Chapter 12 Meeting with God

a few days after the accident it is all right for us to go to church because as soon as I left the hospital I told Kris what God spoke to me and she told me it was time to make this decision to serve God.

-Love let's go it's time to go,

- We are already going, love, wait for a little, I heard the sound of shoes and I looked and saw the two princesses of my life dressed the same, they wore cream dresses and shoes like golden sandals.

- Wow, you look beautiful,

- Well your mother said that to go to the house of God we have to wear the best clothes so here we are now let's go if we don't get there late, we left the house towards the church, it didn't take long for us to arrive, we got out of the car and we arrived in front of the church the receptionist came to receive us,

- Hi good night, welcome,

- Goodnight

- Please and the first time you come to church,

- Yea,

-Can you tell me the names of you, please?

- Of course, my name is Jack Espátula and he is and my wife Kristina Espátula and my daughter Andriella Espátulaso we passed on the names and went in and saw everyone on their knees bent praying and did the same. when I bent my knees I heard the voice of my dream

"Jack my son I am the lion of the tribe of Judah welcome to my home I waited long for this day son" and I couldn't stand it I started to cry without stopping and when I opened my eyes and kris was crying, on my knees I got close to her and hugged her, but then someone touched my shoulder,

-Son everything is fine with you, I just answered with my head that yes, he was a gentleman, but I didn't know him,

- son God sent me here to pray with you I can, I only answered with my head because I was crying a lot, and so he prayed with us, each prayer he said was more of our tears, the prayer ended, his eyes were red. crying so much, the joyful heart was felt and the presence of God was very great, the pastor sang the 3 hymns of the official harp and then read the Bible in the book of John 14, and the word spoke to me, then gave the opportunity for several people to witness and then to the church praise set that in the first praise God spoke with us because God will speak to you at this time, then he hears another praise and took the offer, and we offered ourselves for the first time in the house of the Lord after the pastor made the introductions, so he will be talking and people would be standing and everyone greeted them with welcome and until our turn came,

- A family is with us, Jack Espátula and his wife Kristina Espátula and his daughter Andriella Espátula where the family is, and we stood up and the whole church looked at us, some whispering because they certainly knew who we were,

- Church, let us take off and this beautiful family is welcome in the name of Jesus and felt at ease because you are in the Father's house. So it was the service and the word God spoke in our hearts and hears more tears, more and more, more at the time of the appeal, the pastor asked a young woman to sing praise, the pastor made the appeal and I looked at my wife and we held hands and we went hand in hand to accept Jesus as our only and sufficient savior, after the service some people came to greet us with welcome, and hug us, the more I heard a woman look at me and approached us,

-Jack I waited a long time for this day to come home your place is still here no one took it I'm the lion of the tribe of Judah and spoke in mystery and I already knew it was God using it, she spoke and turned around to my wife. girl of my eyes you know that I love you daughter and that you wait a lot for this day, I have prey to do my work in your life because you are chosen to do my work I will use your life to help other lives, your ministry will be great in this land, so I need you to pick me up, and take good care of this child because he is precious to me. I will use it with an instrument in my house to praise me for being a vase of honor.

son the ministry I have in your life and great you are chosen to be a minister of my word, your ministry is very great and I have stuck in doing, your calling is of fire, and take care of the girls in my eyes because they are precious to me. and my peace grazes you. after she spoke I looked around there were a lot of people looking at us and listening to what God used the sister to talk to us, the pastor came to greet us and said that we could count on him and the church because they would help us in prayer, he asked for my address, I gave more when he saw it said,

- I do not believe you and the son of Sister Helena and the late brother James- Yes I am

- My God your father would be happy to see you today, and your mother as she is- She is fine, she left today, she had an appointment in São Paulo, but you can feel free to come and visit us at our house.

- I will, yes, it will be a pleasure to make this visit,

-Well it is getting late we are going, and I greeted him and he hugged me and said

- This church has already prayed a lot for you and now it will pray more for God to give victory to your family my son, so we left and went home as it wasn't too far we got there fast, got out of the car, and got in the house I took my princess who was already asleep to her room, I got in mine and kris was already waiting for me there,

- Love you like it,

- Yes I loved it was the best decision that we are together until today Of course after we got married,

- I'm feeling light,

-Me too, kris I love you my life and I will take care of you with God sent,

- You already take care of my love and much more than you should.

-A and more now I want something that only my little girl can give me

- Hum and what can it be, she told me with a dirty face that only she knew how to do, and I kissed her and we made love, wonderful and full of caresses and promise for each other and then we fell asleep in hugs.