Chapter 07 Back in Our Land

It had been 2 months since we were arriving in Brazil, and my little girl was becoming more and more beautiful and cute, she was the most beautiful baby, everyone who looked was enchanted by her, during all these times no media photographer had approached to do photos, more to our surprise when we landed in Cuiabá there was a crowd waiting for us.

- Kristina and it's true that this time you are abandoned in your career and are definitely back in Brazil,

- Yes we are back to our land to have a normal life as we are all going to say that retirement, and a new phase in our new life,

- Jack you will move your companies to the capital of Mato Grosso,

- Yes, I will,

- All this to have a family life,

- Yes, I want everything and raise my daughter in an environment like normal people,

- And the college you will take the direction,

- Not everything will stay with this I will be a teacher, a simple teacher was never my intention to be a director, and I will attend another college these are my plans, so we went out and didn't let anyone take pictures of my daughter. we get in the car,

-Will they forget that we were a model one day,

- Kris never wants to know once-famous always famous, not to mention that there are Jack's stores and companies, you will always be news mainly here in Cuiabá,

- Little who knows if they would disappear for a few years he will forget about us,

- And I can know where you are thinking of going with them,

- Calm down my mother-in-law maybe we can go to the interior of São Paulo of course after our daughter is a little older, I will not be cruel to take your granddaughter away now,

- Phew, it's good to know that I'm going to have some time with my princess, and so we get home,

- Look, they arrived, I heard my niece scream with joy at her mother, we entered the house my sister was waiting for us and she was already picking up my daughter and said,

-Finally, I will meet the most beautiful baby in this family, she said so I saw that Kelly and Nana made a face of jealousy and I bent down to be at the height of the two and hugged them and said;

- You were also the most beautiful babies in this family, now you are the most beautiful girls, auntie I love you,

- I know auntie we love you too, and the two kissed me,

- I missed you,

-Come, aunt, we want to show you our princess's room for lady, so I went out with them to see the room that the architect made for my little princess entered the room, everything was the way I said I wanted the bed on one side and the cradle on the other,

- Wow how beautiful it was, And aunt a doll's room, even a little house, I laughed at my nieces,

- Look, father, how was our daughter's room?

- And the architect did it,

-Yes it was more beautiful than I expected it to be, she did a great job here. on one side is the cradle and on the other, it walks all in white and pink without exaggeration1 years later year had passed I started to work at the school with a teacher in the garden to be close to my little one, during this period I realized that there was something wrong with the environment, I set up a meeting with every one to talk about changes, Dona Micheli accepted and spoke it was time that she didn't do it because I said I wanted everyone working there without change,

-Very well come on, Jack was with our princess for a walk so I could do the meeting, without worrying about her,

- Good afternoon, everyone. First of all, I want to thank everyone for all these years since the inauguration for the work, but I have realized that we need to make changes in the school and I want to ask if anyone is not satisfied, feel free to resign, I will understand each one,

- Well first let's start with the kindergarten teachers in the garden, we need a better welcome for our children because, from the moment they arrive and our responsibility, those who do not have this vision are not able to work with us, there is someone against, I waited and no one spoke up, ok it's ok we will do training in this respect with myself because I am trained in this area, right,

-According to teachers from 1 to 5 years old, we will have to improve the quality and self-esteem of students. I have always talked about quality. We have to be the best and most professional we can be, and everyone will receive training, someone against, I waited again and nobody spoke up. I continued

- Third from 6 to 9 years old I want to tell you that you are to be congratulated because I have received compliments from you at this point, we will only improve a little more and you have also received training, someone has something to say, I waited a few minutes to continue, nothing else ,fourth and last 1st to 3rd years I am very satisfied with the results achieved and I can say that they are to be congratulated more we will also change some things for improvement and quality, you will receive specific training from a professional who comes from the United States for this, in one more thing with you all arrival times will be from today half an hour before class and you will receive for it, because I realized that you don't have contact with each other, I like to see the communion between co-workers, we have to start right there, about class schedules will also change well the morning period the classes started from 07:30 until 11:30and in the afternoon from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm and we have 4 rooms that will have full teaching this and a new system, we will see how this will work and one of that class will be with the little ones, right someone wants to say something,

- Yes, you will be a garden teacher only, or you will take on another class

-Good for now just stay a while in high school, sorry more what is your name please,

- My name and Márcia Ferreira Almeida, at this time I looked at her as if I didn't believe she was João's wife, but she looked at me and smiled, and I replied,

- well Márcia for now, as everyone knows I have a little girl of only 15 months and needs her mother, but I will always be here in the afternoon to help with whatever is necessary and not to mention that your training will be against shifts, if you decide on Saturday it will be up to you, any more questions, well if there is no question on my part it is closed this meeting I will be available to everyone and thank you very much for coming and participating in the meeting and have a good late afternoon. so I ended the meeting and Marcia came to me and said:

- You are a teacher and you have a very good critical eye,

- Well, my goal has always been quality,

-And this I know more, let's put our past aside and thank you for letting me work here,

-Sweetheart, I don't hold a grudge,

-And if you knew that João also works here what would you do, at this time I would be paralyzed with what she said,

- Well I already saw that he will have to look for another job,

- No, I was just overwhelmed by this, but I, where is he, because if he works here he should be participating in the meeting,

-Well he works here only for one period and the next he works with a technical expert from the Civil Police, but there will be no lack of opportunity for you to talk,

- Well I hope he has changed because I would not like to fire anyone besides my husband and extremely jealous, and my fright with him will be only professional and nothing more, now if you will excuse me I have to go,

- Okay, I'll tell him what you told me, and thank you again for this opportunity, and you have a good heart, so she leaves there ready to talk to Jack about what I just heard, I don't believe he works at school, like him, one for Dona Micheli he and a great teacher, then it came to my mind that he's getting involved with some student, then it cannot happen not at my school I will have to keep an eye and investigate this scare,

- Hi my loves, how was your tour?

