
And so the day had arrived, the CPD were on their way to the Alpha Complex, and the insurgency's battle plans were primed and ready to go, with so much going on within the walls of the building, things were bound to kick off, "This is not the first time that our paths have crossed, and it's an absolute certainty that this will not be the last time, either" Oswald said with a hint of sarcasm, he knew that the CPD would do anything imaginable to send him to the cellars of Cybrion City Prison, but he was not going to let the law reign victorious this time around.

"Well gentlemen, they're nearly here" Oswald announced to his followers, "The CPD is a familiar challenge to us, and we've outsmarted them time and time again, so the last thing I want to see is any of you lot getting handcuffed and sent to the cellars, you got that?" the insurgency rallied behind him as they all listened in, Oswald was a master of planning schemes on the scale of the one he was about to execute, and if this particular one went according to plan, his grip on power could be on a level that no employee had never been seen before. "Right, strap yourselves in, boys, we might be in for a tough few hours"

Eventually, the CPD arrived at the building and the insurgency prepared for action, Officer Craldow, was one of the CPD's most respected officers, was heading the investigation, and he was convinced that something was happening behind the scenes. "Hello, we received several phone calls from some of the employees here over the last few weeks in regards to allegations of corruption and potential criminal activity, we thought we'd come here and just inspect the place to see what all the fuss is" Craldow was no stranger to dealing with shady organisations, just a couple of years ago he took down a notorious gang who were illegally selling an alcohol called Tranquillity, which was popular within the alleyways of the city, it was a tradition for gang members to consume the beverage before a shootout commenced to liven things up.

"Well, come on in" Ray exclaimed, for many employees, he was their best chance of surviving the insurgency's nefarious plots, and it was thanks to him that many employees had been saved from a grizzly fate, "I guess I shall get started with this one" Craldow muttered, and he began by paying a visit to the HQ's former security office.

Concerns had been raised over the reliability of Telekon's security systems, it had experienced a myriad of problems and errors that had occurred over the last few years, and it seemed like no one could be bothered to fix it, so it stood untouched and out of operation for weeks and even months at a time, attempts had been made to get the office back into service, all of them unsuccessful, it had given the employees nothing but trouble. Craldow entered the now-deserted room.

"I see this place hasn't been cared for" he proclaimed, "Look at the state of this place, everything in here is pretty much beyond repair from what I can see" most of the computers, cameras & tape machines in there were well and truly, broken. All that was left in the room were some notebooks belonging to former security personnel, and a lone monitor which had been left behind during a failed restoration of the office.

"Hmm, that is interesting" Craldow muttered as he caught a glimpse of the blank screen, "I'm a bit reluctant to see what's been left on here, but here we go, I guess" he turned it on, and was greeted by a strange message "Files sucessfully downloaded" Craldow then suddenly realised what he had stumbled across, "Well, what could potentially be suspicious about this?" Ray asked him, Craldow, not wanting to give anything away, turned towards Ray and mouthed "This could be it" and indeed it was.

He proceeded to click on the files, and immediately gazed at what Oswald's closest allies had somehow managed to cover up, dozens and dozens of documents relating to several financial felonies they had been concocting, some of which had gone unnoticed for years, "You see this, Ray" Craldow said, grinning, "This is what I've been waiting for" the truth was out at last, and with this discovery, there was now growing evidence that Oswald had more than just his insurgency keeping him in charge. "I've seen some pretty cunning crimes in my day, but this is simply ridiculous" he was curious of how these potential criminals had gotten away with something of this magnitude.

"Well, we've seen the proof that all of this was happening behind our back, what next?" Ray asked, Craldow hesitated for a split second, "We could arrest them, get that lot out of the way" he replied, Ray gave him a cold look "What good would that do? Oswald's got an insurgency protecting him and his goons, there is a good chance you'll have your head taken clean off if you mess with them" Craldow knew that the insurgency would do anything imaginable to silence any witnessess to their actions, or more accurately, murder them. "I've got an idea, we'll strike when they least expect it" he wasn't sure if it was going to work, given the fact that Oswald's insurgency we're always surveilling the building, but he was optimistic that it would blow Oswald's cover.

Speaking of Oswald, he and his insurgency were busy monitoring the CPD's every move, when all of a sudden, one of them came bursting through the door, "Boss!" he cried, "Ugh, what now?" Oswald said, shaking his head, his patience level at that point was about 1%, he wanted things done, he was sick and tired of being distracted by other matters, "I think we're in a bit of bother" he said, "Well, tell me" Oswald said, he was concerned that something might have gone horribly wrong during their plan. "See the thing is, boss, I overheard an interesting conversation, and it did not sound pleasing from what I heard" Oswald didn't like where this was going "I think they may have just leaked the files, boss..."