Chapter 69 The Army march to Sapphire City

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Two days later.

A large army of elves left the dark night forest.

Walking in the forefront are naturally Leon, Agatha, and the three Elven commanders who have been promoted to the early stage of the eighth order.

A group of people riding on the snow-white sacred unicorns.

Followed by ten mountain giants with a height of more than 20 meters high, and a group of beautiful dryads flapping their wings and flying in mid-air.

Then came the elven huntress in a neat line.

There are a total of 10,000 elf huntresses riding on the backs of their Black Panthers.

In addition to their owner, the elf huntress, there is also an elf archer sitting on the back of the black panther.

In other words.

This time to the Ash Mountains, Leon brought a total of 20,000 elves.

As for the other 20,000 elven warriors, they were left in the territory by Leon.

Their task was to protect the territory from certain human mercenaries attacking the Nature elves.

At forefront of the team.

Agatha questioned: "Your Majesty, why don't we go directly to the Ash Mountains, but via east?"

The Ash Mountain Range is in the southeast of the Dark Night Forest. It also has a detour route from the east.

Moreover, the East of the Dark Night Forest is the territory of mankind, with Sapphire City at the front.

Leon said: "We are Going to Sapphire City; first to frighten those humans. And we can also sell these General monster cores that we seized in the Ogre Tribe last time."

Now Leon had only a few dozen gold coins left, and he couldn't even summon the elf archer.

After selling this batch of magic cores, he will be able to harvest millions of gold coins; whether these coins will be used to summon more elves or strengthen the troops, he can do whatever he wanted.

To him, gold coins are his sense of security.

The more gold coins, the safer he feels.

If he had billions of gold coins, he might order an attack on human cities tomorrow, grabbing the land and gold mines they occupy.

Agatha said: "In this case, we will be exposed to the eyes of human beings.

Leon smiled and said: "This is a matter of day and night. When the matter of the Ash Mountains is resolved, I will establish a kingdom of elves in the dark night forest and invite all races to visit the ceremony, and we will be exposed at that time."

Agatha nodded.

She is looking forward to the day when the Elf Kingdom is established.

She believed that once the Elf Kingdom was established, the wind would spread to all corners of the sacred continent, and the scattered Nature Elf tribes would respond to the call of the Elf King and gather in the Elf Kingdom one after another.

At that time, the Elf Kingdom will become stronger and stronger.

"Your Majesty, a group of human mercenaries has appeared in front, and they are coming towards us."

A dryad flew in front of Leon to report.

They were flying high in the sky, so they saw a group of small black spots thousands of meters away at a glance.

Those were the human mercenaries, and their destination should have been the dark night forest behind them.

Leon said, "Don't worry about it. When they discover the existence of our elven army, they will naturally avoid it. If they don't understand the truth, then kill them all!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Dryad clenched the magic scepter in her hand and flew high again.

Soon, the human mercenaries in the distance stopped.

They first saw the beautiful dryad flying high in the sky, and saw the mountain giant more than 20 meters high behind them; then saw Leon and others riding on the back of the snow-white unicorn, followed by the huge elven army.

For an instant.

Every human mercenary has a sense of trepidation.

Some people even stretched out their hands to rub their eyes, suspecting that they were dazzled.

"What the fcuk, are these are elves, mountain giants, and unicorns?"

"God! How come there are so many Nature elves? Each black panther's backs have two Nature elves, and I can't even see where the line ends!

"Didn't it mean that the number of Nature elves in the Dark Night Forest is more than a thousand?"

"More than a thousand, I feel it is at least ten thousand, and they are all elves with professions! This is like a regular army, okay?"

"They also have mountain giants and unicorns!"

"Are those flying in the sky also Nature elves? It's strange, they look like teenage girls, and they all have a pair of wings!

"Goddess of magic, what do these Nature elves want to do?"

"Look at their marching direction, the destination should be Sapphire City behind us. Could it be that these Nature elves want to attack Sapphire City?"


Everyone in this mercenary group was shocked by what they saw.

Everyone was stunned and even forgot to escape.

Just at this time.

A big tree was thrown over by the mountain giant, which slammed in front of them with a bang.

The mountain giant roared: "Humans, get out of the way!"


A group of human mercenaries turned pale with fright.

They panicked and ran back in the direction of Sapphire City.

Everyone was worried that they would be killed by the tree thrown by the mountain giant and wanted to become a four-legged beast.

Damn it!

It's worthy of being the legendary giant, it's so violent!

The big tree tens of meters high, looked like a wooden stick in their eyes, and it was thrown hundreds of meters away at once.

This power was so powerful that it was terrifying.


"Go back and report to the city lord and inform the mercenary union, magician union, and temple of light. All the forces must notify that the Nature elves have brought mountain giants to attack Sapphire City!"

The human mercenary screamed while running fast.

Soon they disappeared from the vision of the elven army.

"Attack Sapphire City?

Leon, wearing an elf crown, laughed blankly.

Agatha said, "Your Majesty, will this cause any misunderstandings?"

Leon smiled and said: "My dear queen, don't worry, it is merely a city, it is not brave enough to go to war with us."

"His Majesty."

Agatha carefully glanced at Usmarie and others.

Although she had shared the bed with Leon, she hadn't put on the crown of the elf queen, after all, and had not accepted the blessing from the elven goddess, which is illegal in layman's terms.

Seeing Usmarie and their expressions were normal, she breathed a sigh of relief.

When the elven army was marching, the news of the attack was also sent back to Sapphire City by the human mercenaries.

Sapphire City is the border city of the Betema Empire, one of the three human empires. It is adjacent to the Dark Night Forest. Although it is not big, it is not small.

There are tall stone walls on all its sides.

The architectural style of the city is a bit like that of a western city in the Middle Ages of the earth.

Sapphire City has a population of hundreds of thousands and is very prosperous.

This is because, adjacent to Sapphire City is the Dark Night Forest, which has a large number of monster gathering spots.

There are more monsters, so there will Naturally be more mercenaries. Therefore, many chambers of commerce will come here to buy the materials of the monsters, and then sell them to other cities.


City Lord Mansion

Lord Komke is a middle-aged man with a big belly.

Although he is very ordinary, he is a powerful ruler.

Looking at the city defense officer who came over to report the news, he had a dazed expression on his face.

"What did you say?"

"The Nature elves of the dark night forest brought the mountain giants to attack the sapphire city?!"




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