The Art Of Risky Business

Back at Telekon HQ, Mr Oswald was somehow still in charge, but now he was holding on for dear life to his position as Chairman, but he quickly realised that time to come up with ways to rebuild trust in his employees was now more scarce than ever before, his insurgents had helped him out through his biggest challenges, and now he needed them more than ever.

"Is this it?" Oswald thought, "Is this my downfall?" He had to think fast, and called an emergency meeting with his insurgency, to try and come up with a plan to stay in control of Telekon for at least a little longer. "So, my friends, the question is, what do we do to end all of this mess?" Oswald had never been so scared in his life, this was the closest he'd ever come to losing power, he loved his job, but he knew that his employees did not love him.

"Well, any ideas?" he said impatiently, one of them spoke up "Well, I hate to break it to you, but the C.P.D is coming to pay us a visit" Oswald thought hard, a visit from the C.P.D was the last thing he wanted, especially with all the pressure he was under, but he remained calm "Actually that could help us, now that I know about the C.P.D's visit, we can come up with an idea or two while they're looking around, tell me, when are they arriving? "Erm, tomorrow I think" the insurgent replied. "So that means we've got to be quick then"

His own insurgency knew that his job was on the line. "I suppose time is the enemy on this occasion, and if we don't conjure up something before they arrive, I'm screwed" it was going to be a crucial few hours if he was going to keep his position as Chairman, how was he going to overcome his latest hurdle?

"I've got an idea" one of the insurgents hinted, Oswald was intrigued, this was a good sign that things were about to get interesting, "Well, tell us what you've got in mind then" the insurgent proceeded to explain his ideas, for a few minutes, the whole room when silent as they listened to his scheme while Oswald took note, "And that is how we're going to keep us in charge" he finished with. Oswald was stunned, "That is one of the best ideas anyone could ever be blessed with!" his confidence had all of a sudden been replenished, "You are a genius!" Oswald and the insurgency now had hope once more, this was for sure a turning point in his time as Chairman, but there was still lots of work to do.

Next on the agenda was how they were going to tackle the Photon Fluid smuggling that had occurred in recent months, "Another thing we have to keep in mind, my friends" Oswald continued, "Is that illegal Photon Fluid exports are at an all-time high, who knows what sort of chicanery they could be using" Oswald was still struggling to come up with a solution to the exports, he had tried and failed on many occasions, but now with a major confidence boost thanks to the schemes that he and his insurgency had come up with, he felt like this was the time to settle the score once and for all.

"How we solve this issue will be our biggest task" Oswald mentioned, the room once again fell silent as the insurgency attempted to come up with some form of action to tackle the Photon Fluid exports, "I think what's going on here" one of the insurgents stated "I've got a hunch that the confiscation of Photon Fluid may have given our employees an urge to defy our orders" Oswald wasn't sure if he agreed with what the insurgent said or not, but he kept listening "There's no doubt in my mind that they are taking action against our regime, don't you think?" Oswald now had some idea of his employees' plans to oust him from power, he had enough evidence to prove that his employees had a scheme of their own.

"Now things have gotten interesting" Oswald uttered, knowing what was about to unfold, in some way, this meeting would act as the catalyst for the imminent power struggle that was to come, but Oswald was focusing on the present, not the future, he didn't want to get carried away, especially with all the progress that he and his insurgency had made "I feel like we're ready to tackle these issues head on" the whole room agreed in unison, for month, the insurgency had been waning in power and confidence, but all of a sudden, things had changed, Oswald had managed to bring the whole insurgency together, as they all had one common goal, to keep Oswald in charge.

"So, all in favour of putting these plans in action?" Oswald asked, nearly all of the insurgency raised their hands, "Now this is more like it" he had now had all of the momentum to hold on to his position as Chairman, but he knew it was going to be a tough few days, weeks, and even months ahead, but he was prepared, so far everything was going to plan. "Right, I'm pleased to say that we are now prepared to fight back and remind our employees who's in charge around here" Oswald declared, the insurgency cheered, and with that, the meeting concluded.

Oswald was now alone once again, despite his reign of power being under threat, he continued as normal, as he had been for the last 14 years, "Looks like my gamble paid off nicely" he looked out of the sole window in the room, admiring the place he had helped create years ago "How times have changed, people will never think of me in the same way ever again" and that was the truth, he was no longer seen as the innovative engineer that he once was, "Maybe stepping down as Chairman after I achieve my goals might be a good idea", he thought, but it was no more than that, a thought, he now had other things to plan for, his battle to stay in power was only just beginning, the game was afoot.