Rise of project berserker

One day 26-year-old Alex Storm was walking home after the graduation ceremony at the college that he attended had come to a spectacular conclusion less than 2 hours ago unaware that someone with evil intentions is following him but it was already too late for the person after the former college student came up behind right into his blindspot where he can't see anything and knocked him out with a heavy piece of 2x4 to the back of the head finally after being unconscious for 24 hours our protagonist wakes up in an old abandoned laboratory somewhere deep underground where he's in a tank submerged in a special liquid designed to keep him sedated while an evil organization that's compromised of the 9 smartest people in the world are monitoring his progress.

Chapter 2: Rise of project berserker part 2

It's been several days since Alex Storm was kidnapped by an evil organization now revealed as Cerberus who is hell-bent on world domination and now they've begun to experiment on him in the hopes of making him into a weapon so they start the process by torturing him to break his spirit physically, mentally and emotionally which includes injecting the dangerous program designated as project #0: berserker into his body along with a shapeshifting ability that will allow our hero to transform any part of him into what he desires based on the state of his emotions and his strong willpower coupled with the willingness to survive the harshest environments under a temperature of -90 degrees below zero.

Chapter 3: Rise of project berserker part 3

After the experiment was finally completed Alex Storm managed to escape by killing the majority of the guards and then used his newfound strength to blow up a door made out of a powerful titanium metal alloy where he disappeared into the Alaskan wilderness and had found companionship with a beautiful woman who found him outside cold and alone while he was attempting to find some safe shelter from the snowstorm that rolled in and blanketed the soft ground overnight causing everything to be covered in frost.

Chapter 4: The berserker strikes part 1

It has been 10 months since Alex Storm managed to escape from the laboratory that belongs to Cerberus the evil organization that experimented on him and so much has changed since then for example the young man had to master his newfound powers including the dangerous berserk mode program that was injected into his body and his shapeshifting abilities now the time has come for him to exact his revenge on the group who experimented with the intentions of transforming him into a weapon which was originally intended to make him a super-soldier capable of unparalleled feats of strength however there was a few drawbacks and side effects that comes from the procedures that were being administered such as going on a rampage as a mindless killing machine with a thirst for destruction or painfully transforming into something more terrifying.

Chapter 5: The berserker strikes part 2

Alex Storm began to plan his revenge however he needs to make the necessary preparations very carefully otherwise it could have the possibility of backfiring in a bad way which would mean that his life as an innocent civilian wouldn't be the same ever again because everything has changed with the prospects of a greater evolution especially when mankind has to adapt to evolve into a higher level of existence bringing an unpredictable future in the days or ages to come that'll cause an unforeseeable event in the aftermath of nuclear war or something on a larger scale which can eventually put a lot of people on edge causing trust issues which could mean nobody will be able to tell who is a friend or who is an enemy which draws a line between good and evil.

Chapter 6: The berserker strikes part 3

Alex Storm is looking at the map that he stole from the laboratory which contains the locations of the other labs that's hidden around the world ranging from China to Greece based on the evil organization Cerberus has in mind whether it's chemical warfare or biotech enhancement programs that have been designed for one purpose and that's to create the ultimate killer which will bring about the next stage of human evolution or turn the person into a mindless berserker with the body of a human but with the brains and instincts of an animal which will only have a desire to shed blood.

Chapter 7:The berserker strikes part 4

Alex Storm is finally ready to put his plans into action but he'll need to plan everything perfectly because each facility is guarded by an army of 20 robotic soldiers that's impervious to pain with a general leading them which means things could go south really fast and with the slightest of a mistake occurring all hell can break loose at the drop of a hat which will then allow the evil organization Cerberus to amass their forces causing them to become an even bigger threat than the greatest villains that ever lived such as the legendary black knight who once existed in the medieval era, Morgana le Fay an enchantress from Camelot who became corrupted by her magic which caused her to travel down a path of darkness and Loki the god of mischief from the Norse mythology which had each of them being depicted as the enemies of King Author, Thor the god of thunder and a king of 18th century England.

