The rouge agent strikes from the shadows

7 months have passed since Alex Storm defeated the evil organization cerberus once again and much has changed since then for example a new task force called the guardians of order and justice were created for the sole purpose of protecting everybody who lives on earth with our hero as the leader of the team which is comprised of himself, Jax a demolition expert, Archangel the technical expert and finally Rocky a soldier who arrived in town 3 years ago following the enemies 2nd defeat which then opened up trade relations with the countries allies bringing about a new era of peace and prosperity to a world that was suffering under oppression and tyranny once caused by cruel warlords and people who lust for wealth, power, fame and women because those kinds of people always care about themselves and show no concern for anyone else.

Chapter 2: The rouge agent strikes from the shadows part 2

Alex Storm was enjoying some quality time with his wife and daughter until someone knocked on the door and when our hero answered it a soldier told him that a rogue agent from 9 years ago is planning to unleash a deadly virus upon the earth's population which'll cause all human life to decrease to dangerous levels of extinction unless the protagonist and his team can stop this new enemy from bringing his plans to fruition because otherwise if they fail humanity won't stand a ghost of a chance against future bioterrorist attacks that'll come in waves since in most cases an army can be routed quite easily.

Chapter 3: The birth of a new team

Alex Storm arrives at the base where Jax, Archangel, and Rocky are waiting for him to tell them about the objectives are for the mission that they're about to start in 3 hours with that mission dubbed operation: storm breaker which features various parameters and details outlined in simple terms so that way there'll be fewer casualties on the battlefield since in some cases the most detailed plans can go south very quickly that's why the commander of any unit gives specific orders with precise instructions so the soldiers can follow those rules of engagement according to the intelligence or information that they receive since each assignment comes with a primary and secondary objective.

Chapter 4: Operation: storm breaker begins part 1

After making the necessary preparations based on planning the details for every encounter carefully Alex Storm and his team are now ready to mobilize with their mission which is to stop a rogue agent from unleashing a deadly and dangerous virus upon innocent people however that's only half the battle because according to the intelligence report that they've just received the bioweapon is located somewhere in the Caribbean which means the enemies headquarters isn't that far from Havana, Cuba or the other seaports and finding it won't be an easy feat to accomplish since the enemy that they're facing has decades of experience with every strategy and tactical warfare scenario meaning their opponent won't hesitate to kill them.

Chapter 5: Operation storm breaker begins part 2

Alex Storm and his team arrive at their enemies headquarters however it turned out to be a trap because once they got there they were under attack by the rogue agents best soldiers who are using prototype weapons that are made of a rare metal that can only be found in the mountains and to top that off it's equipped with energy-based ammunition which makes them even more dangerous meanwhile the enemy are at another location getting ready to unleash the virus which is a powerful nerve gas that'll cause a paralyzes effect similar to snake venom that'll the civilians that either inhales it by breathing in oxygen or comes into contact with their skin due to its weaponized form that'll cause a reaction which'll instill panic among the human population.

Chapter 6: Rise of the ghost squad part 1

After Alex Storm and his team survive the ambush they immediately file a report about the encounter and now they head out to the enemies real headquarters which'll take approximately 3 months to get there due to the terrain its located in but the guardians of order and justice need to plan things out a lot more carefully which means it's time to activate project: ghost which'll give our heroes new armor that comes with stealth cloaking technology and improved guns that have equipped with a variety of different bullets ranging from explosive rounds to sleep ammunition which'll help them complete their mission with a 50% of survival during the toughest battle of their lives ever since the team's formation.

Chapter 7: Rise of the ghost squad part 2

Alex Storm and his team have set up camp after walking through a dense jungle so now our heroes are getting some much needed rest because the journey isn't over yet since the rouge agent won't give up on his plans for world domination so easily however the other members of the guardians of order and justice are standing by waiting to provide backup just in case the protagonist and his comrades are facing the madman's entire army but this brave task force comprised of the bravest people ever assembled will never give up especially when the security of the planet is at stake because of the threat bought on by the nerve gas that'll create the most dangerous virus on earth if it's released into the atmosphere which'll cause chaos in every country or city.

Chapter 8: Rise of the ghost squad part 3

Alex Storm and his team finally arrive at the enemies headquarters after a long journey through the roughest terrain in the world however once they got there they've discovered that the place was abandoned 7 hours ago with the weapon gone as well-meaning the rouge agent knew they were coming and decided to disappear now our heroes will have to call for backup because the threat of the virus only intensifies even more as time goes on because for it to disperse in the air a flying machine like a blimp or plane will be better suited for the job since it's airborne because a sea vessel like a ship or a land vehicle such as a tank wouldn't work unless they want to be blasted to pieces by an anti-tank missile or sunk by torpedoes.

Chapter 9: Rise of the ghost squad part 4

Alex Storm and his team are back at the base planning their next move because the rogue agent that they're hunting has gone into hiding again and they don't know how the enemy will release the virus. After all, it could be dispersed from anywhere whether it's by land, air, and sea however it won't that simple to locate the target especially when the weapon designed to disperse it might have a 40% chance of deactivating its launch mechanism meaning it could require a powerful electromagnetic pulse to render the device inoperable for a little while until the guardians of order and justice can find a weakness in its system because it'll probably have a self destruct mode providing if their opponent hasn't figured out how to protect his ultimate creation from certain destruction only then could our heroes plan possibly succeed.

