
I was already flying around doing it, we were preparing to land, I looked out the window and saw the house that really looked like a castle and I saw my daughters in one of the windows, my heart was filled with the joy of seeing there, right away, I really missed them, and as soon as the plane landed Levi was there waiting for me with my daughters in the car who when they saw me they ran to find me, and I thought how can I stay away from her I love them very much I will not be stupid to play her mother suffer and fight no more I never want to stay away from them ever again, and when she arrived I hugged them and kissed them and saw tears in my daughter's eyes, the pain came back again because it was tears of pain and fear of losing my mother, but I said more,

- My loves don't cry, daddy is here with you and will take care of you and mommy and she won't die, but I heard my daughter said,

- Dad mommy is very bad she is bleeding a lot and when I heard my daughter say that I wondered what could have happened to her bleeding, I remembered when she lost the baby when we lived in New York,

- No, this cannot be happening again, it will be necessary to go to the hospital, Levi can stay with my children I need to go to see my wife,

- Of course, Jack, my wife Cassia is already coming to help me with them, rest assured that your daughters are in good hands, girl let's go because your father needs the car to go to see your mother at the hospital, and so we left I left Levi and the girls at the house and I went to the hospital in the city where she was, When I got there, I went in already asking where my wife was and the receptionist showed me where she was, so I went, I got there I saw the boss and Lorenzo sitting on a sofa, when they saw one looked at the other with his I was a ghost over there, and I asked

- What's it?

- Jack what are you doing here and how did you know?

- Hi, my daughter called me and told me what's going on, apparently, you two wouldn't call me,

- Jack I'm more sorry to Kris I didn't want you to know where she was or to let you know what's going on,

- But now I'm here and I want to know the truth like this, my wife,

- Well, the doctor didn't inform us, we just know she's bleeding, that's the only thing we know so far,

- And who is the doctor responsible for her care, but at this time I heard a known voice speaking,

- I'm the doctor, and I turned to look at him,

- Well Jack, when we don't see each other for a long time, the doctor was Dr. Augusto's son, Philip

- Philip?

- Yes Jack Dr. Philip now, and I am attending to my friend who, by the way, doesn't want to see you,

- It does not matter to me tell me what she has and what I am thinking, she lost ... before I finished he said,

- Yes Jack she lost was pregnant for almost 16 weeks it was a boy, at this time my heart stopped and I felt my legs go limp and I fell to the floor crying, and I heard the speech

- Jack, my son, don't be like this, she needs you, but Felipe said

- I don't know what you did to her this time but the last word before she became innocent was "I DON'T WANT TO SEE JACK AND HE CAN'T KNOW" those were her words,

- No it cannot be true she cannot do this to me I love her very much I cannot live without her and my daughters, and I started to cry out of despair, I need to see her I need to,

- Jack and better not my father said you can not see her if it was not run the risk of not waking up and stay in a coma and we will not run the risk of this happening, this time the prince will not be able to wake up the beauty, because the prince became a frog, I heard he said that I was angry but he was right I hurt her a lot and she didn't want to see me and she was the only one to blame me for my baby, I started crying and told her to hug me and said,

- Jack this will pass when she wakes up I will talk to her and she will forgive my son she loves you very much,

- Don't send her, she doesn't want to see me anymore, she doesn't love me anymore, I am to blame for all this is happening in our lives.

-Jack, stop it and get up, then your daughters need you and your wife we ​​also have to think of a way to wake her up who can bring our kris back, we need to think,

- Jack the last time you woke her up,

- The last time, um my daughter Andri was the one who woke her mother, we need to bring the girls here at the hospital as soon as possible,

- Okay, I'll go get her, so Lorenzo left and went looking for my daughters at the farm, but I needed to see she needed it,

-Philip I want to see her even though it was a long way I promise not to talk to her

- Okay Jack I can not prevent you from seeing her, because you and her husband still, but do not say anything we do not know how she can react to your presence.

- Okay, I won't say anything, I just want to see her,

- Alright come with me, so I went after him and we stopped in front of the room where she was and he opened the door

- Remember don't say anything

- I already understood I will not speak anymore I can hold her hand,

- yes I will leave you alone with her, so he left and I approached the bed where she was sat on the chair near the bed and took her hand and started to cry, I couldn't talk to her anymore like my heart I wanted to say everything I was feeling for her and as I wanted to hear her voice, I spent a minute there just crying, more suddenly I felt her hand move and squeeze mine tightly I was afraid and I felt her squeeze more and I stood the head to look at her, and I saw her with her eyes open and I felt the fear take over my body, the more she said,

- Jack and you even my love, I heard her talk like that I saw that she was no longer mad at me and I knew that God could have talked to her as he always did when she is like this, and I was silent feeling her hand in mine she squeezed and then I spoke.

-Yes, it's me, my beauty, it's me, and I saw her sigh in relief, and she said,- And you are still my prince and I can't escape it, at this time I felt my heartbeat faster she was calmer with me and I took advantage of it I asked for forgiveness, I know that when she wakes up she comes back talking without stopping, so I asked for forgiveness

- My little girl forgive me please I am an imbecile and arrogant stupid idiot,

- Jack that I know more has passed and I have to forgive you too because I lost ... I did not let it finish,

- No, my love, you don't have to ask, it wasn't your fault,

- Jack I was pregnant with a boy, and that was your dream more now ... I didn't let her finish

- Little forget this, it was not for you to continue with the pregnancy, the important thing is that you are well, I finished talking and the door was April and I saw two most beautiful little girls in this world come through her screaming,

- Where's mommy was, and we looked and started laughing at them, and I saw them looking at each other and I came running the wave we were,

- Mother, mother, you woke up...

- Yes, my love, my prince came to save me, from the dark,

- Seriously mother and that is your prince, we looked and she said,

- Her father and my prince, then it was her turn to look at each other and scream at and say

- Our dad I didn't know you were a magician, at this time Kris didn't smile she laughed a delicious laugh that I haven't heard her do in a long time, and then she said

- He has power and he knew a lot, he launched a power here and pointed to her heart showing that his heart full of love and bewitched by me

- And father, you have this power,

-Yes daughter, but I only use it with your mother, only she, but she also has her powers.

- Really?

- Yes she released her power here and bridge it to my heart, and the two looked at each other and said

- So to say you love mom and mom loves you, dad, we laughed at what she said, and I said

- Yes, my daughter, I love your mother and you two too, but right now the door is in April, and Philip and his father entered the when and said,

- What a beautiful family we have here, huh, and we looked at each other and I hugged the women in my life. And broad did not say anything we just looked at each other.