I was already 24 weeks old and really pregnant I was being great Robert even asked to take some pictures for a fashion magazine for pregnant, I did it and my little girl was already euphoric waiting for her little sister, yes it was another girl, we were already living on the farm it was wonderful. and we decided to go to São Paulo to buy the baby trousseau called Emanuelle because it was God who told us to put this name because I had a dream he made me the promise but he said it was to prepare us because we would go through a very strong wind but it was for us to trust him that he would be present with us, So it was, we went to a mall in São Paulo and went into a layette store with baby,

-only clothes, we bought everything pink and lilac because Andri wanted it that way and we bought the other furniture that was missing from the room because in the new house there was a room just for her, and Jack was on the cell phone and I and my little girl were buying everything we saw ahead,

-Love this is not worth it, I'm going to get this cell phone of yours and you will see what will happen to him in a little while,

- Calm down my life we ​​have all the time in the world,

- No sir, after you bought this thing called a cell phone, it just stays on it, Jack you said that today would be just for us, but you hang there,

- Dad, mom is mad at you, Dr. Monica said she can't irritate pregnant women, they are an angry danger, at this time I couldn't stand it and started laughing the way she talked to her dad,

- A is small, now it will be two small little brave hems and picked her up, but she is smarter and said,

- The father in 3 days will be 3 small to send you, and I laughed again because she said 3 days and not 3 months,

-My love and 3 months,?

- Saw father and 3 mesis, 3?

- I couldn't take the way she talked to her father,

- And truth will be 3 small, or better 3 minis kris, can I take it,

- Hold on, dad, sir and strong man, very strong and big, and he looked at me and we started to laugh with her arms after I talked to him about his cell phone he hung up and we finished shopping in peace then we went to the mall restaurant and spent the day and mid,


- Let's go I'm tired;

- We are going because it is getting too late and the traffic will soon be a Claus and so we leave, go home, in the church everything is wonderful Jack was already a co,

-worker the pastor put him as leader of Youth, I as conductor and coordinator of the prayer circle, we were very happy because God was always present in our lives, and even more so because it was decided as soon as the baby was born we would go back to Cuiabá, and the school was all under control and I would finish the psychology course at the end of the years, everything is fine the girls' room Andri's was all lilac and white in red details,3 months later we just got back from the doctor. She said that I would be staying in Campo Limpo because it was time, but as I had many things to do I decided to go to the farm, and I went, the night Jack told me that I would need to go to São Paulo in an urgent meeting of the company more than Lorenzo and he will keep an eye on me, so it was more a week passed and nothing, I returned to the doctor she asked for an exam so I did the exam she said I was 41 weeks old but she asked if I wanted to wait for the normal delivery I said yes,1 week and a half later he is at the rehearsal with the young people when I started to feel pain but it was very little and as Jack is solving the last things to go back to Cuiabá because the baby is born we would go back there, I sat and felt the pain again, I called Lorenzo and said I wanted to go home and so we got there I started to feel the pains stronger and said,

- Send us to the hospital, and Lorenzo helped me to get in the car he soon took my cell phone and called Jack who answered on the second ring and then to dr. Monica plus the doctor was traveling to São José do Ribeirão Preto at a conference, As soon as we arrived at the hospital, I was anticipated by a doctor and I said that I was almost 43 weeks old, but he said it was not time for me to be hospitalized and there I would be in pain all night long and nothing about him giving birth, once time he came to do the touch I said,

-Doctor I don't have dilation, just like my oldest daughter's pregnancy, I didn't dilate either, please have a cesarean delivery, for God's sake, and at that time I felt very strong pain that made me cry out in pain, but he didn't do anything alone it says,

-Let's wait, so he did and his duty was 48 hours, I couldn't take it anymore I wanted to see Jack and I didn't know why he didn't do anything, it was that I heard a noise outside the room where I was and screams of men arguing and I saw that it was Jack trying to see me more it was in go, I heard more he said if something happens to my wife and daughter I will kill you all and the process is shit in the hospital, I got nervous and ended up screaming in pain, and I saw the nurses come to see me and I asked for calm one more that I hadn't seen yet told me,

- Hi you and Kristina de França Espátula, I answered with my head yes,

- I'm going to call Dr. Augusto now to talk to that idiot, you can't stay here like that, you're in danger, wait for just a little while she went out the door, some minutes passed and Dr. Mônica came into the room very angry with the doctor and said,

- My God why didn't do a cesarean section on her yet, after that I saw a rush of nurses and doctors in the room, I didn't feel my daughter moving anymore, I was worried?

- Kris, we're going to take you to the operating room now, I need you to stay calm all right,

- Doctor, I'm not feeling anymore my daughter has been moving for a long time,

- Calm down, everything will be fine, and so they took me to do the emergency cesarean section, a minute later everything was ready, but I heard he couldn't have done it,

-the baby had coconut in his belly and is having trouble breathing we need to take it out soon, and a few more minutes passed I heard her say the baby is not breathing bring oxygen fast and get her out of here and let's take care of the mother,

-Doctor because my daughter does not cry what is happening,

- Calm mommy everything will be fine calm now we will take care of you and you need to be strong to take care of her, I heard her say more I knew there was something wrong with my daughter, I fell asleep,


I can't take any more waiting to hear from them It will be 3 days since she is there in the pre,

-delivery room and nothing, I will go in, I go out I went through the security guards without him seeing me I was going in when someone said?

