Chapter 118 Deep Sea Crystal Palace, Queen Medusa

The endless dark storm was shrouding the sea.

The purple thunder is like countless snakes twirling and twisting, appeared at the end of the ocean with the sound of rolling thunder and pouring rain.

Just at this time.

A beautiful aurora pierced through the dense thunder and went through the dark storm that could destroy everything, and pierced straight into the sea.

The aurora passed through the erratic sea.

Diving all the way to the bottom of the sea, the whole surrounding area was pitch dark.

I don't know how long it took.

A dazzling light appeared at the bottom of the deep sea, and countless sea ethnicities were swimming near the white light.

Unlike the orcs, most sea tribes maintain their original appearance. Sharks are sharks and sea crocodiles are sea crocodiles. Apart from their extremely high intelligence, sea tribes are not very different from ordinary marine creatures.

Of course, this is the majority.

There are also a small number of sea races that have achieved evolution.

For example, Murloc, Medusa.

When the aurora appeared, a giant shark nearly 100 meters long appeared in front of it an instant and then transformed into a burly man with a hideous face.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the Aurora directly in his hand.

"An arrow?"

The burly man looked at the elven arrow in his hand, suddenly shocked.

He originally thought it would be some kind of treasure, or the foreign enemy wanted to spy on the secrets of the royal family, but he never expected it was just an arrow.

"It's not the magic of the sea, this nature magic comes from a distant sacred continent?"

The burly man frowned.

He hesitated for a moment and took the elven arrow into the underwater world shrouded in white light.

It was very magical that there was no seawater in this white light-shrouded world, just like that layer of rich light separates the seawater from the land.


In this underwater world, there were a large number of beautiful palaces, all of which are piled up with deep-sea crystals from the ocean world, exuding an extremely dreamy light, just like the legendary crystal palace.

When he came to the door of one of the palaces, the burly man stopped.

On the square outside the palace, there were a large number of stone statues, each statue was lifelike as if there were alive or will come alive the next second.

The burly man did not dare to walk up the steps of the palace.

He lowered his head and waited quietly.

Sure enough, after a while, the gate of the palace slowly opened.

A woman with a beautiful face came out from the inside.

Her skin was white, but her head was full of poisonous snakes with fangs. These tiny poisonous snakes coiled around the back of her head like her hair.

Like Naga, this woman did not have human legs, but slender snake tails.

However, where the snake tail of the Naga clan is dark green, the woman's snake tail was dark blue, the blue of the sea.

"Dear Elder Medusa!"

The burly man bowed respectfully, and handed the elven arrows to the woman with both hands, and said: "This is what this servant found when he was patrolling outside. It seems to come from a distant sacred continent!"

From the fact that a strong man can transform into a human form, it can be seen that his rank is at least a holy rank.

But in front of Elder Medusa, he looked extremely humble.

He didn't even dare to look up at Elder Medusa.

If you look closely, you will find that his body, which is as strong as an orc, was trembling.

Elder Medusa accepted the elven arrow blankly.

After a slight glance, he twisted the dark blue snake's tail and returned to the palace without saying a word from beginning to end.

After Elder Medusa walked into the palace, the gate of the palace closed suddenly.

The burly man breathed a sigh of relief.

And dared to stand up, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, and at the same time looking at the statues in the palace courtyard with a frightening look.

Among the statues, there were humans holding magic wands, huge sea creatures, deep sea evil monsters with hideous faces, and giant dragons with open mouths…

The burly man did not dare to stay here any longer.

He quickly left this beautiful underwater world, which made him quiver all over.

Elder Medusa holding an elven arrow.

Walked into a gorgeous palace.

In the depths of the palace, on the big bed carved from deep sea ice jade, there was an extremely beautiful woman.

She was also a Medusa.[t/l-medusa is a race= like the snake girl in greek myth]

However, the difference between Elder Medusa and her is that whether it is the group of poisonous snakes coiling behind her head, or the snake tail under her body, they were all noble golden yellow.

Elder Medusa's expression quickly changed from indifferent to respectful, and she saluted: "Your Majesty the Queen, this is an elf document from the Holy Continent. The nature elf seems to be sending you some kind of message."

"Elves document?"

Queen Medusa twisted her golden snake's tail and swam down from the ice jade bed.

"If I remember correctly, it has been tens of thousands of years since our Medusa clan received any news from the nature elves.

On her extremely beautiful face, there was an extremely seductive smile.

Her voice with infinite temptation can even make countless men fall in despair.

Elder Medusa respectfully said: "Yes, Your Majesty! Since the noble Elf King disappeared with the powerful men of the nature Elf Empire, we have also lost contact with the nature Elves. According to the news that the servants inquired, The nature elves have long lost their former glory, and even their ancestral land, the sacred Lake of the Goddess, has been occupied by the Temple of Light."

Queen Medusa sighed slightly.

"At that time, our ancestors and the mighty nature elves empire together fought against the demons from the abyss. At that time, how brilliant the nature elves clan was! There were countless armies, ancient tree men, druid dragons, dark elves, and many more regiments. The glory of the elves and blood elves is a pity, after all, they have disappeared under the magical power of time!"

With emotion, Queen Medusa accepted the elven document handed over by the elder medusa.

As she read the information contained in the elven document.

Queen Medusa's golden pupils brightened, and she smiled and said: "The nature elves have gotten a great elven king. He is going to rebuild the kingdom of nature elves in the dark night forest on the border of the Betema Empire and has invited us. Looks like the Medusa clan is going to attend a ceremony."

Hearing this, Elder Medusa's face changed.

And she hurriedly persuaded: "Your Majesty the Queen, the Holy Continent is no better than it was in the past. It was the era of the nature elves, and we and the nature elves have enough friendship. But now, there are many dangers there. The rich territory is occupied by the human empire. The savannah is the territory of the orcs, and the dwarves occupy the mountains of the gods. If there is a danger, the nature elves have no ability to help us.

Queen Medusa shook her head and said: "It is not the nature spirits that help us, but we help them! Just like the noble god-level elf king back then, he built this hidden palace in the deep sea for our Medusa clan with his vast divine power. It's time for us to repay the favor."

Elder Medusa fell silent immediately.

Just at this time.

An elf who was only a dozen centimeters tall flew over.

"Sister Queen, I can smell the breath of nature elves!"




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Thankyou, For the stones. lets aim for 1000 stones.

You made me very happy.(~ ̄▽ ̄)~