Chapter 13 New and Suppressed

8 months later

Everything was going well, we are going to church almost every day and our daughter started to praise you, she was 3 years old and she had a voice that sounded like an angel singing, I have noticed that kris is kind of weird, she is very sleepy and has been unwell mainly in the mornings, I think there is something new out there,


I have been feeling very tired I need to go to the doctor because the last time I felt like this was when I was pregnant, it will be good I will make an appointment, I got up because Jack had already left early because he had a pending scare to solve at the company and the farm is the harvest of flowers this month is going well and the cooperative is going to start operating in 15 days, we are going to spread flowers all over the country, and maybe even abroad, Jack went to great lengths to invest in this flower market and our house there on the farm it's getting beautiful as our daughter wanted Jack asked our architect in London Camila to design the house as our daughter wanted, and even the construction company and from there, I left the room and went straight to the kitchen and the order is starting preparing lunch and I smelled the cooked beans and I felt my stomach turn and came nausea and ran to the bathroom she was my coffee, after putting everything out I felt very weak and without strength and I called her p to help me go to the bedroom,- Manda can you help me please,

- Yes dear, what is it,- I am not feeling well I am very weak and I feel dizzy,

- Honey come you are white like paper want me to take you to the doctor

- There was no need to be well and only one got sick in the stomach and it will be over,

- You ate something last night that you don't read was bad,

- It was not the smell of the beans and I felt again I ran to the bathroom this time almost nothing came out because what I had was already out the first time

- Kris my dear let's go to the doctor now you are white and cold this is not normal,

- Mada calls Jack and tells him, that we are going to the doctor and for him to pick up Andri at the school,

- Yes honey, I'll call you now Mada and the secretariat

- Hello,

-Jack Spatula office of A&K companies and industries,

- Well here and at Mr.

Jack's house I need to talk to him and urgently

- He's in a meeting now but I can pass on the message that I deliver to him as soon as the meeting is over,

- Look dear and you better pass it on to him because it is about his wife and if he knew that you did not pass this call on, you will certainly have to look for another job because your family is always a priority,

- yes ma'am I will pass,

- Hi sir sorry to interrupt but there is an urgent call from your house and it seems that it is important, I heard her tell him

- Hi boss, you can say what you hear,

- Jack to kris?

- What do you hear with her, please speak soon,

- Calm down my son she was sick and we are going to the hospital and she asked you to pick up little Andri at the school

- Send what she has,

-You are vomiting without stopping and very pale and cold, I and Lorenzo are taking you to the doctor my son;

- I'm already going home, um and better take her to the hospital I'm going there to meet you there,

- Okay, I hang up the phone and I will see how kris is doing, but I was scared to see her passed out on the bathroom floor, and I ran and called Lorenzo who came and carried her on his lap and took her to the car and we went out to the car. hospital.


I am trying to have a meeting with two partners of the company to get the last details of the change of the company's headquarters to Cuiabá because I knew it was time to go back and if kris is really pregnant she will want the baby to be born there, or maybe no, we were interrupted by my secretary who said there was an urgent call from my house, I was nervous even knowing what it was,

- Hi sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, there is an urgent call from your home and it seems that it is important,- Go ahead, I sent Sara my secretary,

- Hi boss, you can say what you hear,

- Jack to kris?

- What do you hear with her, please speak soon,

- Calm down my son she was sick and we are going to the hospital and she asked you to pick up little Andri at the school,

- Send what she has,

-You are vomiting without stopping and very pale and cold, I and Lorenzo are taking you to the doctor my son;

- I'm already going home, um and better take her to the hospital I'm going there to meet you there, so I hang up and phone

- Well I have an emergency my wife was sick and is going to the hospital and I will have to leave I told my partners John my cousin and Patrícia my cousin because the company belonged to the family

- Okay Jack can go watch your wife she needs you, come on man- Yes cousin can go you want us to do something to help

- Well, you could pick up my daughter at her school for me. I'm going to ask Sara to call saying that you will pick her up,

-Alright there you can take us home, or to the hospital where you will be

- To the hospital, because at home there will be no one,

- If you want we can have I,

t- What would you do that for?

