
"Jay gege, you don't know what you are doing to me right now. I can't even figure out what is happening with me." Xiao Xing almost fell on the bed as all the energy of his body left his side when he said goodbye to Xie Jayden after a long talk for more than 2 hours in the gallery.

He silently lay on his back staring constantly at the ceiling which had a beautiful sky design on it and there hung the rows of beautifully arranged star and moon-shaped lights which were giving the ceiling the exact look of a starry night in the sky. His whole attention stood on the single thing on that ceiling was the moon that was brighter than other lights.

Soon he heard a light bark from Oreo that notified him about his presence in the room. Xiao Xing looked at him by turning his head to his left, still lying on the bed.

"Oreo, do you know if it would have been some other person who would have even touched my hand, he would have been lying on a hospital bed right now but he...he took my first kiss away from me and I didn't even throw a death glare at him."

While thinking about it his hand reached to his lips that were still feeling the warmth lingering on them of Xie Jayden's love.

The slight pain on his lower lip made him feel so alive that almost brought back the memory of that kiss. The jerking on the door, then caging him with his body, strong thrust of his lips, harsh nibbling and then the biting of his lower lip churned everything inside his stomach and in an instant, he hugged his pillow with a strong force that almost made his muscles ache in pain.

"You took away my first kiss and all I happened to notice about your feelings." He said with closed eyes. "No, I am not complaining but I. . I felt that you needed to be with me at that time. You needed that kiss, that hug. You needed me so much at that time."

But immediately his eyes flung open and they started to deliver the emotions of his heart.

"Don't be a fool, Xiao Xing. You are not the one he needed at that time but Mo Yuan and you are not him." Xiao Xing looked at the space that was somewhere not in that place and the force of tears started to increase even worse. "You are here only for a few days."

Looking at the miserable state of Xiao Xing, Oreo immediately jumped on the bed to hug his papa and his papa obliged his request of giving support by hugging him back.

"He doesn't just take my first kiss, Oreo. Your daddy is my first love too. Oreo, I never had this kind of feelings for anyone but I promise I will never let it go away from my heart ever." He promised himself by clutching his heart with his right hand and then he closed his eyes as fresh tears made their way out of his eyes.

"How can I live my whole life with the fact that I loved someone else's love?" And for a long time, he shredded the tears of sorrow of broken heart.


"You need to believe that your true love can make your destiny."

Mo Yuan's words kept on disturbing him the whole night. After their little chit chat finished in two hours Xie Jayden left to go home but even after leaving Mo Yuan's house, his words kept asking him to go back into the memory lane of thirteen years back.

{Flashback of thirteen years.}

"Jay gege, please come with me. I will get bored alone." Mo Yuan almost cried with a big teardrop collected in his eyes while Xie Jayden was putting him in the backseat of the car.

"Oh, A-Yuan, it is just a matter of ten days. You will be back in ten days." Xie Jayden said while wiping the little omega's face with wet wipes that he kept inside the car only for Mo Yuan.

"Jay gege, but ten days are so long and I won't be able to meet you and my school friends. What I will do there? Why can't you come with us?"

Mo Yuan was constantly relieving big tears and now that he remembered his school friends too he hugged Xie Jayden tightly sitting directly on his lap while circling his legs around Xie Jayden's lithe waist.

"Xing Xing, you have to come with us for a few days. Jay gege can't come with us because his exams are rescheduled. He has to give exams otherwise they will fail him." Mo Nuwa pleaded with Mo Yuan to let go of Xie Jayden while patting lightly on his back.

"No, no I want to stay with him here." Being a pampered youngest son of the Mo family he was giving hard time to everyone and when Mo Nuwa interfered between them, he knew his chances to stay back slimmed down some more, so he angrily got up from Xie Jayden's lap and ran back to the main entrance of Mo family villa.

"A-Yuan... A-Yuan...Listen to me..." Xie Jayden came after him running and within seconds he caught him by his wrist.

"A-Yuan, listen to me, okay I promise you I will come there to be with you." Xie Jayden lied to Mo Yuan just to let him go with Mo family as they were heading to their ancestral village to offer a prayer to the ancestral temple of that village.

"You will come with me, Jay gege. Yes, let's go right now. Aunty will send your clothes afterwards." Mo Yuan said happily while hugging Xie Jayden to the level of suffocation.

"Hold on...Hold on, bunny. Listen to me first. I will come thereafter two days because tomorrow is my maths test and you know very well if I don't give the test then Mrs Li will scold me." Xie Jayden lied again while holding his hand in his.

"You have to go with them now. Offer a prayer to God and then wait for me. I will come to you." He said while bringing the little omega to the car.

"Are you sure, Jay gege. ? you promise." Mo Yuan asked in a pleading voice while hugging him back.

"A-Yuan, I promise." He said while patting his back.

"Jay gege, if you will not come then I will not come to you till the time you won't realise your fault and even then also I will make sure you will cry to be with me till your eyes get dry. I promise."

{End of the flashback.}

"I have realised my mistake, my bunny. I will never break my promise again." Xie Jayden said while keeping his hand on his heart. "In my life, I will love only you, A-Yuan. I will never let anyone else take your place in my heart and will never let anyone come to your heart. This is my promise to you."


"Madam, he was in Mo villa again." One of the informers told the lady who was sitting in the dark over the phone.

"Again...? That boy will never change. Other than that, any important news?" The lady in the dark inquired of him while getting up from her chair.

"Madam, this time young master came out for the first time and they...they..." He defaulted while speaking and the lady's brows twitched in annoyance.

"They what?" She asked in a cold tone.

"Jayden sir kissed the young master without his consent but reciprocated." Informer finished speaking the whole sentence in a few seconds.

"What? But..." As she started speaking, she stopped abruptly. She avoided speaking more but she needed to inform him of new things and she just instructed him further.

"Keep a close eye on both of them, especially Xie Jayden. I need to watch all his work. Not a single thing should go out of your watch. Otherwise, you know the consequences.

She cut the call in the next instant and sat on her bed to take the much-needed rest.

"What are you up to, Xie Jayden? Why are you going so close to him?" She asked in a dark room while closing her eyes to sleep but to her dismay sleep was miles away in those eyes. "I know you so well, Xie Jayden, I can't stop you from going near him but before you can find out anything I will have to finish my work."