- It was good and my daughter was missing the most beautiful woman on our side, small I think someone took a picture of us today,

- Hmm that means we have news tomorrow in the newspapers and that, I can already see the famous photographer model Jack was walking with his beautiful daughter while the mother is doing what or where was the beautiful wife while the husband walks with daughter.

- And you and incredible more will be like that will be the news tomorrow and in the magazines and will be the first photo of our daughter,

-Hum I didn't like that, you know, I don't want anyone taking pictures of her,

- she and are my princess, but this will always happen, you already thought about the fact that we disappear for a while,

-Yeah, love, but now there is school, I think we have to wait a little longer, I also want to disappear, love, let's go to church today, he looked at me with a suppressed face, he said:

- You are reading my thought, Dona Kris,

- no love I don't have this power yet, Jack I have to say something that I discovered today, João he works at school with a teacher and his wife with a teacher,

- For real?

- Yes, what do you think I should do?

- Look, love, who knows,

-Well it looks like Marcia has changed a lot she thanked me for letting her stay and working there now when I hope he is a professional and, be seated because I am going to have someone keep an eye on him to see if he is having an affair with any student and if he's doing that I won't think twice to fire him,

-Good little another person in his place would put him on the street, but you have a heart too good to do that after everything he did, so we got home, went down a few months passed and everything is normal, today I was with my children in the living room and it is at the time that parents pick up their children and I always like that they go to the door to pick them up so I have the opportunity to talk to him, I had already delivered every one, only Agada was missing, and she and my princess were in the room when I heard a knock and said you can come in and I took her in my arms because I knew it was her father or mother. After all, she was a new student and she didn't have any. seen her parents still, then it was my suppression it was him,

- What are you doing here?

- I came to pick up my daughter!

- And who is your daughter, when I said that and Agada threw herself on his lap and said pope, be silent watching the girl get on my lap, she looked at me and said:

- Suppress,

- I said, of course, no, I didn't think you had small children, I mean at this age,

- Well I have two girls Agenda and Hellen and the two are studying here,

-That's good;

- And very good because they are at the same time as Marcia and I work,

- Sir you already got your daughter now if you will excuse me I have to go, I said that and left to get my daughter to leave but he held my arm and said- Kris my daughters were to be your daughters, I was going to answer more I heard a voice that brings me peace to say,

- Not anymore and, her daughter and my daughter and so it will be, now if you already did what you should do you can leave, he looked at me and left without saying anything, Jack looked at me, and said,

- Kristina I do not want this man close to you gives our daughter,

- Love, I didn't know that little Agada was his daughter and she was new in the room,

- And have you ever stopped to think that he might have done it on purpose by putting his daughter in your living room,

- No, I didn't think I'm going to talk to Dona Micheli and asked to change her room, and I hope she didn't get attached to me because she's not to blame for the father she has,

-Okay do it now let's take care of our princess I was missing you both you know and came to where I was with our daughter on my lap and kiss me, Then I talked to Dona Micheli, she changed the little one in my room, the girl didn't accept the other teacher, she wanted to stay with me and Andri when she saw us stop crying right away, so she stayed with me during class and at the end, I took her to the other room, she is about to do that when I heard someone call me a teacher, we can talk, I looked and saw that it was Marcia,

- Yes we can,

-Good and about my daughter she is very sad I asked you to stay with her until the end of the class and you can rest assured that her father didn't come to pick her up anymore, I looked at her and the little one said looking at me,

-Mama! at this time Marcia looked at me,

- I said no, my love, I'm not your mother, your mother and she and I showed Marcia to her that she went to get her, the girl didn't want to go at all, it was at this time that I said,

- I think she should stay in another class because she cannot cling to me like that,

- It is impossible that it does not happen because you seem to have candy for children and adults.

- No, that's not true,

- And yes, my son is spending the weekend crying wanting to come to school and calls auntie dis all the time,

-I heard what you do with children they love you, I didn't know what to say,

-Well I need to go to the living room, mom you can talk to me another time,

- No, I just came to pick up Matheus, I'll take him,

- Of course, you can, so I was thinking about what they told me and I thought it was time to take a break at the end of the year. I'm leaving, so the class ended, I went to Jack's office,-Good morning Mrs. Kristina,

-No Julie does not call me the owner of Kris, please, my husband is there,

-Yes he is yes you can enter Kris,

- Thanks!

-Hello love, he got scared and said,

-Well that suppresses these two princesses that honor them and came to kiss me, so we stayed some more time and left to go home and on the walk, I said:

- Love I already decide we will end the year for the interior of São Paulo with you said, and we can stay as long as you need,

- Wow and why is that so?

- And that today I heard two mothers and I think the children are becoming very attached to me,

- My love and whoever doesn't get attached to you, this is impossible, you have a sweet tooth, I think your mother put too much sugar on you when she was born, I laughed at him,7 months later,

-Mom will wait for you for Andri's 2nd birthday party that will be 2 months from now

- My daughter I will, and I will miss you now call me every day I want to know how my granddaughter is doing every day without her grandmother,

-You can leave, I'll call and take care of school things for me,

- You can let me take care yes I will be your eye there, now bye and take care daughter I love you, saw

-I love you mom too.