- Of course cousin it will be a pleasure to be with our beautiful little cousin;

- Ok thank you very much as soon as everything is fine I warn you to get her

- Rest easy cousin we will take care of her for you now go there to take care of your wife so I got out got in the car and went straight to the hospital I got there she was in the exam room with the doctors, after a few minutes of waiting a kind of Japanese doctor asked- Relatives of Kristina de França Spatula, I got up

-It's me?

- What are you and hers- I am a husband, very well you can accompany me and I left I went after her, we entered the room

- Can you sit down, please?

-Doctor what my wife has,

- Calm down, she was just nauseated but she is fine her baby too because she is 12 weeks pregnant, and from what I was told by her, we will have to do some tests to see her bodies,

- Yes doctor she had a problem with our daughter's pregnancy and abortion, and there are tests that say she can only get pregnant with treatment,

- Yes this is very important and she is doing this treatment sir

- No, she is not, after we returned to Brazil she never underwent treatment and did not even see a doctor to do it,

- Um, so it means that you are not Brazilian

- Yes, we live in New York for many years because of work and for 3 years we have been here and living here in this city for 1 year and 5 months

- Very well, but wait, you are the ...

- Yes doctor we are Jack and Kristina we were models,

-Our and pleasure takes care of the most famous model I've ever heard of,

- The not that this has more famous models that we,

- Unless of course, you are not much more famous than you can imagine

- You imagine and I'm a fan of your wife, wow how I didn't recognize her,

- Okay doctor I can be seen here

-Of course, so we went to where she was in the room, we went in and saw the boss with her, when she looked at me it made a sign of silence, I sat down next to her on the couch I had in the hospital room,

- Congratulations daddy we will have another piece of mini kris and mini Jack and little Andri will love this because and what she most wants a brother or sister,

- I know and I'm very happy but also very worried because of Andri's pregnancy she was in, absolute rest until the ninth months,

- Jack does not think so because now you serve the almighty God who will not let this happen you will see this pregnancy will be different.

- I hope so because if we don't have to find another maid to help you at home, I won't be able to stay with her this time all the time and neither will my mother and mother-in-law.

- Okay Jack, but I think you could find someone else to help with the house because I know how she and,

- And you are right I will ask Sara to do this tomorrow to put an ad in the newspaper, you will do the interviews for your assistant,

- No sir ...

-Ep sir Madalena,

- Jack plus this and you two who have to do not me because I'm just a maid,

- Do not send you are part of our family and as our mother and can go getting ready because when we return to Cuiabá you go with an agent,

- Seriously, I heard kris speak

- Look who woke up our sleeping beauty,

-Hum I was not sleeping,

- A no e?

- I wasn't listening to you two talking, talking who and who sleeps, I heard her say that I started laughing at her- Which is funny in Mr. Jack

- A and Mrs. Kris, the grace and that you always run away is sleeping to hear the conversation that is not for you heard

- A and then if it wasn't for listening, then you shouldn't talk here huh,

- All right, my beautiful little pregnant woman, you heard it now, you know, soon we will return to Cuiabá,

- This was great news, I heard her say that I approached and kissed her with great love.


wake up I don't know when time is sleeping but I knew I was in the hospital because I heard Manda talking a long way, I saw when and Jack came into the room and he motioned for her not to make a noise, and they started a lively conversation between the two of them, it seemed like a mother and son of so much harmony that he had, and so I feel close to her too because I have a mother for us, but when I heard him say he was close to we went back to my beloved city I could not stand to be only heard him speak

- Seriously, and I saw them look at me and talk,

- Look who woke up our sleeping beauty,

-Hum I was not sleeping,

- A no e?

- I wasn't listening to you two talking, talking who and who sleeps, they looked at me and started laughing,

- Which is funny in Mr. Jack

- A and Mrs. Kris, the grace and that you always fry is sleeping to hear the conversation that is not for you I heard

- A and then if it wasn't for listening, then you shouldn't talk here is,

- Alright my beautiful little pregnant woman, you heard it now, you know soon we will be going back to Cuiabá, I heard him say pregnant and that even more leave for question later

- This was great news, I heard her say that I approached and kissed her with great love.