Stay safe

Raymond stops his car in the hospital parking lot where Bryana and his father are getting help. He immediately invited Monica and Calvin to come down and walk towards the main door of the majestic hospital. The man saw Louis walking from inside and stopped him.

"Louis, how are Jill and my dad doing?" Raymond asked worriedly, he was even still holding Calvin.

"Mrs. Bryana is undergoing a cesarean section, Mr. Stevan is undergoing treatment in the ICU because the situation is quite worrying, sir," Louis explained worriedly.

Monica, who had been listening for a long time, felt an attack on her heart, her heart suddenly skipped a beat because she was so worried about Bryana and her baby. "Honey, I want to see how Bryana is doing," she said, touching Raymond's arm.

Raymond nodded and handed Calvin to Louis. "Take him home and let Lauren take care of him. Tomorrow, bring him here again with Mrs. Lily and Sofia," he exclaimed.