Little baby

In a special room that provides complete facilities for newborns, where baby Bryana is placed in an incubator. dean, Raymond and Monica stepped into the room which was quite spacious and warm, then approached the nurse who faithfully took care of the premature baby who only weighed no more than 2kg, looked tiny and fragile.

"He's your son, Deanhis hair is almost like Calvin's hair when he was a baby," Raymond mumbled with a sweet smile looking at his nephew sleeping in the incubator and wrapped in a thick white blanket. The baby's hair was blonde, like Stefan and Dean who were of European descent.

"His nose is sharp like Bryana's nose. It seems that my son's nose will lose if his nose is similar to mine," said Monica, who realized that she was a snub.

"Whatever the shape of the nose, it's a godsend because it was created for the respiratory tract," said Raymond, pinching Monica's nose.