Kiss of the death

"Hello, Xie Jayden." Xiao Xing spoke first when he picked up the phone immediately after running back into his room without paying a second glance at Mo Lin who was sitting on the table alone.

"Hello, A-Yuan, What are you doing right now?" The alpha who missed his omega spoke when he heard him talking on another end.

"Jay gege, I just had my lunch and please don't ask me what I ate because I feel I will just throw up if I take the names of the food."

An incredible sound like the passionately flowing waterfall resonated in Xiao Xing's ears when Xie Jayden laughed from another end of the call. He got so mesmerised just by the sound of it that he almost felt like going to Xie Jayden just to capture the most beautiful sight in the world that was his face while laughing.

When the laughter died down at the end of his frantic heartbeat, Xie Jayden spoke while putting his face on his palm sitting in his office chair.

"A-Yuan, I am missing you badly. Right now I want to come there and see your flustered face so much." He confessed leaning back on the chair. "I know how grandma Nuwa is while feeding us. I always make sure to ask someone to call me in between the meals, just to get the opportunity to not get an overdose of food."

"That's a really smart move but you made a mistake." Xiao Xing said while sitting on his swing.

"What mistake?" Xie Jayden was surprised at this acknowledgement, he nearly stood up from his chair and slumped back on it with a courteous smile on his face.

The conversations were never so easy between them but since his omega came back in his life everything felt like a distant dream that came true out of nowhere and what he was doing right now was basking in the rays of love in the first days of spring.

And then he again heard that beautiful voice making his heart flutter like a butterfly.

"Now I am going to tell grandma about this secret of yours and then I am going to keep watch on you while you come here for a meal, Mister." Xiao Xing was in full mood of teasing Xie Jayden.

"No, A-Yuan you can't do it." Xie Jayden said while getting up from the chair.

"Yes, I am going right away to grandma and tell her about it." Xiao Xing pulled a trick forgetting what Mo Jin told him about Xie Jayden in the morning.

"Okay, you win. Tell me what you want, I will do anything to keep it a secret." Xiao Xing's jaw dropped to the floor when he heard what Xie Jayden just said and he sat there motionless.

"A-Yuan...A-Yuan... Are you okay? A-Yuan..." When Xie Jayden hadn't heard from Xiao Xing for a long time, he started to get panicked and when he was about to leave his office to go to Mo mansion, heard the voice he was waiting for.

"Jay gege, then you need to promise me to complete my one wish." Xiao Xing proclaimed without thinking about any particular thing and Xie Jayden gave satisfactorily a sign after learning that his omega was asking something from him the first time.

"A-Yuan, you don't need a promise to get anything from me." Xie Jayden meant what he said. "You can ask me anything, anytime. I will fulfil your every wish."

His heartbeat raced with the Jet Plane that went for an attack. He put his hand on his heart to calm it down. How can a person whom the whole world calls a demon to be sweet and sensitive like this?

Was Xiao Xing watching a dream? Or Mo Jin was lying to him about Xie Jayden for his gain? At thought of it, Xiao Xing felt an enormous pain in his head and he blurted something that he was not supposed to say at that moment.

"Aahh...My stomach... I think I ate so much that I got a stomach ache. I need tea. We will talk about that some other time?"

"A-Yuan, you want to drink tea? Since when?" Xie Jayden asked in utter disbelief.

Remembering what Mo Lin told about the choices of Mu Yuan, Xiao Xing bit his tongue and cursed himself internally.

"I got used to it in the last few months when I was hospitalised." He lied hard without breaking the rhythm. The habit of lying is taking over him slowly.

"Oh! But now you are at home. Have coffee. You always liked it. I have brought coffee beans from England, the ones you like the most.

You just ask Mrs Hua, she will get it for you. Do you remember you only loved the coffee she made for you?" Xie Jayden enlightened Xiao Xing on this aspect and then many other memories came flooding between them as slowly the subject of Mo Yuan got them closer to each other.

When Xiao Xing finally got called by Mo Nuwa after one hour of their phone call, it got disconnected only with the promise that Xiao Xing would call him in the evening.


"I need to check the hospital where Mo Yuan was admitted. I need to know details and records even about the doctors who attended Mo Yuan." Xie Jayden instructed his secretary Zhao while signing on the papers, after talking with his gorgeous omega for an hour.

"It will be done in two days, Sir." Secretary Zhao said without asking a single question back knowing very well what his alpha boss wanted as he knew his boss like the back of his hand.

Getting rescued by his alpha boss from getting raped in his first heat at the age of 15 on an unfortunate night when he was thrown out of his orphanage for getting too much attention from many alphas in the area because of his good looks was their first meet.

After that meeting, knowing omega's capabilities in many sections, his alpha boss decided to educate him and after years, becoming his secretary spread many romantic stories about their secret affair like wildfire.

But being one of the strongest alpha in the society of discrimination, Xie Jayden put end to it by crook techniques after knowing it was the only way to deal with it.

Learning and helping Xie Jayden in the office for the past few years Zhao Zhang has also become one of those rare omega's whom many alpha feared and he too used all the authority he got in the society to help his boss rise and shine every day.

"About the accident?" Xie Jayden inquired in a clipped manner turning the next page without looking back at him.

"Sir, your doubt was correct. It was a deliberate try to kill Yuan sir. The Pendrive put on your laptop has information about it." Zhao Zhang said while taking the file from his boss. Before turning to leave, he paused for a second and looking directly into Xie Jayden's eyes he submitted his opinion.

"Sir, the information still lacks in a most important aspect of who did it but it can happen again."

Xie Jayden felt the viewpoint was not just opinion but a clear warning and something churned deep inside his abdominal pit just thinking about his life two months back when the news of Mo Yuan's accident hit his heart with a boulder.

"Sir, rest assured. Yuan sir is constantly on our radar just like you asked and as you instructed before, best snipers, bodyguards, spies are there." Zhao Zhang immediately understood the turbulence in his alpha boss's mind. "This time nothing is going to get wrong."


Xiao Xing was lying on his bed leisurely when he heard someone jump on his gallery and his heart sank into fear, thinking of stories he heard of things that happen to omega in big mansions like this.

"Who's there?" He shouted while getting up and taking a vase of the room in his right hand for his safety, he moved to open the glass door of the gallery.

When he opened the door and slowly put his right foot outside, a smell hit his nose and his lungs distracted him to the fullest.

He got slammed against the glass door under the heated body and his lips got claimed with force without showing any mercy on the poor omega who was getting restrained by the zeal of the kiss and bear hug at the same time by someone.