"It was difficult to write this chapter because here ends the part of Noemi's life and actually the kitten because that's what I called my daughter, as I already mentioned in the first book, this story is told here and a little bit of reality and fictitious, of a real-life the loss of this couple's daughter was real ... actually it happened in my life. But let's continue the story "I hope you enjoy bjs! NOEMI (final)

After we got back from doing we were fine until one night I had a dream that an angel, and told me that I will live in heaven because my time has come, but I needed to make my family happy and accept Christ as my savior because I did part of the plan of God in my life and that of my parents and that very soon my sister would also be with me waiting for my parents, and so it was.

It was a holy supper Saturday and I heard a voice that said ask your father for holy supper, and so I did, but he said he couldn't, so I started to make a smile, I said I would talk to the pastor more like I know the pastor would allow it because I called him grandfather and his grandmother's wife I was her dengo in the house, after all, she didn't age me, everyone said that I was just like my mother when I was little, I was the copy in everything, so if it was my father finished arranging the preparations I as always at his side, we went to the service and it was beautiful my little sister sang as she always sang with her sweet voice that made everyone cry.

After the service my father was the last supper of the supper at the place and I went with him, and there I asked for the supper and he delivered it because he had already spoken to the pasture.

of the holy supper, and so he did he gave the supper to me, and that night the angel appeared and said that everything is as planned and that soon it would be my turn to live with the father and sing in the celestial choir, together with him.

The day passed and every night I had dreams about the angels until one day I only heard a voice that said it will be three days from now and you will have to accept me as a savior, and so it was in the service that my father led I accepted Jesus and my father prayed for me together with my mother and it was a joy, I knew that God had a plan because he himself speaks to me at night and taught me many things that my mother did not know where I had learned things that I spoke or did more as the angel said for me not to tell anyone I didn't tell.

But it was on a Tuesday, February 7th, that in the morning before raising my voice he said "NOEMI WILL BE OUR MEETING TODAY AND YOU WILL LIVE HERE WITH ME TO WAIT FOR YOUR PARENTS IN PARADISE" I woke up feeling homesick for my mommy for my dad and for my sister, but I knew that my meeting with Jesus would be today, so it was we went to my mother's school and after class, we would go for a walk with my father at the mall to buy chocolate and Easter eggs, More on the way out my sister and I were at the school gate with Uncle Lóris, waiting for my father to arrive as soon as we saw him, we went out to pick him up on the sidewalk and cross the street when my sister and I were waiting for my father I heard a motorcycle noise and everything was fast and I just saw a light and a hand and the voice that said "NOEMI COME TO YOUR NEW HOME" (END) by Noemi