Chapter 8 disappointment

It had been 2 months since it was the birthday of 2 years of our princess and the family is reunited, we are living in the countryside of São Paulo, in Campo Paulista, because the largest company in Jack's family is here but he is watching the transfer and the construction in Cuiabá and I know we'll have to stay for two years so I'm doing another psychology college now and I'm going to specialize in pediatrics, to combine the useful with the pleasant, well everything is ready for our daughter's party as she likes the strawberry, her clothes, and the decoration and on this theme too, today the house is full of children of all ages, it goes without saying that our house is huge because Jack likes a big house with lots of space,

- Daughter the party is beautiful as well as my granddaughter, you are happy here my daughter,

- Yes, I miss my city more and a bit strange lives here in Brazil and not living in Cuiabá anymore like Jack said it will be for a short time and that we will be back in Cuiabá as soon as the company has everything right.- And the college like the classes,

- Good, nothing else bought with the teaching of the United States and her universities, but I am enjoying it, I talked to my mother and my sisters and all the guests at the party were beautiful to see my daughter happy, I am amazed, Jack is always with a father protector didn't leave her alone for a minute,- It's time to order another one so she won't be alone like her father because she leaves to have another one later and ended up becoming an only child. Don't let that happen to you, my dear.- Come on, soon, we'll have another one, I'll just wait for my little one to get bigger, and let's do another one,

After 6 months I was in college, the break, sitting in the cafeteria drinking juice when I saw several people looking at me and whispering, so a classmate came towards me, I didn't have many friends, I hardly talk to anyone, but today this colleague approached,

- Hi my name and Marli, and reached out- The pleasure of knowing you my name and, more before I speak she said- You and the famous international model Kristina, right- Um yes I am more I do not like this title- Well now you will have to like it because the whole city is talking about you and your family,- How?-Hum so and true you are here hidden from the world, you didn't see the magazines of this week just talking about you, well I think someone discovered and published, at this moment he showed me a magazine that she was with, I took it and I started browsing, there was a story about my family,

magazine news

for 8 months we have been trying to locate the whereabouts of Kristina and Jack Espátula and their little girl who disappeared from Cuiabá more than a week ago, an unidentified person took a photo of Jack at São Paulo airport and he got into his car and went to a small a city in the interior of the capital of São Paulo called Campo Limpo Paulista and the same after 1 h 30 min. arrived at a residence that possibly belonged to the couple, and as soon as we received the photos, we found out the information, and we found out that the runaway couple and the little girl who is now 2 years and 6 months old are happy in this small town living a life of tranquility, the more we asked what took them to disappear, well if we remember when they returned to Brazil they said they wanted to live and raise their daughter in a peaceful environment, our favorite model was seen at a college in São Paulo, and we found out that she is Psychology studied and Jack is taking care of the Espátula family businessmen, could it be that our couple had not returned to the city of Mato Grosso? that we will find out and send the fans informed.

-Wow I didn't know you were famous, like that,- Well I'm not anymore, today I just want to live a life without fame, in peace, now if you excuse me I have to go to the living room,

- Well I think it will be difficult because everyone wants your autograph today, there were many girls at the door looking at me,- No, it can't be happening again- To this my dear colleague but I can help my father and police officer I can ask for an escort for you, up to your house and even you get a security guard because from today you will need it because this city is small, but don't forget that bandit exist everywhere, at this time I heard someone who said

- You need help to get out of here I can help you sleeping beauty, I looked at him with a face I didn't understand,

- I'm sorry I will introduce myself I am the son of Dr. Augusto your doctor and I study here, and this morning my father talked about you and asked me to keep an eye on you to help you because you would need it and it seems that he knows you very well, and it was he who said to call you that,

- Wow seriously, the girl said and looked at me, but why call her a sleeping beauty- Well if you are going to help me out of here I can tell you on the way home, um more my car so I remembered I need to call my husband and ask him to send someone to get the car,

- Okay, come on,- Hey how are you going to get her out without anyone seeing her?-Good pretend you go to the bathroom and out the back door- great idea, come on kris I can call you that right ne

- Of course Marli- All right, you can call me the sea, I like it better now that we'll be friends,- Okay sea come on girl

- Hey wait for a how and your name boy- I'm sorry I'm Felipe,- Nice to meet you, Felipe,

- Call me Lippe, for you two, so we managed to get out of college, on the way we had to go to my princess's school and so we did, we talked a lot with the three of them and my little one too because she looks like she is 8 years old from what she says, my mom says she is the same me when I was this age,

-We arrived, I got out of the car and saw that Jack's car was already at home and another car too

- Wow, this is her house, she is a very beautiful friend,- And yes, the more we are going to go in and have some juice, or rather we are going to have lunch, you will be my guest for lunch today,

- No,-We don't want to give you a hard time,- The will not be any work because at this time the boss has already made lunch,

-Okay we will accept because Lippe will have to take me home later,- No I can ask the driver to take it if you want,- No my car stayed in college it will only take me there

-Okay so let's go in, we entered the house I opened the door and found Jack sitting in the living room with a glass of drink in his hand when he saw me he smiled and said-Hi my dear I was worried about you, but when he saw Lippe I frown and looked at me then he saw Mar too and said

