Chapter 10 Continued


I couldn't believe what she had just done with me there at the restaurant, I know when my sleeping beauty can be sweet but I also know when she can be a tool and once she was a tool, I never felt her hand in me I confess that she has a heavy and very heavy hand because my face burned with the slap that I took from kissing her I never imagined this because she and my wife, and the time that she gives me a month to prove my innocence and win her back not to mention that I'll be in the news tomorrow for the slap I took, I went back to the hospital and she has our daughter on her lap and she told me

- We will go home more just because of our daughter, this time hope was born inside me it will be easier to win her back at home, I have to thank my daughter for that, and this time I thought I will buy the place that she wants and a cat and a dog, good idea.

So we went home, she had my clothes put in the guest room because it was there that I would stay until I regained the tool, that means thanks to her, thank goodness that my mother

-in-law and my mother will arrive to see our daughter because the two of them were very nervous about what happened, It was difficult because she didn't let her guard down at all, she didn't speak to me and she didn't even look at me, her contempt was killing me, and not to mention that I was jealous of Lorenzo because he was very handsome but not so much when I, she did I meant everything, he was everything, this is already going too far for me. I'm going to end this soon,-Dona maria I need the lady's help, well you know that kris is a mess with me yet, that I have a deadline that 30 days more now is only missing 15 and I don't know what to do I thought of buying a place for her because she said she wanted one to take care of a garden and raise animals,

- My son you know you can count on me and I know my daughter I know that when she makes a decision only Jesus can make him change his mind,

- Wow, I didn't think about it before- What about Jack?

- When I asked Jesus for help in prayer, only he can change her mind,

-Wow and how are you going to make Jesus talk to her? I can tell, at this moment I showed my mother-in-law my knees and that

- I will pray for him to speak to her and I know he will speak I know he has already spoken to her before,

- Well if you know that and because you haven't done it yet, and there's more she's going to buy a place here near the creation of flowers that looks like the owner has died and the family is going to sell, everything's okay because she's going to do the business today

-So that's why she said that in 15 days she will move to that place and change her life,

- My mother-in-law said that when

-Today right over the phone to Robert's lawyer, this time I swallowed hard she is giving up on us and will ask for a divorce even I have to do something and quickly.

- My mother-in-law will talk to you, but I have to do something before I lose my wife and daughter forever,

- Jack I have something to talk to you about,- He can talk- my daughter is suffering from all that is happening and a lot she is pretending to be strong but deep down she is dying to do what you have to do it soon because I can't stand to see her suffer as she is I know that day she cries for hours and hours before going to sleep, she loves you, my son, you were a very happy family but after you came here a lot has changed, including your wedding, Jack make my daughter happy,

- I will do my mother

-in-law I will do even if it is the last thing I do in this world I will do. And so I went to the office to call the lawyer to see about the purchase of the site she was buying, I arrived at the office the first thing I do was call him,

- Hello

-Hello Dr. Cristhian Martin's office, where I can help- Here who speaks and Jack Spatula Helena I need to speak to Cristhian as soon as possible

- Good sir, Spatula, he is now in a meeting with his wife and he cannot listen, when I heard what she said to me, I went into despair and screamed,

- That's why I need to talk to him right now, give him the call now,

- Sir, an important call for you on line 1

- Ok Helena can pass, just a minute kris need to watch out,

- Okay I hope

- Cristhian it is me do not speak my name out loud because I do not want my wife to dare what I am going to say,

- Mike can talk

- Mike, um-Speak soon,

- It works out to buy the site for Kristina but not used her money but mine without her knowing it and tells her that the owner gave up on the sale at the last minute

- I can not do it,

- Yes, you can and I pay for it my dear, I pay twice what she is paying for you,

Um, this will be a good deal but it will have to be now because you already know

-how and,

- yes I know do

- Mickey mouse will do what you asked me to do until lunch is closed. So I hung up the phone without understanding the name but I know that for her not to suspect anything, well now just wait, he confirms the purchase of the site and then I'm going to buy the dog and cat and a budgerigar I saw one day she said I wanted one of this one day and this day came and I will send flowers to her every hour and a gift a ring of rubies that I had made for her when she was traveling, at lunchtime Cristhian called me and said done more she stayed very sad and even cried according to him because she has plans to grow flowers and open a cooperative to help producers in the region, this and my wife always concerned about people and always ready to help those in need, but I want to go and see this place because Cristhian said that the place looks like a farm because it is very big, I will do it the afternoon before I go home, So I did send the flowers home and at the last the ring along with a note because after 10 min, I will arrive and I know that everything will be fine, I went to a store that sold puppies and bought and ordered the dog and a cat and the parakeet, each one at a different time, and I went to the Atibaia region to see the site.

