New challenges

"Xing Xing, you must be thinking why suddenly I summoned you to come to me early in the morning. Are you annoyed?"

Mo Nuwa started speaking after taking a sip of her morning tea at 7. Where both of them were sitting on the patio which was modified to her bedroom and one of the bedroom doors opened directly in it.

The translucent white decorative curtains swayed along with the cool breeze. The fresh aroma of the tea that grandma Nuwa was drinking made Xiao Xing craved it after a long walking session with Xie Jayden which finished just before he got called by Grandma Nuwa.

"Grandma, why are you asking that? I am not annoyed but surprised. You called me so early otherwise you wouldn't allow anyone to wake me up so early." Xiao Xing said while giving his gorgeous smile.

"Because for the last one week I have been seeing you getting up sharply at 5 and going for a walk with someone special." Grandma Nuwa teased Xiao Xing by putting down the cup of tea on the table.

At that moment Xiao Xing felt all the blood in his body rush to his cheeks and ears making them hot. Even the air that was coming in the patio wasn't able to cool him down. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it as words just rejected to form a sentence.


When Xiao Xing heard a soulful laugh of grandma Nuwa, he kept staring at her like an idiot with an open mouth.

"Oh, Xing Xing, just look at your face. You are looking like a tomato. Oh, my God, it is so easy to tease people in LOVE." She said, giving pressure on the last word of it, looking constantly at Xiao Xing.

"Grandma...You knew I was going for a walk? How? Why are you doing this? If you are going to laugh at me again, I am not going to talk with you." Xiao Xing spoke out so naturally like he was speaking with his grandma even after constant warnings Mo Jin was giving him every day.

"Xing Xing, your grandma also wakes up at 5 and goes for a walk in our garden but don't worry, Xing Xing, I will not tease you like this anymore. I called you here for the very important task which you have to do." She slowly got the hold of the thing she wanted to speak with him with much serious expression on her face.

Hearing the worry in her tone of voice, he got up from his chair and sat up by her feet as he was used to sitting at the feet of Xiao Mei.

"Grandma, what happened? Why are you so serious?" He asked with worry.

"Xing Xing, you are here for two weeks now and taking a rest for a long time." She sighed in relief thinking about the past when Mo Yuan was not there. "I want you to do some work. I want my Mo Yuan back."

His heart came out to his mouth when he heard what grandma Nuwa asked him to do when Mo Jin asked him to stay away from his grandma and doing of any other mistake

"But Grandma, you know that I don't remember anything about work." Xiao Xing suddenly reacted when he sensed the danger near him. "Grandma, I can't even remember my sign."

"Xing Xing, that doesn't matter if you have lost your memory. See, even if the tiger forgets everything he will never forget to hunt because he is created for hunting." Grandma Nuwa declared taking Xiao Xing's hand in her hand.

"But grandma, I..." But before Xiao Xing could speak more he was interjected by the voice that came inside with the owner of the voice.

"Yuan ge, don't worry. I will be there with you. I will take care of you." Mo Jin said while his gaze was at Xiao Xing's hand that was in grandma Mo's hands.

Mo Jin's smile changed into a frown but only for a second that Xiao Xing noticed at that moment and in an instant, his hand came out of grandma Nuwa's hand making her stunned. Xiao Xing got up abruptly from the floor to come near his seat.

"A-Jin, I hope you will let him feel comfortable in the office." Grandma Nuwa looked at Mo Jin who was still standing at the entrance of the patio. "Both of you take your seat. I want to speak about it with you."

When Xiao Xing and Mo Jin took the respective chairs, grandma Nuwa offered both of them tea but Xiao Xing, knowing the preference of Mo Yuan, asked for coffee.

"Grandma, I will have coffee. I will just ask Mrs Hua to get the coffee for me." As Xiao Xing said it, his hand went to lift the control button of the bell for calling the housekeeper, and grandma Nuwa stopped him.

"If you drink tea sometimes it won't make you lose anything, A-Yuan." She nudged the teacup near Xiao Xing "Have it before it gets cold. It is Jasmine flavoured. You will like it for sure."

She said it desperately looking at his face to know something. Xiao Xing took the teacup in his hand and glanced at Mo Jin for instance to check his response. But to his surprise, nothing changed in his attitude. He even looked at Xiao Xing and smiled.

"Have your tea, Yuan gege. It will get cold." He looked back at grandma Nuwa. "Yes, grandma. What do you want to say to us?"

"Mo Yuan will now take over everything that he left before going into that unfortunate accident as you know." She looked at Mo Lin and then back to Xiao Xing. "Mo Yuan first will take care of Tian's fashions which is a joint venture of Mo's and Xie's."

A sudden cough broke out as Xiao Xing heard Grandma Nuwa's words knowing very well where this work would lead him. He tried hard to stop the panic attack but it was unavoidable as he knew what grandma Nuwa was after. The cold sweat broke on his forehead.

"But grandma, you know his condition very well." Mo Jin got up from this chair when he heard grandma Nuwa. "He barely remembers anything about family matters, how he will work when there will be wolves around him the whole time to eat him alive? You know the business world and Tian's fashion project is in total another standard, grandma."

He stood up and looked at his grandma. Without caring for Xiao Xing's condition he made his attempt to stop Grandma Nuwa to change the decision. He stood firmly in his attempt to not get Xiao Xing into Tian's fashion as he remembered Xiao Xing will be working with Xie Jayden for it.

He tried hard in his desperate attempts to make grandma understand the possible crises but he knew the expression on her face that he was fighting the lost battle.

"It was Yuan ge's dream project, grandma..." He threw the lethal arrow towards grandma.

"That's why I want my Yuan to complete the project." And she shielded it completely. She said determining. She got up from the chair and moved closer to Xiao Xing and put her hand on his back to rub it till the time his cough hadn't lessened.

"I have faith in my Xing Xing..." She whispered in his ear so slowly that it only got heard by Xiao Xing. "Mo Jin, I will be waiting for you both in Xie cooperation. I have already spoken with Xie Bao and he said he is happy with the arrangement."

When she felt Xiao Xing was a bit okay, she turned to Mo Jin and smiled a bit

"A-Jin, I know what I am doing. Sometimes you need to believe your elders not because they are old but because they have more experience." Then she slowly turned to Xiao Xing cupping his face in her hand she called out his name,

"Mo Yuan, he will always be there for you, you just need to trust your love. No matter how hard it seems, everything is going to be okay."

Xiao Xing nodded his head to his grandma and soon found himself standing on the main entrance of Xie corporation which was a huge building of 200 floors, almost the tallest building in the city of Guangzhou.

When he was about to go inside the main entrance another round of instructions started to come to his ears.

"Gege, Yuan ge never spoke without necessity. Don't be reckless. Don't use your brain. This project is very precious for gege. Don't you dare to make any mistake while handling the situation? I have already told you, how to behave in office as Yuan ge." He said everything in one go before halting a step ahead of Xiao Xing. He stepped closer to him and whispered in his ears.

"I am going to be with you to handle the things for now but be aware of Jay gege. Stay away from him and in difficult situations seduce him if you require time to get away from handling official matters."

Mo Jin moved forward to enter the office but left Xiao Xing rooted on the spot.

"What he just said? Seduce Xie Jayden to buy some time?"