Chapter 06 Birth of the Princess

I was feeling a lot of pain but it was very funny to see Jack, my mother, my mother-in-law, and Robert nervous it was hilarious to see that scene for me I will never forget this for two reasons, first because of the birth of my princess and after seeing them like that.

- Kris was for you are in pain and not get so much laughter, I heard the doctor say this to me I looked at her with raised eyebrows without really understanding what she wanted to tell me if I was screaming she would tell me to calm down,

-The doctor and that I am finding my family funny, the way they are there is no way not to laugh at them,

- And seeing from this side and really funny, and it is better to see you smiling than screaming, well let's take the exam to see if you are ready, so she took the exam, she finished and asked me

- Honey your purse broke what time,

- More or fewer hours ago why doctor.

- You shouldn't have a dilation centimeter until now,

-This means that we will have to do a cesarean now, so she called a nurse and told her to prepare me for the delivery and so she did, I was taken to the operating room to perform the cesarean and it was done, then they placed the venous vein in my vein I fell asleep.

JackThey took my little girl inside and no one comes to talk to me, I don't know what's going on, I'm very nervous about it, the wait is killing me, my mother

-in-law is on my side also very nervous I looked at my mother she was with her eyes closed, for sure she is praying, and what I am going to do because I and kris agreed that as soon as we return to Brazil we will serve God, a lot of time has passed, to tell the truth, hours,

-Jack my son, you don't think it's taking too long,

- Yes my mother-in-law I almost have a heart attack here with this wait, but as soon as I spoke the door in April and Dr. Fernando came through the door with a smile on his face, and said,

-Well yours all right, they are fine, we had to do a cesarean section on her because she didn't dilate an inch-We can see them

- Of course, she can already be in the room with Baby who by the way and beautiful looks like an angel and very smart has black eyes just like her mother's when he said that my heart rejoiced in a way that I can't explain what I felt at that time and we went to see my little ones because now there are two, and the only mine,

- Well, kris is sleeping because of the medication, but soon she will wake up, We entered and so my eyes went straight to the cot next to the bed, that there was a beautiful little creature with wide, black eyes looking for someone around him, I approached her and looked at her my eyes would be filled with tears to see my beautiful girl all pink there,

-Jack she is beautiful just like you when she was born only eyes that are different and are the same as her beautiful mother,

- How beautiful she is and a real princess like the mother of this little one,

- And she is beautiful I can't believe that she is with us so small and beautiful I took her in her lap and she looked at me and smiled with a smile like that of her mother, and I couldn't stand it and a tear rolled from my eyes. happiness,

- My son doesn't cry,

- Mother I am crying with joy for the beauty and what God has done to us,

- Love he took care of us, I heard the voice of my wife, who was looking at me and smiling, and said;

- Let me pick her up I haven't seen her yet, so put her on my wife's lap, who was also moved and I saw tears scrape on her face, I approached and kissed her forehead with love, and said;

- Thank you for giving me this gift and for being my wife, and the mother of our little Andri,

- You do not need to thank me because she is a gift from God in our lives and not to mention that in ten days and my birthday, then and my advance gift that Heavenly Father presented me with our little Andriella de França Spatula our princess.

2 days later

- Let's go home, my princesses, I packed things in the car together with my mother,

-in-law because my mother stayed at home finished cleaning the last details of the improvised room for our daughters, which was decorated all in white with pink, all simple to put her own room. would be what we had to decorate in our house in Brazil this would be the princess room that a London architect planned, because we will only be here a month later we will leave for our country, we got home and Kris went straight to the room with our daughter to put her to sleep, so also ours was on the side to make it easier for our princess to breastfeed, Kriswe got home, and we went straight to our princess's room, got there, breastfed her and Jack put her to burp and then put her in her crib, then I went to my room and took the baby monitor along, so it can be easier hearing her cries, I lay on the bed and my bear came and lay down beside me and said,

- Short as soon as 40 days, we leave, because I have a problem in the companies that were my father's that is now ours, and by then our princess will have more than a month so I don't see why we are still here,

- Ok my love, I am looking forward to going back now it will be forever, here now it will only be on vacation,

- Yes, it will be and if our daughters when they grow up come to live here, we can think of coming together for her to do a good college,

-Wow you're already thinking about it,

- Yes, because time passes quickly and we have to think about everything.

- Well now, lady Spatula, rest, he spoke and kissed me,

- I missed that kiss of yours-A and even,

- Yea,

- More now come and go rest because you need it because of the milk, our daughter needs food and a lot for what I saw her and very greedy,

-She is and really, so I yawned and fell asleep because I missed my bed.