When I got there my mouth was open because the site was a huge farm that cultivated all types of flowers that exist, from this field flower to orchids, of all species,

- Hi good afternoon,

- Good afternoon, young man, you cannot enter here because the new owners will not allow anyone to enter yet,

- Well, I'm a new owner, my name is Jack Spatula and I'm the buyer,

- Mister Spatula, you must be the husband of our lovely Kris, right,

- Yes, but where do you know her from?-from here she spent a few days at the side with her daughter and sometimes she came here to visit us, you are lucky to be married to her because in addition to the exterior beauty that she has, the inner and most beautiful beauty, you must be I felt proud to have her as a wife, and her daughter what a girl love she and I heard that boy say that made me angry with jealousy of the two more she has this power to make people be enchanted by them and the mother and the daughters are the same,

- Well I want to see the site my clear friend and how and your name,-I'm sorry sir,- Lord not for you can call me Jack

- Yes, sir ... Jack, my name is Levi Quenzi, come on, I'll show you the whole farm, you can say that you did a great deal with my aunt because after my uncle passed away she no longer wants to know about the farm, you know how to ride a horse, you know,

- Yes, I know why?

- Because if you want to see the whole thing you will have to ride it because it is very big and if it is on foot it will take two days to see everything.,

- My wife has already come here to see the size of the farm,- Yes and it was my cousin Ângelo who took her on a tour of the farm, well I know I shouldn't say anything else he kept looking at his lady, but she told him straight away that she was married, all men want my wife, and I realized that if I'm not careful another one will take her from me,

- Well I think I'll keep an eye on your cousin, I'm glad he doesn't stay here doing it,

- Sir, don't you know about the agreement?

- What agreement?

- The agreement he made would only sell the farm if he stayed here and his wife told him that she could because she won't be here long and will need someone to take care of business,

- Um they did it,

- Yes sir they did and his wife said she will build a new headquarters in the middle of the flowers of the field and her daughter said it has to be a castle because they are two princesses, at this time my eyes filled with tears because as they are living everything this without me and I'm far from that happiness, because of my stupidity I'm an idiot, I'm losing my wife and daughter and their love

- Sir, you're fine to come back,

- No, I want you to show me where she said she is going to build the castle, and this time I heard him laugh,

- Why are you laughing,- Because it was funny I heard you say about the castle,

- No, my good boy, I am going to build my princesses' castle, I like them, I am going to tell you about this.

- Seriously sir, are you going to do that?

- Yes, everything to my princesses,

- Um now I know why the little princess says so and spoke of the prince who will live there with them

- For real?

- Yes, well, we got this and the tallest and most beautiful part of the farm,

- Wow-what a paradise, and the one where she said she's going to build the castle,

- Up there, so he pointed me up, the place was really beautiful there was a lake nearby and the flowers of the field in that place only had this kind of flower, as soon as we finished seeing everything it was already leaving when a car arrived and a dark,

-looking man of about 30 years old came out of him, tall copper,

-colored hair and good,

-looking blue eyes, more like mine,

- Good evening,

- Good evening

- Levi you know that nobody is allowed to visit the farm because it was already sold today,

- Yes, I cousin more and that this is the new owner,

- Hi my name and Jack Spatula, when I said my name he opened his eyes and his mouth opened at the same time,

- It means that you bought the farm that your wife was buying, and you know that she is very sad about it because she doesn't know it was you who bought it, she thinks it was someone else,

- I know and a surprise I'm doing for her and my daughter, I know she will love this surprise,

- Or you will hate it because for me you and an asshole who makes a woman like her cries do not deserve it,

- Shut up you don't know anything, I love her and that's why I'm making this and my wedding gift for her that in 4 months time we will be 4 years married, now if you'll excuse me I have to go see them, have a great night, and after what you told me I don't know if I'm going to allow you to stay on the farm, I said and I got in my car and I left, I got in the car so angry, that I hit the steering wheel, and the words of everything I heard do not leave my head, as I am stupid to make my wife and daughter suffer like that, but when I arrive today it will be different everything will change, it appears from me a car came in the opposite direction and I just said God, and it got dark.