Chapter 8: The berserker strikes part 5

Alex Storm finally makes his move and travels to 1 of the 8 hidden laboratories and gets ready to destroy it with an explosive device that will shut down its network which will then affect the machines in the other facilities however the final facility is going to be harder to take it down because they invented three programs one which is called project rebirth that's designed to resurrect anything dead for centuries, project blade edge which can make a person into an armored powerhouse with the ability to cut through virtually anything and the final experiment that has been titled project elemental which gives the person the power to control all the elements which also allows that one is to create any weapon based on the respective element and characteristics that they possess.

Chapter 9: The berserker strikes part 6

Alex Storm arrives outside of the delta research lab and plans to blow the facility straight to hell and after much careful consideration plus the preparations necessary required proceeds to the power core which is located in the facilities lower level however he'll need to kill the guards that's patrolling the outer and inner perimeter first which means it'll be harder to infiltrate because there's a detection system that was designed to sense all forms of energy such as infrared lasers, solar energy or geothermal power based on their intensity and density however it's vulnerable to a burst of energy that's emitted from a grenade that releases a powerful electromagnetic pulse which was created to disrupt and disable all manners of electronic equipment making everything virtually useless.

Chapter 10: The destruction of the delta research lab part 1

Alex Storm manages to enter the facility after killing 10 of the guards that were patrolling the inner and outer perimeter and now begins a straight forward path to the laboratories power core where the explosive device will activate causing a chain reaction that'll shut down the evil organizations entire network however it won't be that simple because the building is powered by a photon fusion reactor and if the slightest amount of ionic energy penetrates the central battery it'll cause a massive power overload which means everything in its path could potentially end up being vaporized by the intense heat that's emitted from three generators that are located in each area starting the west wing and ending at the southeast wing henceforth the power source will have to be replaced upon its destruction.

Chapter 11: The destruction of the delta research lab part 2

Alex Storm arrives at the 1st generator that's located in the west wing of the laboratory and begins to blow it up by placing a military-grade C4 explosive on the fuel gauge now our hero sets it on a timer of 1 hour and 32 seconds which gives him enough time to proceed to the last 2 generators which are located in the northeast and southeast wing where he'll plant the remaining C4 explosives before escaping the facility after he exits the building the entire place will blow sky high which will cause the plans of the organization to get set back by 1 or 2 years at the most meaning they'll have to

rebuild everything from the ground up since the hard work that they've put into their experiments could die with them.

Chapter 12: The destruction of the delta research lab part 3

Alex Storm proceeds to the next generator in the northeast with of the laboratory where he plants the 2nd military-grade C4 explosive before moving on to the last one in the facility which will disable the force field that's protecting up the other 7 laboratories because once that happens those places will under heavy assault by the allied forces that's camping out in the woods which is 5 to 20 miles from a nearby town since they've got orders from their superiors to stop them by any means necessary which includes taking out the AA cannons and the plasma guns which are mounted on the towers as well the supply train that's scheduled to arrive every 3 months plus the R&D research lab that's in a secured location that can only be accessed by the military personnel that's on-site since they do a 10 rotation which involves switching back and forth with the one soldier who's on watch duty during each shift.

Chapter 13: The destruction of the delta research lab part 4

Alex Storm arrives at the laboratories 3rd and final generator where he plants the last military-grade C4 explosive before proceeding to leave the facility in order to watch the place get blown up at a safe distance because each C4 explosive charge weighs 1.25lbs and with it multiplied 3x the combined weight is 3.75lbs since each one has a detonation velocity of 8,092 m/s which is basically (26,550 ft/s) and if all of them were added together to make a single C4 the total velocity would be over 16,000 m/s with a total of (79,650 ft/s) which could almost be the equivalent of a bomb or the explosive power of nitroglycerin since that particular element is very unstable once ignited by intense shock or rapid heating which could make the oxygen inside detonate at 218 degrees Celcius which is (424 degrees Fahrenheit) meaning anything in 6 square miles or a 1/4 blast radius could end up being caught in the explosion which'll reduce an entire into rubble leaving nothing but death and destruction in its wake.

Chapter 14: The destruction of the delta research lab part 5

Alex Storm manages to reach the laboratories final generator where he plants the last C4 explosive and he leaves the facility via a hidden exit point located on the 3rd floor to the right which can be found behind a door that requires an access code or a hacking tool that was designed to override any electronic lock or computer terminals. however, the other nearest escape route is inside the building's office which is underneath the floor which can be accessed by the password causing the desk to move to reveal a hidden staircase which leads anyone to a massive steel door which could also cause our hero to end up on a road to a nearby settlement when survivors are hiding from corrupt enforcers that are on the organization's payroll.