Chapter 10: Operation rescue knight part 1

Alex Storm and his team have finished coming up with a strategy to take the rouge agent down and destroy the weapon that'll release the virus now they just need to take their prototype tank since it has enough armor and the necessary firepower plus it's equipped with a stealth mode and a new form known as powerlink mode that'll create the most powerful robot in existence once the battleship, the fighter jet, the tank, the submarine, and the helicopter combine to make a machine called the rescue knight which has the right tools for any situation with the added capabilities of fighting on the ground, in the air plus underwater with some additional features such as an ion cannon and the mega knight saber but it pales in comparison to their other machines such as the mega dragon and the golden wolf which forms the dragon wolf warrior however all of them can fuse together to create the savage rescue knight: dragon/wolf formation.

Chapter 11: Operation rescue knight part 2

Alex Storm and his team are on the way to the enemies headquarters in their prototype tank to end the rouge agents plans for world domination once and for all before the innocent lives of every civilian are taken against their will due to the paralyzing effects of the nerve gas which'll cause a person's internal organs to violently shut down from the inside after the virus that's been codenamed project: breakdown enters the bloodstream via skin contact and when it happens everyone will have died by that point that's why our heroes have to stop this madman before it's too late.

Chapter 12: The stealth mission part 1

Alex Storm and his comrades finally arrived at the headquarters of the rouge agent ready to end this madness now they just need to enter the building however what our heroes don't know is that the enemy has a secret weapon which'll cause the monsters he created to grow into their giant forms if they're defeated at least one time but the protagonist and his team have the rescue knight and dragon wolf warrior when combined create the savage rescue knight: dragon/wolf formation but it can also fuse with the other machines to form a whole new robot altogether which'll give the guardians of order and justice a fighting chance.

Chapter 13: The stealth mission part 2

Alex Storm and his team are outside the headquarters of their most dangerous enemy planning a way to get inside but if things get rough they're coming up with a backup plan just in case the mission goes bad which could result in the deaths of everyone who's participating in this operation however our heroes will prevail in stopping this madman for good after all they all have something worth fighting for which is very important to all of them such as their family and friends that's why they'll do everything in their power to make sure that they're safe because as long as they still draw breath from their bodies no harm will ever befall their loved ones.

Chapter 14: The stealth mission part 3

Alex Storm and his teammates have finished coming up with a plan to enter the headquarters of their most dangerous enemy with two groups using different methods of entry with team bravo led by Jax entering the enemies stronghold by going through the front door where there are only a handful of guards patrolling the buildings southwest perimeter in that location and team archangel with our protagonist as the leading sharpshooter infiltrating the facility via an access point found on the rooftop but that's just the beginning because the primary objective is to shut down the machine that'll launch the virus with the secondary objective to arrest the rogue agent.

Chapter 15: The stealth mission part 4

Alex Storm and Rocky managed to enter the building by using the rooftops while Jax and Archangel entered the facility by going through the front door via a secret service tunnel that leads underground however once everyone got inside they found out that several different paths cause people to end up lost on the way to the research lab but sometimes the easiest route will not always be the safest because some differences in directions lead to different places one will be an often dangerous path and the other could be a safer way to reach any destination but the choices on what road to take remains the same no matter where you choose to go.

Chapter 16: The stealth mission part 5

Alex Storm and his team decided to reach the lab by using the safest route which has a few things to do in that area one of which is to reestablish a generator and the communications system and the other which is to enter using a secret entrance that the soldiers didn't even know about because they're given restricted access which only allows them to patrol the sickbay, the monorail platform and the lobby that leads to the elevators which divert into different parts of the facility with the research lab on the right, the medical area on the left and the monorail platform located in the center.

Chapter 17: The final battle begins part 1

Alex Storm and his team finally arrived at the research lab however once they got there the rouge agent injected himself with a prototype super-soldier serum which increased his speed, strength, size, and intelligence by 10x the amount of power he was supposed to have and so the final battle to determine the fate of the earth has begun with our heroes on one side and their enemy on the opposite end that means both opposing forces could suffer moderate to severe casualties which'll have a life-changing event that'll affect the lives of everyone present.

Chapter 18: The final battle begins part 2

Alex Storm and his team are facing off against the rouge agent who suddenly grew taller with an increase in power added to his new height after he injected himself with an experimental serum that was only designed to improve a soldiers performance on the battlefield but it was deemed dangerous because of the side effects such as immense pain and physical strain on the human body however the enemy somehow managed to create the perfect serum with none of the drawbacks present which now makes this guy nearly invincible but nobody is unstoppable since there's an old saying which is the bigger they are the harder they'll fall because a giant will have a difficult time zeroing in on a moving target.

Chapter 19: The final battle begins part 3

Alex Storm and his team are having a tough time fighting the rouge agent due to the super-soldier still in effect however this battle is about to reach a dramatic conclusion and it's apparently more than they've bargained for but now they've got to come up with a strategy this madman and a plan to shut down the machine that'll release the virus at the same time because if they fail in completing their mission which is ending this madness it'll be the end of all life on earth as they know it and they can't let that happen since they've got people who are important to them.

Chapter 21: Epilogue

The battle between Alex Storm and his team against the rouge agent is finally over after they've defeated him by using a cure to reverse the effects of the super soldier serum and so the earth is safe from a terrible fate and our heroes are going their separate ways with the protagonist going home to spend some quality time with his wife and daughter while his teammates are on a much-deserved vacation until the time comes where they're needed to protect humanity once again.