The return of cerberus

It's been 10 years since Alex Storm destroyed all 8 of the research labs belonging to the evil organization cerberus thereby dismantling their entire operations and is now living happily ever after with his wife and their daughter unaware that the group of scientists that was responsible for experimenting on him has rebuilt with plans for revenge so they've deployed a team of the 10 deadliest assassins in the world to kill him however our hero's been preparing for this day ever since he was turned into a weapon now the time has come for him to become project berserker once again in to protect his family from the terrible vengeance they're about to unleash upon our protagonist only this time he'll have access to every power in his arsenal which'll give him an edge.

Chapter 2: The return of cerberus part 2

The group of assassins that the evil organization cerberus had sent after Alex Storm has arrived at the house getting ready to kill him however our hero has set a trap which they've triggered upon activating the motion sensors and now they've got nowhere to run or hide from our protagonist now the hunters who've become the hunted meaning they're now his prey making them all his targets for elimination in which he'll destroy them with no remorse and without any mercy plus no hesitation because on certain occasions the weak dies and the strong survive in a world where predators are hunting and stalking their target with the intentions of striking at a moments notice since the only way to escape or become one with the darkness is to embrace it with every fiber of your being in which you'll have to harden your heart making it cold as ice.

Chapter 3: The return of cerberus part 3

The intense game of cat and mouse between our protagonist Alex Storm plus the group of assassins sent to kill him has begun and it's clear that the enemies have no idea they're being watched from the shadows by the very weapon that they've created which puts all of them at a tactical disadvantage since our hero has learned how to blend in with the surrounding environments so they better get ready to expect an attack from the air above or from underground because even the slightest vibrations that their footsteps create can be detected from just about anywhere.

Chapter 4: The return of cerberus part 4

Alex Storm had successfully killed all of the assassins that cerberus sent out to kill him so now the evil organization that uses a symbol inspired by the mythical three headed dog of the underworld is about to initiate more drastic measures to destroy our protagonist one of them is activating a gene altering device that's designed to combine human and animal DNA in order to create the ultimate killing machine capable of matching our hero in terms of strength, speed and agility so after a few failures they've succeeded in creating a new breed of deadly warriors using the various experiments that's been designated project: blacklight, project: carnage and project: venom evolution in which the hybrid can use any part of their body as a weapon thanks to manipulating their genetic makeup allowing them to make anything that they desire ranging from a blade like hand that's sharp enough to cut through virtually anything plus a hammer first that can smash any obstacle that gets in the way as well as a shield made from the purest diamonds in the world which means it's 10x stronger than steel or carbon that has ever existed in the history of mankind.

Chapter 5: Project hydra attacks part 1

After the evil organization cerberus created the newest breed of deadly warriors they decided to test them out by sending the 1st hybrid designated as weapon #1: hydra whose power allows him to create any weapon he wants just by causing the molecules in his within his body to shift which then materializes the blade of his choosing which means his entire body is a living armory capable of creating just about anything which has a sharp edge however he's got one fatal flaw which is his anger and pride because his tendency to let the burning hatred inside him take over could backfire in the most extreme way which'll be the cause of his destruction.

Chapter 6: Project hydra attacks part 2

The test of weapon #1: hydra is successful now the evil organization cerberus gets ready to send him out to kill Alex Storm however they feel like he needs more power so they injected him with a serum that has been codenamed: project animal in order to give him the strength of a mighty lion, the speed of a cheetah, the agility of a spider monkey and the flight capabilities of an eagle meaning he's nearly invincible now their warrior is ready to mobilize with the objectives that'll complete their plans for revenge on the one person who dismantled their operations 10 years ago orchestrated by the very person that they've wanted to control ever since they experimented on our hero.

Chapter 7: Project hydra attacks part 3

Alex Storm is resting after killing his assassins however weapon #1: hydra is about to pay him a visit at his house so he better prepare for a battle between life and death that'll be arriving soon because otherwise, he'll die at the hands of his 1st real enemy who'll never stop until he's destroyed with our hero is lying dead at his feet as a result only then will his enemies thirst for destruction be satisfied because if it isn't all the lives of the people living in Alaska and around the world will fall to its trembling might which rivals the bloodlust of the restored project: Blacklight and the deadly precision of the rebuilt project: Blade Edge and finally the combined strength of both projects which will be dubbed project: Black Thunder Blade Edge by the evil organization Cerberus due to the experiments ability to sharpen its sword arm with lightning making it the dangerous weapon in its entire arsenal.