Chapter 15: The destruction of the delta research lab part 6

Alex Storm decides to use the steel door located in the facilities office to avoid being detected by the remaining guards that's now patrolling the hallways searching for him and so our hero finally arrives at a safe location away from the laboratory where all the C4 explosives detonate at the same time after the 1 hour and 32 second time limit on each explosive is up which takes out the whole building and the people along with it following its destruction which means that the prototype weapons inside are destroyed meaning they're all deemed unsalvageable and impossible to repair so now that's one laboratory down which means that they're now seven more laboratories to go.

Chapter 16: The destruction of the delta research lab part 7

After Alex Storm blew up the 1st Facility our hero proceeds into the next phase which is to destroy the 2nd research lab that the evil organization has titled laboratory #2: Gamma because of the various experiments that revolve around gamma radiation which is very dangerous to control since it can either increase the efficiency of the human body which means it's made into a super-soldier serum designed to transform the person into the perfect warrior or turn that same person into a monster of pure rage who only desires to smash and destroy anything that it sees as a threat because it's like a computer program deciding that all threats to humanity must be eliminated.

Chapter 17: The fall of the gamma research lab part 1

Alex Storm looks at the map that shows the location of the gamma research lab which reveals that it's hidden underneath an abandoned church that's outside of Peru which is surrounded by myth and mystery however the base is guarded by a patient who became a monster thanks to being exposed to an intense amount of gamma radiation thereby becoming an experiment that's been dubbed as project stone buster which gives the person the ability to become hard as a diamond giving them monstrous strength that's powerful enough to allow them to obliterate anything in its path with just one punch from its fist along with having an extreme speed which lets them move faster than lightning with some extra abilities added such as causing a sonic boom with just a small amount of force thanks to clapping both hands together.

Chapter 18: The fall of the gamma research lab part 2

Alex Storm begins traveling to Peru to reach the gamma research lab which'll take our hero exactly 10 days or more just to get there because the city that's surrounded in myth is located halfway across the world which means the person has to arrive there via airplane but the abandoned church, however,r, is a different story altogether since its protected banana impenetrable barrier making it impossible to breach through because it'll deflect all attacks from every direction right back at the source since it won't work no matter what angle the attack is coming from unless they use a weapon powerful enough to force their way through or any other tactical opportunities such as using a disguise to stealthily infiltrate the inside since no one would suspect an extra security guard walking amongst them.

Chapter 19: The fall of the gamma research lab part 3

Alex Storm finally arrives in Peru and begins the next phase of his plan that he titled operation: Stealth Knight which means to infiltrate the gamma research lab he'll have to go incognito by discussing himself as a security guard because that's the only way to gain entrance into the research lab so our hero manages to enter the facility by using an identification code which comprises of a key card that was scanned by a cryptographic sequencer which will allow him to unlock any door or access panel along with using nonlethal weapons such as a tranquilizer rifle which will cause the guards to fall asleep after being shot plus knockout gas that'll render them unconscious for a while combined with the use of x-ray vision goggles which will allow him to look for structural weaknesses to exploit.

Chapter 20: The end of cerberus

Alex Storm disguised as a security guard managed to enter laboratory #2: Gamma research facility by using one of the passcodes that he'd acquired earlier now the real test begins because he'll have to turn invisible by activating his suits stealth mode plus it's also equipped with some address features such as a maximum armor mode and a maximum power mode which will come in handy when he wants to increase his muscle mass to its highest level or increase the density of his armor finally after avoiding the guards for 20 hours our hero reaches the facilities main power core and places an explosive device that's set to go off in 10 minutes which gives him enough time to make his escape.

Chapter 21: Epilogue

Alex Storm manages to escape the research lab just in time as the 10-minute time limit on the explosive device ended and the entire building went up in flames flashforward 10 years later our hero completed his mission in destroying the other 6 hidden research labs which dismantled the operations of the evil organization cerberus and now he's settled down with the woman who saved him and they're raising their 1st child together living happily ever after unaware that the enemy will be back with a vengeance.