Chapter 24 The Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce is here!

The next day, in the blazing sun.

A caravan appeared to the east of the Dark Night Forest.

The caravan was surrounded by dozens of black-armored knights riding war horses. At the same time, there were also strong magical fluctuations in several luxurious chariots, coming from human magicians.

A golden bauhinia was embroidered on the banner of this caravan.

"Grand Knight Commander Conrad, our lady invites you to come over!"

The petite maid said while lowering her head and daring not to raise her eyes to look at the knight sitting on the horseback.

"Watch out!"

Conrad yelled.

He is a middle-aged burly man with a face full of beard, wearing jet black heavy armor, with a knight's sword at his waist, and a burly and majestic figure.

Hearing his words, the surrounding knights tense up not daring to relax for a moment because this dark night forest is full of dangers.

Conrad rode his horse to the side of a chariot.

"Miss Nicola, are you looking for something ?"

The curtain beside the car wheel was pulled apart by the people inside, revealing a very beautiful girl's face.

Nicola asked, "Dear Grand Knight Commander Conrad, I just want to ask, how long will we have to reach the kingdom of the Nature elves?"

Conrad said: "If nothing happens, we can reach the destination in up to three hours."

Nicola said with expectation: "I can't wait to enter the land of Nature elves. Their home is the most beautiful place in the entire Holy Continent."

Conrad shrugged.

He is only a disciplinary knight, only interested in fighting and the knight's sword in his hand.

Nicola suddenly asked softly: "Knight Commander Conrad, is the news that the unicorn appeared in the Dark Night Forest reliable?"

Conrad said: "A mercenary saw that group of unicorns has entered the dark forest with their own eyes. The Lord Marquis sent me to follow the caravan just to catch them."

Nicola said: "It is said that unicorns are partners of Nature elves. If we catch those unicorns, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the Nature elves."

"Miss Nicola, don't worry."

Conrad smiled lightly: "Natural elves have lost their former glory. Even their Elf King and many elven elders mysteriously disappeared a year ago. Now, these Nature elves couldn't even protect themselves. , It may not take long before this race will be completely extinct."

Nicola said sadly: "The elves are a very beautiful and kind-hearted race. It would be a shame if they were extinct."

Conrad curled his lips.

In his eyes, no matter how beautiful it is, it can't compare to a high-rank knight sword.

Nature elves?

They are destined to disappear in the long river of time and become the history of the sacred continent.

Conrad said: "Miss Nicola, you can enjoy your life in the Elf Territory these two days. This may be our last trade with the Nature Elf."

Nicola questioned: "Knight Commander Conrad, why do you say that?"

Conrad said: "I got the news that there is a powerful mercenary group in Sapphire City that is planning to fight the Nature elves. Behind them, there are many nobles in Sapphire City."

Then he pause and grinningly said: "Miss Nicola, you know, those nobles like beautiful Nature elves very much. If they could buy an elven slave girl, they would be very willing to pay a huge amount of gold."

Nicole said angrily: "They won't succeed!"

Conrad said: "When the Elf King was still there, they dared not attack the Nature elves. But now, the Nature elves who have lost the protection of the Elf King can hardly resist these greedy mercenaries and nobles."

Nicole said anxiously: "Dear Knight Commander Conrad, you are a ninth-order knight with a powerful force. Even my father trusts you very much. You can definitely protect the Nature elves."

Conrad shook his head hearing this.

"Miss Nicola, I am a disciplinary knight! The protection of nature elves should be left to the guardian knights. Although not every guardian knight can abide by the doctrine, it is better than letting the nature elves fall into the hands of those nobles. "

Nicola fell silent.

Conrad is a ninth-order knight and the commander of the Mammoth Knights. Although he has sworn allegiance to her father, she had no right to order Conrad to do anything. If it wasn't for a unicorn that appeared in the dark forest this time, Conrad would not appear with the caravan.

Time passed quickly.

Under the protection of many knights and magicians, the caravan successfully reached the periphery of the Nature elf territory.

"Boss, something very strange."

"What's up?"

"Along the way, the closer we are to the territory of Nature elves, the fewer beasts we encounter. Until now, we have hardly seen any shadows of beasts. Not only the beasts but the goblins have also disappeared. ."

"It's really weird!"

Conrad looked in the direction of the Nature elf territory.

Close to the kingdom of the Nature elves, he felt someone was peeping on him at all times, and the magician sitting in the chariot felt the same. But what surprised them was that no perception magic could detect what creature was peeping at them.

"Is it a spirit made by Nature elves? But the Nature elves are obviously so weak now!"

Just as Conrad was full of doubts.

The woods not far away shook suddenly, as if a large number of beasts appeared.

Conrad roared: "beasts are coming, defense!!!"