Fear of losing you.

He nibbled his beautiful lips for seconds and when omega's hands tried to push him away, he held them both on either side of his head on the glass door while kissing him senseless.

The alpha was smothering the little omega not just with his lips but the heavy emotions that currently hovered over him under the pressure of the trouble.

And when the need of holding his omega inside his embrace came back to his head just to save him from all trouble, the departing took place.

Xie Jayden left Xiao Xing's swollen blood-red lips and he put his forehead on Xiao Xing's forehead.

"Jay gege, are you okay?" Xiao Xing was shocked listening to his own words that come out easily from his mouth like Xie Jayden did nothing inappropriate with him.

What has the thought behind the forgiveness of madness just happened now? Even Xiao Xing could not come up with a reasonable justification. Maybe his heart wanted to believe what he already believed.

"I am sorry...I am sorry. I don't know what got into me. I am sorry, Baobai for forcing myself on you but I promise, it won't happen again." A lone tear came down from Xie Jayden's eyes as he reflected on his doing one more time.

Xie Jayden cupped his left cheek with his right hand. "I thought...I thought I would lose you again. Please don't leave me ever again." He muttered under his breath sincerity laced with each word which reached his omega's heart like a scarring throne.

"He loves Mo Yuan so much and is afraid of losing him." His mind spoke the truth to his heart. "but his Yuan left him alone never to come back again." His heart cautiously argued back but with his mind only to get whacked back by Xie Jayden's voice.

"Ma told me that if my love is true nothing will happen to you and you will come back to me again but regardless you are in front of me, I fear for worse. Why?"

When Xie Jayden asked Xiao Xing a question with closed eyes, his grip got tight and his head came down on Xiao Xing's shoulder, his lips touching Xiao Xing's nape.

Suddenly, Xiao Xing felt a release of pheromones from both sides. The mix of sandalwood and rose hit his lungs and plum blossom's aroma made its way to alpha. The helplessness rose but a sudden intruder helped them to rip apart from each other in seconds with a flinch.

Oreo barked heavily just for a few seconds. The breaths that he almost held for twinkling came back to Xiao Xing after he controlled his pheromones. He turned back to face the glass door for moments to calm his senses down and after controlling his heavy body, he looked at Oreo while he was looking for his breath to come normal.

"Oreo, dear you got up?" Xiao Xing asked Oreo while squatting down. Soon he felt the heat of another body near his proximity and then he saw Oreo's clear attention to the alpha who sat near him. He saw Oreo's barking like a question to alpha.

"Oreo, I am sorry for hurting him." When Xie Jayden apologised to Oreo too, he realised the hostility that he saw in Oreo's eyes for Xie Jayden.

Oreo's eyes softened in moments but before he could do something an order came out from Alpha's mouth.

"But you need to be more careful around him from now on. Never let anyone come near him." Xie Jayden ordered getting closer to Oreo. "I need you to be sharp at his service anytime, anywhere he goes."

A return answer came back by barking again, but this time the manner was different from before.

"Good boy. Now I need to talk with your papa. You can go." He instructed one more time and Oreo followed it without a delay.

They both sat on a swing looking starry night sky which was shining brightly with the glamorous Moonlight and twinkling of stars.

"What is the problem, Jay gege? You came in like a thief not from the main door." Xiao Xing wanted to clear his mind to know about the devil.

"A-Yuan, this is not the first time I came here. I don't know how to say this but I am used to sneaking here." Jayden confessed for the first time in front of him and a giggle is what he heard from his love.

"You are a crook, you know that?" Xiao Xing giggled slightly. "Are you truly CEO of a big company?"

"Are you not upset with the fact that I used to sneak here in the night? Are you not afraid of me?" Xie Jayden asked while looking deeply into Xiao Xing's eyes.

"Why should I feel afraid?" He asked questions in return and Xie Jayden stopped the moving swing with his legs.

"You don't feel that I am creepy. Following you like a stalker?" When the reality of life hit him, Xiao Xing realised the meaning of his words.

"No. Because I trust you. I know no matter what you can never hurt me." Xiao Xing said without realising what he was initiating.

"A-Yuan, you believe me?" Xie Jayden said looking directly into his eyes. "Will you always believe in me?" He asked one more time but this time he cupped Xiao Xing's face in his hand.

"Jay gege, I will always believe you." He said without thinking back, caught in Xie Jayden's gaze.

"Then will you listen to me whatever I will ask you to do?" Xie Jayden wanted to take all the precautions to keep Mo Yuan safe and looking at the vulnerable state of Mo Yuan, he took all advantage of making promises from him.

"You will always tell me before going anywhere outside the city? Will you take bodyguards with you? And will you call me at least ten times a day?" Xie Jayden kept all the conditions in front of Xiao Xing without taking a breath.

"Gege, I will let you know where I am going. I will take bodyguards till the time they won't suffocate me and I will call you twice a day and if you are going to chain me, then be ready to get a kick out of my life."

When Xiao Xing finished speaking with him, his jaw fell on the floor thinking about how stupid he was thinking that Mo Yuan was in a vulnerable state.

"A-Yuan, are you teasing me?" Xie Jayden asked while looking back at the stars in the sky.

"No, I am not but why are you looking so worked up? I know there is nothing you are afraid of then why do you want me to keep you in an invisible cage?" Xiao Xing said when he turned to look at Xie Jayden whose face was looking white as snow.

"I fear losing you for the third time, A-Yuan." Xia Jayden said while turning to Xiao Xing "I know I am strong enough to protect you from all troubles in the mortal world but I am afraid because I am not almighty who writes our destiny."

His words hit him hard. The devil was vulnerable in the hands of destiny. The strongest CEO was afraid of destiny and Almighty God, Why?" A question hovered over Xiao Xing's mind. He needed to ask his fears.

"Jay gege, I know how capable you are but I can't accept that you are afraid of destiny." When Xiao Xing said the words which succeeded to throw him into the past, his first memory came back from thirteen years back when the first time he lost his A-Yuan. He lost him for thirteen years.

The second memory that hit him happened two months back where he lost his A-Yuan for two months only to get back just like he was thirteen years before.

But now that he got his Yuan back just like before he was afraid to lose him.

"I have trust issues. I don't trust that almighty and my destiny. They always play with me." Xie Jayden answered earn only to earn more compassion in the omega's heart for him.

"You need to believe, Jay gege. Your true love can make your Destiny."