Chapter 8: Project hydra attacks part 4

Weapon #1: hydra arrived at Alex Storms house with the intent to kill him for the evil organization cerberus however our protagonist prepared a surprise for his guest which was setting up trap that's designed to nullify his abilities thereby making his enemy vulnerable while inside the containment barrier which was originally created to subdue him just in case the berserk mode was reactivated and he decided to go on a rampage throughout the town but its been years since he lost control of his powers which caused the primal energy inside him to run wild since the program attempted to transform him back into the mindless killing machine that he used to be however he managed to master it before things went bad at least project: Elemental is still stable on the other hand if the chip that controls project: berserker were to take over it might cause his DNA sequence to destabilize which could turn him into a monster of unleashed rage that only wants to annihilate anything or everything but since the scientists responsible for the experiments never had a chance to insert the mind control device inside our hero before he escaped following the laboratories destruction but since they've rebuilt the destroyed research labs which now puts the civilians in grave danger due to the threat that they pose to the world.

Chapter 9: Project hydra attacks part 5

The trap that Alex Storm had set worked the powers of weapon #1: hydra has been nullified and is now rendered useless so our hero uses a device to return his assailant to normal however the battle is far from over because of the other experiments that range from weapon #2: Graviton- weapon #12: Neo Heatblast since each one of them is more dangerous and deadlier than the last but our protagonist will prevail since he's got to something to fight for, something that's worth protecting which is his family because they're the most important people in the world to him and nothing is going to stop him from making sure that they're safe from harm.

Chapter 10: The rise of project: Juggernaut part 1

After Alex Storm used a device to return weapon #1: hydra back to normal he gets ready for the future battles against the evil organization cerberus who decides to fuse the other experiments to create the most unstoppable force in existence which they've dubbed project: juggernaut a person who has Rhino and Mammoth DNA flowing through his veins along with having the impenetrable body of a tank plus the strength of 10,000,000 men however they've decided to take it even further by injecting their newest creation with gamma and cosmic radiation which'll increase his muscle mass to monstrous levels that have never been experienced by anyone since once he starts running after building up momentum nothing will be able to stop the behemoth that's 10ft tall and weighing in at half-ton from demolishing anything in his path.

Chapter 11: The rise of project: Juggernaut part 2

Alex Storm is resting for a little bit after the fight between him and weapon #1: hydra came to a dramatic conclusion however his enemies defeat was just a minor setback for the group of scientists since a branch of the evil organization cerberus created project: Juggernaut by using a special device to combine the other 12 test subjects thereby making the ultimate machine capable of causing mass destruction however they've decided to run some diagnostics in the lab first because once the experiment awakened following its initial success it planned to go on a rampage after attempting to escape the laboratories underground fusion chamber where it was created to be their most powerful weapon to date.

Chapter 12: The rampage of project: Juggernaut part 1

Project: Juggernaut has completed the diagnostics program and is now ready to destroy Alex Storm so the evil organization cerberus just deployed their most dangerous creation in an attempt to finish what weapon #1: hydra started but our hero is preparing to make the ultimate sacrifice by injecting himself with animal DNA however there's a chance that the heart of our protagonist won't be able to handle the enormous strain that could take a toll on his body which might potentially cause this brave human to lose half of his life force.

Chapter 13: The rampage of project: Juggernaut part 2

Alex Storm successfully injected the animal DNA into his body so now he's ready to fight against the project: Juggernaut however the odds of surviving the encounter has an 80% chance with the probability of either living or dying following the aftermath of the battle since the procedure does put enormous pressure on the heart which could cause any of the bodies eternal organs to suffer massive damage which will be impossible to repair that's why he's got to be extremely careful when fighting due to the risk of having a bone broken in various places such as an arm or leg plus the ribcage could end up getting ruptured which might lower his ability to breathe henceforth our protagonist will have to end this battle of life and death quickly.

