If that works with your schedule," Miyeon said, looking unperturbed as she continued eating her dinner.

"CEO Lu again," he muttered.

"Huh?" (Miyeon)

"You keep unintentionally calling me CEO Lu…" Lu Minzhe said with a sad smile. 'We really haven't gotten closer at all, huh.'

"Ah, right. I'm sorry. I'm still getting used to addressing you as Minzhe-ge," the girl said, laughing sheepishly.

"Then Saturday. I'm free next Saturday," he responded, lips slightly raised. 'No matter. Just because we aren't close now doesn't mean we won't become close later on. I just won't give up.'

"Alright," Miyeon easily agreed, unaware of the man's inner conflicts.


On the way back from the skewer shop, the two shared a quiet ride in Lu Minzhe's car. Miyeon was satisfied with her dinner and was simply thinking of a low calorie dessert to eat at home when she heard Lu Minzhe call out her name.

"Miyeon," Lu Minzhe said in a low magnetic voice.

"Hmm?" she asked. 'Actually, CEO Lu has a nice voice,' she abruptly thought.

"That appointment with Su Tian. Is anyone else coming?" he asked.

"Pardon?" she asked rather surprised. 'Are we talking about this again?'

"Is it just a meeting between the two of you?" he reiterated.

"Well, yes," she answered. 'Could it be? Perhaps...he likes Su Tian?' she thought and a sudden frown marred her beautiful face.

"Bring someone with you. Someone you trust. Like Shu Li." Lu Minzhe advised. 'Or me,' he thought silently.

"I'm sorry but that's a little…" she began before stopping prematurely hoping Lu Minzhe got the hint. 'It's a meeting to discuss something about my past. Of course it wouldn't make sense to invite someone else.'

"Where will you be meeting her?" he pried.

Miyeon thought for a bit and then responded, "Hmm. I think the address she gave her apartment?"

"Don't go," he said abruptly.

"What?" she asked, startled.

"Don't go. Or change the location of the meeting place," Lu Minzhe spoke in a stilted voice.

"Excuse me? But why? Since earlier you've been strangely focused on this," Miyeon spoke somewhat defensively. 'If he likes her then he should say what he wants directly. Is he worried I will talk bad about him with Su Tian?' she thought unhappily.

"Just...It's not good to meet with one's enemy on their turf," Lu Minzhe answered evasively as his hands gripped the steering wheel. 

"Wh--what? Enemy?" Miyeon sputtered, looking completely bewildered. 'I know Su Tian doesn't like me but...does Minzhe-ge know this as well?'

"You never know what tricks they have up their sleeves. It's better to meet up somewhere you are familiar, where you have people you trust closeby. In case you'll need help," he said 

"Minzhe-ge you are speaking in such a roundabout manner. I'm just going to have a conversation with Su Tian. We're not going to have a fist fight," she said with a laugh, brushing off Lu Minzhe's concerns.

Seeing that Miyeon wasn't taking his warnings seriously, Lu Minzhe eventually decided to go another route and unapologetically used Shu Li's name as an excuse.

"Su Tian appears to have some ulterior motives. Shu Li had her investigated previously for personal safety purposes. Su Tian was also found to have hired people to follow you without your knowledge."

Seeing the shocked look on Miyeon's face, Lu Minzhe continued, "We still don't know the real purpose behind her actions." 

"So if you really have to meet, it's best if you meet her someplace else or bring someone with you," Lu Minzhe concluded. 

Miyeon remained silent for a few minutes attempting to digest this new information. The sudden turn of events was not at all what she had imagined. 'So he doesn't like Su Tian. That's a relief.' 

Miyeon was surprised at her wayward thought. This wasn't what she should focus on right now! In addition, whether or not Minzhe-ge liked Su Tian didn't have anything to do with her. Either way she needs to meet up with the other woman. But to think that Su Tian would actually have her followed made Miyeon extremely uneasy.

'Minzhe-ge is right. I'll need to take precautions,' Miyeon thought. 

"I see," Miyeon finally said softly.

"I am genuinely concerned for your safety as a brother and a friend," Lu Minzhe said to her. 'If I try for anything more right now. I'm sure she'll only run away. I can't be more shameless than I already am.'

"En. Thank you Minzhe-ge. I'll do as you advised," Miyeon nodded and she smiled at him.