-You can't get in there, I turned and looked at the nurse,

-No and who's going to ask me to do this, I saw the doctor,

- I want to talk to you, where's my wife and daughter, your son of a .... and I didn't curse anymore.

- And who is your wife?

- Kristina she already has three days here and if we did the math they are already 43 weeks,

- So the scandalous woman, when I heard him talking like that about my wife, a rage inside me went up and I went over to him, and a mess started and soon the security guards arrived and took me away from there before I said,

-If something happens to my wife and daughter I will kill you and sue this shit hospital, as soon as I spoke I saw a nurse look at me and said my name, and came to me,

- Mr. Jack what's going on why are you nervous- kris she has been in there for 3 days and no one says anything, I don't know what's happening to them,

- Calm down, I'll go see how she is and I'll be back from the good, stay calm, so she went,

- If a few minutes passed, she came back with a worried face and said we would call Dr. Augusto to come here to help her,

- Why? What's happening?

- Sir, I think you better seek help for your wife after we talked and she left I went after her heard her say on the phone,

- doctor, you need to come to the clean field hospital, Kris needs you here, and very much,

- ok, I'm going to call Dr. Monica now, sir, but I don't know if she'll be able to take more if it takes too long to take the baby out. Maybe we can lose her and the baby, things then very serious, at that time my heart stopped beating when I heard nurse speak and called my lawyer and called the police and call the pastor to pray for us and called my mother in law to my mother, in fact, I called everyone and it was just a fuzzy run as kris says, hours later Dr. Augusto had already arrived and my mother who came with my cousin, half of my family was in the hospital and when the hospital staff saw who it was, they were left with the desperate ones who did not know what to do and the journalists from outside the hospital wanting news, a few more hours passed and Doctor Augusto appeared with a crying face at the door and said,

- Jack I need to talk to you in private, at this time I saw my floor disappear and my heart hurt a lot,

- Yes doctor,

- Jack you need to be strong at this time because kris will need it,

- Doctor what happened to my wife and daughter, say it, say it ...

- Calm down, kris is fine, but the baby did not reside and ended up dying now, we did little to save her life more ... unfortunately it happened,

- I'm going to kill that unfortunate doctor and he is guilty of this.

- Calm down, I'll explain what happened, the baby passed the time of birth and ended up making feces in the mother's belly and swallowed the liquid and that caused the respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest if she had survived it would certainly get serious,

- I will sue this hospital and this doctor will never see a patient again in his life, my wife did not deserve this, and neither did my daughter my little one, and know what will become of her,

- Jack your daughter was a little warrior I never saw a baby fight to live as she did, I will never forget what I saw here today and she was beautiful more beautiful than her mother and had eyes the color of yours and was your dear, my dear friend, I heard he said that my world collapsed and I started to cry without stopping at this time my mother came through the door and hugged me,

- Son God knows what makes your daughter a hero, now you need to calm down because kris and Andri need you my son, when she talked about my daughter I realized that I had forgotten her,

- Mother the wave is my daughter,

- She is here and she is crying a lot because we already know that the baby died we heard you scream and the police are looking for a doctor to lose, more son your wife needs you, has the funeral because she was born alive and will have to register too and only you can do this you and the father,

- No, I can't leave my wife alone in this hospital anymore. I need to see her see how she's doing,

- Son she is sleeping and will only wake up tomorrow,

- No mom I'm not leaving Cristhian our lawyer can take care of this for us,

- Son you want to see the baby, she is there being prepared for us in the family to see her,

-Mother looks like me Doctor Augusto said that she has my eyes, as I will live without my little one as a mother,

-Son you will live for your wife and Andri, for them, I am sure that our little Emanuelle wanted you to take care of them and God too,

- Mother God spoke of a wind that would come in our life,

- So son of God spoke of the wind he said that you passed along right,

- Yes he said he would be in control of everything and that we, would win,

- So my son and this wind now let's go that your daughter needs you so I left the room and there were a lot of people, the church brothers, my family, all crying, some hospital employees and we all went together to see our little warrior with Augusto. the mother, my fear, and the kris not waking up because it happens again that she lost the baby it was almost a month, we got to the wave is our little Emanuelle wrapped in a pink blanket that we chose for her to use at the hospital on the way out, and she really looked like me. of the mother and a lot of hair,

- Wow how she looks like you my son,

- Daddy she won't wake up to see us:

- I picked up my little girl and said,

-No daughter she is sleeping and will only wake up in heaven with Jesus,

-Seriously she will see Jesus,

- Yes she will,

- First than me, at this time I didn't believe what I heard my little one say,

- Yes, daughter, but it will take time for you to see Jesus in heaven and when this day comes, we will be together, so we were all of our family there and decided not to do the funeral because everyone had already seen it and kris's sisters would not come and kris was not going to be able to leave the hospital, and that's how we did it, but my concern was with my wife how long will she stay like that, Dr. Augusto asked to transfer her to his clinic, which was a mini,

-hospital and that was how it was done. But this day will always stay in my memory forever.