Chapter 25 shock!

Conrad yelled.

The surrounding knights riding war horses gathered quickly, holding their knight's greatsword, forming a solid defensive formation, ready to respond to attacks from the beasts at any time.

At the same time, a group of human magicians walked out of those chariots.

Each magician was wearings an exquisite magic robe and holds a magic wand inlaid with magic gems. Among them was an old-faced magician, who exudes the most powerful surge of magical power.

The old magician frowned and said, "Knight Commander Conrad, what's the matter?"

Conrad rushed over on his horse and said: "Great Mage Joyce, there are sounds of beasts coming from the woods ahead. There are a lot of them! Listening to the sounds, there are at least hundreds of beasts, the order of which is unknown."

The old magician said: "This place is less than 500 meters away from the territory of the Nature elves. How come there are so many monsters? Could it be that the territory of the Nature elves has been captured by the monsters?"

Nicola pulled his head out of the window of the car, and said anxiously: "Teacher, let's go to the land of the elves, maybe we can help them resist these beasts."

"That's Not urgent!"

The old magician shook his head, the magic wand in his hand exuded surging waves of fire element magic power, and at the same time, there was a hot breath rippling away.

"First defeat this group of monsters, and then consider going to the kingdom of Nature elves."

they were not far away from the woods.

The low growl from the beast was getting closer and closer.

The Cavaliers who were defending at the forefront of the caravan also became nervous.

Although they are all combat knights with rich experience and strong offensive power, they dare not be careless in this dangerous dark night forest.

But just when everyone thought a bloody battle was about to begin, the entire caravan, whether it was a knight, a magician, or the lady Nicola, were all stunned.

Because it is in front of the caravan.

A large group of beautiful Nature elves appeared.

They are holding exquisite silver moon scimitars, wearing light armor, and riding ferocious panthers under them. Their coquettish faces have grim expressions, they look extremely heroic.

The people in the caravan were shocked.

"The God of Light! How come there are so many Nature elves?"

"They are riding a monster!"

"Isn't there only elven archers, elven sorcerers, and elven swordsmen among the professionals of the Nature elves? What kind of occupation are these elves with short blades?"

"I have never seen it before!"

The faces of Conrad and the old magician named Joyce also changed.

Because there are too many Nature elves appearing in the forest ahead, at least hundreds of them, and all were riding on the Black Panthers, and all of them have reached the fifth rank.

If there is a war, this elven legion is enough to cause heavy losses to their caravan.

Because in the entire caravan, the knights, magicians, and those servants, and maids add up to less than a hundred people, the numbers are too far apart.

"It's the Nature elves!"

Nicola got off the wheel and ran happily to the front of the caravan.


An elf huntress pointed the silver moon scimitar in her hand at her.

This move made the knights and magicians behind Nicole vigilant. Nicola's father is the president of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time the Lord Marquis of Sapphire City, she is a noble and can't or shouldn't get into any trouble.

"Hello, beautiful nature elf, my name is Nicola!"

Nicola didn't worry about her safety at all.

Because she has been in contact with Nature elves and knows that Nature elves are a beautiful and kind-hearted race, and never actively attack other creatures.

To humans, nature elves are also very friendly.

Nicola said: "I come from the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce in Sapphire City. As agreed, our Chamber of Commerce will come to your territory at the end of each month to trade fresh fruit and honey with you."

At this moment.

She saw several Nature elves whisper a few words.

Then one of the Nature elves said to her: "Follow us, don't set foot in other areas at will, otherwise, we Nature elves will not guarantee your safety."

Nicola nodded and said, "We will abide by the rules of your Nature elves."

Soon the Elf Huntress Legion led the caravan to the territory.

At The rear of the caravan.

Conrad whispered to himself: "Natural elves are really an amazingly beautiful race. No wonder the nobles in Sapphire City are willing to buy these elves for a big price."

He saw the old magician beside him frowning.

Then he asked: "Great Mage Joyce, what are you thinking?"

The old magician said: "It's very strange! When we came last month, we didn't see such Nature elves riding on the Black Panthers. And there are too many of them, at least there are only those who appear here are already Five hundred, how many will there be in the territory of the elves?"

Conrad also fell silent after listening to this.

He didn't put the Nature elves in his eyes before, but now he has to carefully consider a question, how can he catch the unicorns that appear in the dark night forest without them unknowing.

In the human world, the price of every young unicorn is as high as millions of gold coins, and there is no market.

Even he was very jealous of this.

Time passed in silence.

Soon the caravan followed the elven huntress army came to the territory of the elves.

When they saw the territory of the elves.

For an instant, everyone was stunned.

In the realm of Nature elves, there were patches of elven houses, the number of which is unknown. In Conrad's words, the Nature elves that are almost extinct are even more incredible in numbers now.

at least Tens of thousands!

The most frightening thing is that all the Nature elves they saw were elves with professions.

some were carrying a fine bow and arrow while some riding on the back of a fierce panther.

They travel in groups, like a well-trained army

"Oh, The God of Light!"

"When did so many Nature elves appear in the Dark Night Forest?!"
