Chapter 9 Broken Heart

it was already 3 days that I was at Augusto's farm, it was beautiful, in fact, it was a farm, she cultivated flowers, she had field flowers, chrysanthemums and roses of all colors, and all these three days Augusto came to see me, along with Lippe and Mar, I was with my daughter in the middle of the field flower shift and I saw Augusto coming towards me,

-I yelled at him hi

- Hi flower princesses, so he came closer and said:

- You two look like real princesses, and I heard my little one say,

- Uncle August ours we are princess, and we laughed at what she said

- Mom, I'm with daddy's shame when he comes to see us, huh? at this time I didn't say anything to her, but I heard Augusto say,

- Princess of the field of flowers he is also missing you, I heard Augusto say that my heart accelerated because I was also missing him, and a tear came out of my eyes without me realizing it,

- Kris, you need to go back to your husband because he is very sad and says that he did not attract you and that he will prove the truth to you, he wants to talk to you, my beautiful, you need to do this

-No Augusto not yet I miss him too I miss him in fact I love him and I will never love another man as I love him more he played with me, or he didn't think anyone would take a picture of him with her,

- Kris he said he knew it could happen and he didn't care and that the girl in the photo is a partner in his company and his cousin,

- Well and since I don't know her and I've never seen her before,

- Good dear only he can say that to you,

- Doctor I don't want to see him yet, I am hurt my heart is still in pieces,

- Okay, well, well, he doesn't know that I helped you, because otherwise, he wouldn't leave me alone.

-Goodly if he looks for you, you don't know anything,

two more days passed, I was sleeping I woke up with my little girl crying and calling for her father, I got up and went to where she is on the bed next to me and when I touched her she was burning with fever, I took her in my lap and ran for I screamed, tell me where is Lorenzo, I need to take my daughter to the doctor now,

- Cry kris what happened to her?

-She's on fire with fever, so she touched my daughter and said

- we need to take her to the nearest hospital now, and she went after Lorenzo, we got in the car and went to the hospital in the city and I called Augusto and then my mother, but with my mother, it was horrible to talk because neither she knew where I was or what was happening, and I get very angry when she said he would let Jack know where I was and that I would go there,

- Mother, don't do it, don't care about him. If you do that, you'll never see me again.

- Kristina you can't do that I'm your mother and he and your husband and father of your daughter,

- Mom, I don't want him close to me or my daughter, so I hung up the phone and went to be close to my little one who only knew how to call her father,

- Madam, is the wave her father?

- She has no father

- Madam, I don't know what he did but she's like this because of her father's absence, this fever and emotional she has this disorder,

-That and serious Dr.

- Yes, the fever will only go down when she sees or hears the voice of the person he missed me,

- My God she can't be like that because of him,

- Kris she is like you, you have slept for her defense she got the fever with her defense you need to call Jack him and her father

-Ok you can warn him, but I heard a well-known voice say,

- no need to let me know I'm here, I turned to look at him, but I saw that he looked at me from head to toe, at this time that I realized I was wearing a nightgown, and be ashamed and Augusto said

- Nobody even noticed you, dressed like that and put a sheet on me,

- Kristina I want to see my daughter now, I looked and frowned at him;

-You will only see her because she is feeling sick, Mr. Jack Spatula if there would never be her again

-You both want to stop it and your daughter is there feeling sick because of you and your stupidity, at this time I was silent and he passed me to enter the room, but before he looked at me and said,

- There was no clothes where you were sleeping, I looked at him said- It is not your business whether or not I had clothes where I was, and I saw his face turn red with anger and fury, he entered the room, I asked Augusto to speak to Lorenzo to bring me clothes to change, more it didn't take long and he arrived with a bag and said he brought it because he knew he would need it, thanked him and went to the bathroom and changed, went out and saw the face of the pan Jack looking at me and saying,

- Little our daughter to see you- Don't call me little, I have a name for you, you idiot, and I passed him without looking him in the face, and I went into the room where my daughter was,

- Mommy, Daddy's back?

- My beautiful he came you my life,

- No mom, he said we're going to the new house he bought nearby,

- What? no daughter we are not going anywhere with him, daughter remembers that mommy said that now it's just me you auntie and uncle Lorenzo,

-Yes mom, but I want my dad too, I miss him,

- My love, I also feel more, Dad did stupid, you know those really big ones that adults do and Mom is mad at him,

- Hmm, that's why you didn't even scold,

-Yes why the mother was crying, more has passed I will not cry anymore I promise my love now you need to get better so we can leave,

- It is true my princess we will go home together, I heard that word I turned and looked at him who was looking horrible it seemed that days ago I did not sleep or eat directly

-Daughter the aunt orders to stay here with you and me and mom we have to talk, adult talk is my love and we are back, she just shook her head that and looked at me, and I went out to talk to my husband's traitor, we left the hospital and went to a restaurant near the hospital, on the way he wanted to take my hand, but I didn't let him, and he said

- There may be photographers watching us,

- The same, do not tell me so we will be news that we are separated, because that is what you do not want Jack and where is the blonde your lover.

-Kristina I have no lover I never had,

- No, and those pictures in the magazines, hem, I'm not blind or stupid because I know how to read and your intimacy and not to mention I don't know- Foot.....

-Don't call me that because I'm not your little one, I said almost screaming and he looked at me

-Let's come in to talk, we entered the restaurant I was very angry and very nervous, with him I heard everything he had to say to me in silence


- Yes I finished

- Well, Mr. Jack of Spatula, you want me back, you will have to prove your innocence, and win me over again if you can, I will come home or I want a divorce,

- Kris are you serious- I have never been as serious in my life as I am talking today. You have 30 days to do this if you don't,

- Kris, you can't do this to me, I love you and I don't know how to be without you one more day. I need you and our daughter,

- You should have thought before because you know the woman you have and you know very well how I am and what I am capable of doing and you luck that I didn't leave for another country

- You wouldn't be able to separate me from my daughter, would you- my dear Jack I would be able and how, I was going to a place that you would not find me anymore in your life my dear and there is more I changed and a lot of you know said it will not be easy for you to conquer me again, now if excuse me I need to see my daughter because she is and an important person in my life I would kill someone for her, and I left when he took me in my arms and pulled me close and without thinking kiss me with a kiss that leaves me with his legs went limp, I gave in at first but moved away from him, and there was a slap that left the signs of my fingers on his face and said,

- Never do this again without the permission I heard, I'm not a bitch you take around, and leave it there, but when I went out on the street I saw a photographer who took pictures of me and certainly took a photo of the slap he took, in the fuse.