It has 6 months since Alex Storm and his team defeated the rouge agent and peace has been restored to the earth right now our hero and his wife are spending some quality time with their daughter and with each other while his teammates are having a great time on their vacation unaware that a fleet of alien ships is approaching earth with motivations that are unknown to humanity however in case they've got plans to conquer the planet our heroes will put a stop to whatever they've got planned even if it means that they die in the process since throughout history mankind has always faced overwhelming odds and survived the traumatic experience after the event has taken place even though it would scar them for life with it being fresh in their memories which could weigh heavily on their minds and affect their ability to understand the concepts of reality.
Chapter 2: The aliens attack part 2
One day Alex Storm and his wife were in the living room playing with their daughter until something strange happened there's a mysterious ship that's alien entering earth's atmosphere however after it arrived every device started just went haywire such as the communication systems and other computers worldwide being jammed by an unknown source of energy which caused all the electronics on the planet to shut down at the same time that this vessel showed up with intentions that are yet to be determined since every one of the general populace hasn't figured out if they're friend or foe but suddenly they've received there answer as this alien fleet attacked a nearby city without warning and provocation now the battle for survival in mankind's final hour has begun so will our heroes prevail or will they fall to the strength of these creatures which could end up being the face of their destruction?
Chapter 3: The invasion of earth part 3
It has been 7 hours since the alien fleet fired a laser from the ships main gun at a populated area which also hit a reactor that caused a chain reaction which then vaporized parts of the city causing untold amounts of damage in the process leaving a few survivors to run for there lives however there was nowhere left to hide because everything was destroyed by the blast except for a heavily-fortified castle that's located in a village off the coast of Japan and so the civilians travel there via a boat that they've found on the beach since any attempt to reach the place by air and land will just result in getting blown right out of the sky or being blasted by the numerous tanks that are deployed by these conquerors who plans to exploit the resources of the planet before moving onto their next target in a galactic quest to dominate the universe and the other galaxies beyond the stars.
Chapter 4: The invasion of earth part 4
The civilians that survived the alien fleets assault finally reached the castle after traveling by sea for 3 weeks and are starting to search for food, water plus the necessary medical supplies that'll give them all a chance to live through the ordeal meanwhile Alex Storm calls his teammates and tells them what the situation is right now and so they've arrived at the base where the protagonist is waiting for them in the war room preparing to explain the strategy that'll bring them victory in a war to save the earth from the new crisis that they're facing together because if they fail countless lives will be lost forever unless our heroes can beat this extraterrestrial armada back which'll hopefully force them to return to their homeworld where they belong providing if the plan proves to be a successful effort on their part.
Chapter 5: Operation knight angels part 1
Alex Storm and his team are finally ready to launch a counterattack against the aliens who stationed the bulk of their forces at key positions around the world which in turns creates some sort of oppressive control on the planet's population even though some people won't simply surrender regardless of what the consequences for defying the laws that they've put into place because when there's something worth defending for they won't quit fighting for what's right especially when earth's freedom is at stake since there's so much on the line such as the livelihood of every civilian who lives in the various towns, cities and country's that have different cultures and customs or the fate of the entire human race because to truly enjoy everlasting peace and tranquility the ultimate sacrifice is required since any choice that you make could have disastrous effects in the near future which might alter a destiny that'll define who you are or change what you were born to be.
Chapter 6: Operation knight angels part 2
The ever-growing threat that the aliens pose to the earth has escalated very quickly to the point that they've decided to use slave labor to establish a new empire on the conquered planet meanwhile Alex Storm and his team are now ready to mobilize to counteract the enemies presence by initiating operation firestorm which uses attacks from every direction which'll force the enemy into a bottleneck position with no way to escape immediate destruction however on the chances that'll possibly fail the remaining humans can migrate to another dimension thanks to a potential time-traveling technology but the coordinates have to be correct and precise because a group of people could end up just about anywhere in the universe.
Chapter 7: Operation knight angels part 3
The aliens who've been dubbed as the entities of chaos by the human population have finished building their empire in the ruins of downtown Los Angeles along with installing several security checkpoints throughout the destroyed city which makes a five-star resort look like shakespeare in the park by comparison meanwhile Alex Storm, his team and the other members of the guardians of order and justice organization are traveling to vault 120 which ususeddo be their original base of operations before it was abandoned following the 1st contact war where everything had changed forever now the fate of the earth hangs in the balance and humanities only hope is a group of soldiers who's dedicated to preserving the planets way of life because ever since the dawn of time mankind has always been divided however the day for everyone to work together has arrived and so the people around the world have united to fight for the right to survive and for freedom.
Chapter 8: Operation knight angels part 4
Alex Storm and his team had just rallied up the survivors and begins to plan a new counter offensive against the alien fleet however this threat has created the ultimate weapon that's called the star blaster which'll be capable of raining death and destruction upon the earth but our heroes will refuse to surrender to these tyrants because humanity must stand together in order to combat this oppressive force with the chance of creating a better future which'll bring about a new era of peace and prosperity around world that's been influenced by greed and the other cardinal natures of a human's desire to control everything that's within their grasp
Chapter 9: Operation knight angels part 5
Alex Storm, his team and the survivors arrived safely back to the base and begins to come up with a strategy to counter the present alien threat which now surrounds 50% of the after they launched their initial attack which was less than several hours ago after they approached earth with plans to enslave them all however they had to destroy 25% of the human population in order to send a message which implies that they can attack at anytime, anywhere and anyplace whenever they see fit just so that they can make a point whenever they feel like destroying anything else