I had already left the hospital, I was at home and we were packing up things to go home because the injuries were over a week ago and the girls were planning to go back to the car, well, no need to mention that Jack and I were together again, our love only increases, and the fights only unite us more and more, our family was really beautiful, and as I love them very much, that I would be able to do anything for the happiness of my daughters, so we returned home after 3 weeks away, from home, from work, in this time we went through a bad time but now everything is right again.


In a month and my kitten's birthday she will be 4 years old and in a month something happened that made us worried she had never cried to have a holy supper and when her father is preparing the supper preparations she asked her and how if that were important to her, today and the fifth day of worship Jack and the leader of this cult and Andri and the singer of the farm cult, We arrived at the church, Jack went to the platform to start the service and I sat in the choir group of the sisters, and so he started the service as usual sang the 3 hymns of the harp after the official word and the groups more I realized that mine kitten was different, and there was something wrong with her, but I left it aside and it was Andri's turn to sing, and I saw that Noemi started crying and I picked her up and said,

- Daughter, what did you want to sing to, but she replied with her head that I no longer continued to hold her until the time of the word and the Brother who was going to bring the word law in John 15 times. 1 to 12 that says like this." I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer. Every "stick in me that bears no fruit, take it away; and clean every one that bears fruit, so that it bears more fruit. You are already cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you.

Be in me, and I in you; just as the branch of itself cannot bear fruit if it is not on the vine, so are you, if you are not in me. I am the vine, you are the branches; whoever is in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit because without me he can do nothing. If anyone is not with me, he will be thrown out like a stick and will dry up; and look at them into the fire, and they burn. If you are in me and my words are in you, ask for whatever you want, and it will be done to you. In this my Father is glorified:

that you bear much fruit, and so you will be my disciples. As the Father loved Me, I also loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love.

I have told you this so that my joy may remain in you, and your joy may be complete. My command is this:

that you love one another, just as I have loved you.

"After reading the preacher dusted the word of God with authority from heaven and the power was great in our midst, at the time of the call, many people went ahead to accept Christ as a savior and at this time my kitten came and said

- Mother I want to accept Jesus now, I replied,

- Then you can raise your hand, my dear,

- But I want to go ahead, and she started to cry and so I went with her there and we knelt and the brother came and prayed for everyone except for her who was there, and she looked at me and said,

- Mom why the brother didn't pray for me, but I called Jack and he came,

- Love our daughter is accepting Jesus and wants prayer, and so he started to pray, but I felt something strange in the prayer, which said,

"Sir, we are at this moment before you. To give this life into your hands, father, make it an instrument in your home, Father, I give it to you, do your will in this life, write her name in the book of life, Amen".

But I felt something was going to happen and I prayed "Lord have mercy and rebuke all evil and don't let anything happen to my daughter in the name of Jesus Amen"

and I opened my eyes Jack was crying hugging us and the three of us stayed there on our knees crying, we went home and I realized that she didn't sleep and I went to her room to see her when she saw me she said,

- Mother knew that the sky is a beautiful place,

- Yes my beautiful there and a very beautiful place,

- And I'm going to live there with Jesus, you know, mother, this time I opened my eyes wide,

- Yes my daughter we will all live there one day,

- I know mom, but I'm going there to sing in the angel choir there, I was getting scared of what she was saying to me,

- Yes daughter you and an angel, and will sing there with mom and dad one day, but she said nothing more and fell asleep and I went to my room and saw my husband lying in bed slow a book,

- My little one, it took you a long time to come back, something happened,

- Yes, love, Mi is very strange today, I was saying some things that I'm getting scared of,

- My love, I also saw this but it must be a child thing and coming from Mi I must say that it is not a surprise because she and very intelligent knew in word, the more I heard him say that I was thinking and I ended up sleeping. 2 weeks later had been two weeks and Mi was still very strange and she says strange things about the sky and sometimes I woke up she was playing and when I talk to her she said she was playing with Jesus, and the angels, well I thought that it was a child thing but I was afraid of what was happening to her, and every night I prayed with her and heard she asked God to take care of me and not let me suffer, and that he was supposed to stay by my side I thought funny the way she prayed, It was a Tuesday, February 7th, 2006.

I wouldn't go home. Jack would pick her up to go to the mall to buy Easter eggs, and he was in my office reading a document when Lorenzo, who worked as a security guard at the school entrance, came running. in my room already saying

- Kris something happened to the girls and I saw him go pale at the time of the speech, I spoke yelling at him

- Tell me what happened, I'm getting nervous, then I saw Dona Micheli come into my room with my daughter's backpack in her hand full of blood, and she said

- Kris happened to have an accident with the girls and Noemi,- Tell me what happened to my daughter, she is fine,

- Kris we don't know anymore you need to go to the hospital, and you don't even finish speaking, I ran out and Lorenzo with me, but when I left the school there were a lot of people and that was when I saw that the accident happened in high school sidewalk, at this time I started screaming in despair without knowing what to do and a policeman came and told me to stay calm

-Sir we will take you to your daughter and so he took me to the hospital, a minute later I saw Jack with Andri on his lap and crying desperately and came to hug me and said she was gone I screamed and fell on the floor screaming and crying without caring and said,

- My kitty, no, please, not her, my kitty, where's my kitty, where's she, this is a lie, this is a lie...

- How it happened to my kitten, no, not you, so you lied to me, where is my kitten, I didn't hear anything, everything was silent, I even heard my princess cry and I heard her say,

- Mum doesn't cry, mi went ahead because we wanted to wait for Dad at the gate just like the other kids, but then a motorcycle came on the sidewalk and hit the two of us and she ... and I heard my cries again daughter and I could feel the pain there seeing my own sister, and not being able to do anything, And I imagined that if I was crazy, imagine it for her, and how my daughter was suffering for all this and what our lives would be like without her, the joy of home, and who will call me a kitten now, how will I endure life without my half , how I would live without my kitten, like, no one else had the answers to my questions.