Chapter 117 Dragon Islands, Silver Dragon Princess Hilary

In the depths of the West Sea, thousands of miles away from the sacred continent, there were hundreds of large and small islands.

In the sky above the island, a dense number of giant figures hovered.

If anyone saw this scene, they would scream in horror.

Because those huge figures were all giant dragons.

Thousands of dragons of various attributes!

Fire dragon, poison dragon, green dragon, frost dragon, wind dragon, king dragon, and the rarer silver dragon, diamond dragon, emerald dragon, metal dragon, light dragon, and so on.

These giant dragons flapped their wings and formed an amazing coalition at high altitudes.

Their roar pierced the ears and jolted the sea storm around the island.

The scene was utterly shocking.

And these islands were the gathering place of dragons in the West Sea, also known as the Dragon Islands!

In the Sacred Continent, few people know the existence of the Dragon Islands, because almost no one can travel across thousands of miles of the sea to reach the Dragon Islands.

Even with the favor of the goddess of luck helping them, if someone reaches the Dragon Islands, they will become food for the dragon.

After all, not all dragons are of a good kind.

Any attempt to steal their treasures, dragon tombs, or even a small stone from the Dragon Islands will result into a brutal hunt down.

The dragon's breath is not for a display.

Even in the human world of the Holy Continent, there have been incidents in which large cities were burned to ashes by the dragon's breath, and hundreds of thousands of humans were wiped out overnight.

But at the same time from time to time, the three human empires will gradually be left with the legend of dragon-slaying warriors.


Just at this time.

There was a loud roar of the dragon.

Hearing this sound, the giant dragon group hovering high in the sky suddenly fired away.

Thousands of dragons swooped towards the archipelago below like kamikaze bombers and soon disappeared.

When the dragons dispersed.

A silver dragon with a body length of tens of meters appeared high above the sky. Its dense silver-white dragon scales radiated extremely dazzling light under the sunlight.

At this time, the silver dragon changed its body and turned into a woman wearing a long silver dress.

She has an extremely beautiful face, a slender figure, and an extremely arrogant expression.

She stretched out her slender right hand, and grabbed in the air, she grabbed an aurora that was still hundreds of meters away from her hand.

"What's this?"

She looked at the arrow in her hand and raised her eyebrows.

"The arrow has a strong nature attribute magic!"

She hesitated for a moment, then took the arrow and flew to the big island in the center of the Dragon Islands.

Soon, she walked into a majestic palace covered with gold coins, gold and silver objects, magic gems, and even the top weapons from the human world.

In the center of the main hall, on a mountain of gleaming gold coins, lies a huge dragon, which is at least a hundred meters long, like a giant beast from ancient times.

"Howl, whistle.

The sleeping dragon was panting heavily, and its nostrils burst into flames with its breath.

suddenly, the dragon woke up.

It raised its huge head and stared fiercely at the woman in the silver dress who walked in.

The woman in the silver skirt looked at the treasure under the dragon and couldn't help but narrowed her eyes.

The dragon roared: "Hilary, you greedy girl, you don't want to take another gold coin from this emperor! Even if I die, they will be buried with me!

Silver Dragon Princess Hilary rolled her eyes.

"My dear grandfather, you are the great patriarch of the dragon clan, no one dared to peep into your treasure. I came to you for a business."

"My business is to sleep!"

The dragon lay on the mountain of gold coins once again after confirming the visitor.

However, its pair of golden vertical pupils did not close, and it had been staring closely at its granddaughter Silver Dragon Princess Hilary.

This girl is a little thief whom he has to keep an eye on, as she stole a lot of gold coins last time. Although Hilary did not admit it, he knew she had stolen it.

Silver Dragon Princess Hilary took out the elven arrow in her hand.

"Grandfather, I found this outside. Its purpose is very clear. It is coming towards our Dragon Islands!"

"This is...

The dragon king glanced at the arrow.

Then he transformed his body into an old man in a gray robe.

He is the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, Dragon Emperor Fergreen.

"Let me see!"

The dragon king Fergreen seemed to move instantaneously, and appeared in front of the silver dragon princess in an instant, and took the elven arrow over, and after careful inspection, he said: "This is the elven arrow of the nature elf clan.

When the nature elven empire fought against the abyssal demon back then, This is the thing that the various armies use to transmit information. You are young and lazy, so naturally, you wouldn't know it!

Hilary rolled her eyes again.

She just wanted to ask, which dragon among them is not lazy?

But soon Hilary was surprised: "Why did the elves come to our dragon clan?"

"This elven arrow has only one function, and that is to convey information!"

Dragon Emperor Fergreen easily obtained the information contained in the elven document, and then his face showed a surprised expression.

Seeing this Hilary asked, "Grandfather, what does this document say?"

Dragon King Fergreen said: "The nature elves are about to establish a kingdom, located in the dark night forest on the border of the Betema Empire. His Majesty the Elf King wants to invite our dragon clan to attend the ceremony o…"

While talking, Dragon King Fergreen erased the magic power from the elven document and put it together with his treasure.

Hilary said anxiously: "Grandfather, that is mine!"

Dragon King Fergreen sneered: "This is the elven document used by the Elf King to convey information to the Dragon King of the Dragon Race. When I die, or you are promoted to the demigod level, you can have this elven document!"

Hilary stomped her feet with anger.

Taking advantage of the fact that Dragon Emperor Fergreen was not paying attention, she waved away and took away a lot of gold coins and magic gems.

Dragon Emperor Fergreen suddenly said angrily: "Hilary, I knew you were the one who was robbing my treasure, but now I have finally captured it!"

Hilary snorted: "Who asked you to grab my accolade, this is an exchange!

Dragon Emperor Fergreen was so angry that his nostrils were flaring.

But in the end, he decided to forgive the Silver Dragon Princess Hilary.

Hilary asked, "Grandfather, are you going to attend the ceremony?"

"Of course.…."

Dragon Emperor Fergreen glanced at the treasure behind him, and immediately shook his head and said, "No!"

Hilary said indifferently: "nature elves are a high-level race that can rival our dragons. their identity and blood are equal to yours, are you really not going for such a kind invitation? Maybe your refusal will directly break the relationship between the nature elves and the dragon race!"

Dragon Emperor Fergreen's face twitched.

The problem is that he is reluctant to leave his own treasure.

If he is to leave his treasure they will be a hundred percent taken away by his granddaughter.

This was a very big blow to his prestige.

Just like the unfilial daughter who stole half of his treasure, and then didn't know where she went to sleep and didn't dare to come back to see him for decades.

At this time, Dragon Emperor Fergreen's eyes suddenly brightened.

"My dear Hilary, you are the silver dragon, and the princess of our dragon clan, so on behalf of your grandfather, you will go to the sacred continent to participate in the founding ceremony of the nature elves clan!"

Hilary stretched out her hand and gestured.

"My grandfather, I want this much.


Dragon Emperor Fergreen yelled and roared: "Even if I die, I will not…

Hilary smiled and said: "Yes, I know that even if you die, these treasures will become your funeral items. Then, you can go to the Holy Continent by yourself, and I will take care of them for you. No one can Steal your treasure under the eyes of this dragon princess!"

Dragon Emperor Fergreen :(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




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Thankyou, For the stones. lets aim for 1000 stones.

You made me very happy.(~ ̄▽ ̄)~