- What happened,- My love, they helped me out of college if it weren't for them, I would have been stuck in the cafeteria until now without being able to leave.- I'm very happy to be Jack and thank you for helping my wife,- It was nothing my father asked earlier today to keep an eye on her because it seems that he knew what was going to happen,

-0 I'm sorry about this and Marli a colleague and now a classmate, I-Very pleased to meet you, and thank you for helping my wife and for being her friend as she feels very alone here,

- It was nothing, it was a pleasure to help, a person like your wife, so I told everything that happened, during lunch and Mar said that his father and policeman that I could get security to make my security and Jack's if needed, Jack accepted and took his phone, and so it was, I realized that something was wrong because I saw Jack drinking again,

- Love is happening, something is wrong with the company,- My little one and that I will have to travel to the South to solve a company problem and I didn't want to leave you alone,

- Love I will be fine you already hired the security guards right- Yes already- So love is not like this I will be fine- My beautiful, we are living a peaceful life and now how will it be,

- I don't know, love, let's find a way, maybe we can buy a place farther away- Seriously that you go to live in a place- Yes, I always wanted to make a garden and take care of animals,

- Well when I come back from the trip I will see this ok my beautiful now come here I have something better than waiting, so he kisses me with a kiss full of love as he always does,a week later I was at the supermarket with the orders Lorenzo my security guard buying the pantry of the month because I like to do that we were already in line at the checkout when I saw a magazine and Jack on the cover took it and looked and saw what was written on the cover,

magazine our famous Jack Spatula was seen with a beautiful blonde a week ago boarding a plane to the Rio Grande do Sul, without his wife and daughter. is that our model is being screened by her husband, now comes the question who will be this woman who was with our handsome one, and where is our princess of the flashes this and the question that we will soon have the answer to. not being able to say anything else and, I heard my little speech, mommy's crying pot, I wiped away the tears and said nothing my beautiful nothing, but the boss saw the magazine and said- Kris this and gossip my daughter you know he would never do that to you- Send him more than a week ago that he traveled and he does not speak to me and now there is news here, more came in my thoughts that he is strange before traveling,

-That's why he was like that, and why he is cheating on me, and I started to cry and she hugs me,-Lorenzo can you help, please

-Yes send what was with her- Nothing we need to go home soon, kris I will pass the expense card and you can go home and I will take taxis, so I did take my daughter and leave the supermarket outside I saw a photographer taking pictures of me and at this time Lorenzo hugged me to hide my face, I got home I called Lippe who was there in less than 10 min and Mar Junto because they are dating,

- Kris what happened- You haven't seen the magazines,- No, why?- Jack is cheating on me, with a blonde

- No Kris this must be gossip because he loves you- I don't know if this is true and he has been away for a week and he hasn't even made a phone call yet, although he said that there is a difficult phone that he could only call when he was in the city- So honey, this must be what happened now, stop crying,

- Lippe has a computer there in the office. Go to the gossip site. I want to see if there's anything there about this I need to know,

- Kris are you sure you really want to know-Yes, I need to know soon-Okay, so he went after half an hour he came back with a not very good face,

- Kris I think you need to see something there on your computer, at this time I felt my blood freeze and my leg went limp, but I got up I went to see it, when I arrived I saw it, there was a picture of him with the blonde smiling at the airport and after he entered in a hotel, I didn't see anything else and everything went dark hours later I woke up I was in the hospital and the boss was with my little one on her lap who was crying, I opened my eyes and said bring her to me boss, so she did

- Daughter, we're going to a place far away, we're going to disappear,- Mommy, Daddy goes with an agent, I sighed and said- No, he will not, it will be just my love

- Mommy, I want Daddy and I want him,

- I know my love, but he is far away and now it will be just me you aunt commands, and Uncle Lorenzo- Kris where are you going my daughter- I don't know yet, at this time Dr. Augusto enters the room and said,

- My sleeping beauty woke up, I missed you for a long time since you owe a beautiful sleep crisis,

- Dr. Augusto, I want to go home now I need you to release me now- No, not even think about it now I need to do some tests,

- No doctor I promise I will do it when I get to a place where I will go more now need to get out of here before Jack shows up because I'm sure someone warned him, but I don't want to talk to him or see him anytime in front of me.

- I can know where you are going-I don't know yet maybe, I don't know yet and I started to cry,

- Kris I have a place in Atibaia nearby if you want to stay there is at your disposal

- Seriously doctor,

- Seriously you know that besides being my patient I have you as my little sister not to say daughter because I'm not that old and I smile with your own comment- Well, I was thinking of going to London or whatever, staying in a place far from all this here will be better and no one can know,- Nobody?

- Kris and her daughter's husband,- I have no more husband and as soon as I am ready I will ask for a divorce, as soon as I finished talking I looked at them who were open-mouthed looking at me with astonishment from what I said. after leaving the hospital I got home there were several messages that called me wanting to know about me, one of them was from Jack who said he would come home the other day,- Send it soon, I don't want to be here when he arrives- My daughter you are sure of what you are doing, your husband loves you

- Don't tell me he doesn't love me if he loved me like he says he wouldn't have done what he did he ended our marriage- Daughter, I think you better wait for him to talk,- no I don't want to talk to him any now let's go from there to where we go and an hour and a half of travel, so we left, but my thoughts are on him will he really betray me I just gossip from magazines, don't kris yourself saw their pictures together, now he's going to have to prove the truth.