Chapter 14: The rampage of project: Juggernaut part 3

Alex Storms destiny has finally arrived now the fight between him and project: Juggernaut has officially begun with his most deadly enemy firing a massive barrage of lightning infused bullets by using a shotgun that's been grafted onto his right arm however that was just the beginning since the real attack is about to start because as soon as the ultimate killing machine launched its initial assault it unsheathed a large jagged bone-shaped blade that was strapped onto its back but the danger escalated when this new threat activated a program that was dubbed as Rhino knight: Armored warrior mode so the battle will be twice as hard from here on out.

Chapter 15: The rampage of project: Juggernaut part 4

The battle between the protagonist Alex Storm and project: Juggernaut who activated Rhino knight: Armored warrior mode just gotten a lot more dangerous so now our hero has no choice but to initiate a new form which he calls mega berserker mode: white tiger/ dragon formation which'll give him the armor/ firepower of a dragon plus the strength and speed of a white tiger however to have a chance of defeating his enemy he'll need to use savage lion mode and combine it with the other two animal spirits which'll give him the claws of the mighty lion thereby giving him an edge which also increases his powers in order match the fighting capabilities of the person that he's facing right now.

Chapter 16: Project: Juggernauts destruction part 1

The fight between Alex Storm and project: Juggernaut is finally coming to the most climactic conclusion now for this battle to end our hero will have to unleash an even greater power so he obtains the berserk programs ultimate form by fusing all of the animal spirits to create berserker mode #3: Jungle pride warrior formation which'll give him the characteristics plus strengths of every animal that resides within his DNA however there's only one technique that can defeat the enemy who was sent to kill the protagonist of this story and that's the attack from a weapon called the savage lion sword which can switch from blade mode to its blaster mode.

Chapter 17: Project: Juggernauts destruction part 2

The fight between Alex Storm and project: Juggernaut has finally come to an end thanks to our hero using the savage lion swords blade and blaster mode to put his most challenging enemy down now there's only one thing left to do and that's to destroy the evil organization Cerberus once and for all because the protagonist in the final battle against the group of scientists knows that they won't give up so easily until they're destroyed for good since this group wants revenge for the defeat that they've suffered 10 years ago.

Chapter 18: The 2nd defeat of cerberus part 1

Alex Storm gets ready to takeout the evil organization Cerberus thereby putting an end to the threat they pose forever but our hero will have to destroy the group's main laboratory that's located up north in the arctic because when that building is destroyed it'll cause a chain reaction that'll blow up the other labs since each place has a self destruct sequence installed just In case a person tries to bring them down or even dismantle their operations brick by brick however the results is still the same every time which bottlenecks up to this point bringing the events around the full circle until the endgame arrives.

Chapter 19: The 2nd defeat of cerberus part 2

The endgame is finally here protagonist Alex Storm has arrived at the location 10 miles away from the Arctic research lab original drop zone that's controlled by the evil organization Cerberus after traveling there by sea for 2 months since it takes a long time to reach the destination now it's time for our hero to put his plan into action which requires a disguise to causee the enemy has increased their security presence ever since the destruction of their old laboratories but that won't stop this young man from protecting his family from terrible vengeance brought forth by these madmen who desire to rule the world through fear and intimidation.

Chapter 20: Epilogue

Alex Storm arrives at the entrance f the Artic research lab ready to finish the job so he kills a guard who was alone on patrol and took his uniform in murderers enter the building disguised as one m now our hero is at a checkpoint presenting a fake identification card that'll fool the two security officers on-site and after finishing the primary objective he begins the next 2 phases which are placing a bomb on the central tower and then detonating that explosive which'll take out the other rebuilt facilities thereby bringing down the evil organization known as Cerberus once and for all before they plan to deploy their shock troops in an invasion.

21.) Epilogue: Alex Storm successfully destroyed the Artic research lab after detonating the bomb 10 hours ago causing a massive chain reaction which then destroyed the other facilities around the globe and so after our hero finally completed the mission of bringing peace to the earth the protagonist arrives safely back home where his wife and daughter were waiting for him and now they're living very happily together for years to come.