Chapter 70

The city defense officer wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He didn't quite believe it either.

But when the mercenaries were talking, they were all eloquent, and they were almost crying in a hurry. No way, he had to arrest people first, and then report back.

"My Lord, this is how things are!"

After listening to the city defense officer's narration.

City Lord Komke frowned and said, "Are these mercenaries taking drugs?"

The city defense officer sweated and quickly said: "I checked them one by one. They were not drugged or affected by any magic. It should be true."

City Lord said: "I know that in the Dark Night Forest, the number of Nature elves cannot reach the numbers of ten to twenty thousand unless the people from the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce are blinded.

The city defense officer said: "My lord, do you want to report this matter to the Marquis Bauhinia? Although Sapphire City is not the territory of the Marquis, if there is an army of elves coming to attack Sapphire City, he is also obliged to call the Mammoth Knights for reinforcement."

Komke waved his hand: "Don't disturb the Marquis, for the time being, the matter of the Elf army is not certain. In addition, don't notify the people of the trade union, so as not to cause trouble.

"My City Lord, it's too late!"

"What's late?"

"As soon as that group of mercenaries returned to the city, they yelled like lunatics. The mercenary union, magician union, and temple of light, it is difficult for them to not know. The city is now in turmoil, and many people have rushed to the city walls, to go outside and see the Nature elves.

"to see the nature elves?"

"Yes! It is said that all Nature elves are very beautiful, with pointed ears and noble temperament, not to mention the commoners, even the nobles have run out of the city.


Komke's round face was completely dark.

If it is really an army of Nature elves attacking the city, aren't these people going to die?

"Go! Follow me to the city wall!


Mercenary union.

"My guild master, there was a message from mercenaries just now that the army of Nature elves and the mountain giants are preparing to attack our Sapphire City. They are not far from Sapphire City.

The elderly chairman directly fell from the recliner hearing this.

"Help me up!

"is this news true?

"This, I'm not sure yet! That group of mercenaries has been arrested by the guards of City Lord, charged with spreading rumors and disturbing the stability of Sapphire City.

"That's mean it's fake?"

"It doesn't look like a fake. as many people are running out of the city to meet the army of Nature elves, not just civilians, but also a large number of nobles."

"Welcome? These reckless guys!"

"After all, it is a Nature elf from the legend. If I didn't have to report the news to you, I would go too."

The elderly president said: "What is the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce doing now? They have the most contact with nature elves. Do they think this news is true or not?"

"My guild leader, when I just came over, I saw that Miss Vivian from the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce had already taken someone out of the city."

"Call the mercenaries in the city and go up to the city wall!"

"Yes, President!"


Magicians' Guild.

"What's with the noise? The medicine I just prepared has been ruined by you. Who will pay me?"

"The army of elves is here, so what kind of potions are you making!"

"Did you smoke too much medicine?"

"Believe it or not! I'm going outside the city anyway. It's a Nature elf from the legend. I heard that there are also mountain giants and unicorns. I have never seen this kind of scene in my life!

"Let's go quickly, otherwise, we won't even have a place later."

"Wait for me!

Many passionate magicians also ran out of the union, driven by curiosity.


Temple of Light.

A group of priests in white robes are gathering together.

"The Guardian Knight Hobbes has been to the Dark Night Forest for two full days, and has not returned yet, and there is no news. Most likely he has encountered an accident!"

"oh, god of light!"

"The Guardian Knight Hobbes is a dragon-slaying warrior. His belief in the God of Light is so firm, how could he be killed by evil forces?"

"Evil power cannot kill the guardian knight who believes in the god of light. Lord Hobbs has been summoned by the god of light, and his soul will gain eternal life in the kingdom of God!"

"The Hobbes Guardian Knight is lucky. He is one step ahead of us.

"Yes, I am very envious!"

A group of sacrificial offerings[ A.K.A -Fanatics] talked about Hobbs dragon-slaying warrior with expressionless faces.

At this time, news of the arrival of the elven army came in.

"Nature elves, these heretics who never want to believe in the God of Light, dare to attack the Sapphire City guarded by the Temple of Light. Every Nature elves should be sent to the torture frame and let the holy flame burn their bodies and souls!"

"heretics, all should be sacrificed to God!"

"The fire dragon mercenary group must have been destroyed in the hands of the Nature elves!"

"So, shall we go out?

"No! We are the sacrifice to the light, the war should be entrusted to the Knights of Retribution in the temple!"

"But in Sapphire City, the Knights were not disciplined."

"I believe that the warriors with the mercenaries and magicians of the Betamar Empire will be able to withstand the army of Nature elves! Although many heretics among them should be sent to the torture frame, their dedication is commendable."

"It makes sense!"

The priests agreed.

Only a few sacrifices sighed imperceptibly.

Outside Sapphire City.

A large number of humans have gathered in a short period of time.

There are knights, magicians, nobles, and commoners.

Almost everyone is here to join in the fun, wanting to see whether the legendary Nature elves really represent beauty, nobility, and holiness, as told in the legends.

Some people want to see mountain giants and rare sacred unicorns.

Everyone was stretched their necks.

Looking at the direction in the distance, looking forward to seeing the elves.

"Nature elves! That is a high-level race that once ruled half of the sacred continent. When the elven empire has not collapsed, we humans were still tribal society."

"I will see the beautiful Nature elves soon, I am so excited!

"I don't know if it's true or not.

"If it's fake, I must skin the skins of those mercenaries! Let them know that the mercy of the nobles is not for them, even though they have a powerful force!

Hearing this, some mercenaries frowned.

But they did not get angry, but chose to retreat.

In human society, people are divided into four classes.

Nobles, professionals, civilians, slaves.

People with titles of nobility will always stand at the highest point and look down upon them as professionals. Their status in human society is only higher than that of civilians.

At this moment, a loud noise sounded.

Many people were exclaiming.

Because in the distant sky, a huge army suddenly appeared.

They had a neat lineup, and apart from the sound of footsteps, the entire army made no sound.

Countless people became excited.

"Oh, god of light! It's really a Nature elf in the legend!

"They are here!!"
