Seduce him

"Seduce him to buy time??? You don't have an idea what you just said to me Jin didi..." Xiao Xing froze as he remembered the alpha's fierce kiss of the night in his gallery and something churned inside his abdominal pit for seconds just remembering alpha's alluring face and lithe body all over him.

The intensity he felt with the kiss and sensation of kiss that night almost crushed him into the beautifully miserable mess that would never have let him come out of the lusting emotions if they hadn't stopped by Oreo.

"Didi, if I will seduce the hungry alpha all I will have is a vague memory of time nothing else. Only I know how much I have been trying to stay away from him while being with him at the same time since last week."

He whispered to himself remembering every touch and closeness of Xie Jayden while walking with him. By the time Xiao Xing remained in his memories, Mo Jin already reached inside the office lift leaving behind the fascinating omega about his alpha.

"Good morning, sir. Welcome back to life." Xiao Xing's daze broke down with the dark voice that belonged to a tall and handsome man who came in front of Xiao Xing with a bouquet in his hands with so many other employees of the Xie cooperations.

"We all are very happy to welcome you one more time. The last few months were a really hard time for us. I wish you have great health." He pushed forward the banquet he was holding till now and soon Xiao Xing touched it to take it from him with the smile that almost blind every employee that stood to welcome their CEO's fiancee.

But before he could even hold it in his hand a bodyguard reached to it to take it from his hands. As the thing that happened registered in his head, he heard the sound of Mo Jin who came back to take him to the office.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Don't you know he doesn't like to get anything from employees of the office?" Mo Jin's voice hurt everyone's heart. Those who were standing there with the hope of change in their boss after a life-threatening accident.

"Sorry, sir but we thought that he..." When the handsome man opened his mouth to speak he got silenced by the murderous gaze of Mo Jin.

"You better stay away from him." The warning was clear and with that Mo Jin glanced back at Xiao Xing.

Is Mo Jin truly 18 years old? Is he a criminal or something? The only thought that circulated in Xiao Xing's mind as he kept looking at all the drama that was unfolding in front of him with wide-open eyes and mouth.

"Yuan gege, please come. Jay gege must be waiting for you." And without acknowledging the efforts of all the employees, he took his hand in his hand to take him to the office.

Xiao Xing's mouth got closed and he looked down for seconds to get with the situation. The surprised expression on his face changed to grieving when he heard the term office with the name attached to Xie Jayden.

How was he going to face Xie Jayden while they were going to be working together for months?

"Welcome back my child I was waiting for you for a long time," Xie Bao said while welcoming his would-be son in law in their office with open arms.

Hugging smilingly with Xie Bao, Xiao Xing's gaze roamed in the whole office only to look for the silhouette of someone dear to him.

"Hey, a boy who are you looking for?" Xie Bao asked while leaving Xiao Xing from his arms. As for the question that reached to his head, his head denied any access to it to give a satisfactory answer and his mouth got closed after opening it to speak.

"Chuckles*** I know. I know who you are looking for but dear you have to wait for the meeting to finish. Xie Jayden is in the meeting, he will come to your office after finishing it." Xie Bao cleared all the questions troubling Xiao Xing and moved out leaving him in Mo Jin's care.

"Xing gege, just sit here and let your secretary brief you about all the official stuff but don't you dare to do something." Mo Jin threatened Xiao Xing as he sat in his office.

"Yes, I promise you I will not make any mistakes from now on..." As Xiao Xing said it, Mo Jin turned to him with shock on his face, " promises from now on. Just take care of your mind." Mo Jin said with sarcasm but the delicate omega was someone who never remained silent.

"Jin di, I take good care but sometimes I just talk what my heart says. But why are you suddenly..." He was about to ask but before it, Mo Jin spoke,

"Xing gege, are you for real? Well, just keep that mouth shut when there is any situation. Don't give any opinion on anything. This is just the first day. Get used to surroundings and act as Mo Yuan." Mo Jin went out of the office saying this and Xiao Xing slumped down on his chair.

"May I come in sir?" A soft knock on the door made him starlet for a second but relaxing within moments he answered back "Yes."

"Good morning, Sir." A soft voice elicited in the office before an angelic face came inside. That made Xiao Xing look at the door where the person was standing asking for permission to come inside with his expressions.

"Get inside Zhou Cheng. Since when did you need permission to get inside?" Xiao Xing said while looking down at the laptop screen which just showed the detailed inscription of the project in Tian's fashion. "Have you made any mistake behind my back that you are afraid of facing me now?"

Xiao Xing acted as he was instructed by Mo Jin without knowing the effects that made on another omega's heart. Zhou Cheng broke into a cold sweat as he remembered how his boss was and what he hated the most.

" I...sir. You know...I.You..." He started to stammer and it almost made him stop his breathing.

Xiao Xing glared at him even when he felt pity for the secretary.

"I hate stammering. Have you forgotten the rules I told you the day you became my secretary?" He whispered yelled at his secretary and then giving a death glare again asked calmly "Rules?"

"I can't make mistakes, I can't say no to any work. There will be no time limit. I can't be late. I can't make friends. I can't eat or party with other office staff. I am obliged to you 24/7. I can't lie, stammer or steal."

He finished saying rules like a recorder. His voice was trembling like he was. But sympathy was not shown to him even though he was with Mo Yuan for 2 long years.

Xiao Xing was obliged to, to the contract he signed for himself and his sister. He stood up with the same bitch face to stare at Zhou Cheng.

"What is the most important rule?"

"I can't get pregnant or married for the next three years." As Zhou Cheng said it, something churned inside his pit and he felt a sudden urge to run away from the demon standing behind the table.

"So, tell me what will happen if you break the rule?" Xiao Xing asked, folding his hands near his chest looking straight into the fragile omega who was now shivering hard.

"You will make sure that the father of the baby will die with the baby in front of my eyes." Fragile omega shivered hard finishing the last words and Xiao Xing's heart came out to his mouth and stomach to his chest while listening. He was only aware of the rules but not with the punishment.

He held the tabletop to cease himself from collapsing to the ground. He breathed hard knowing that Zhou Cheng's eyes were boring the hole in the floor. Summoning himself he shook all thoughts out of his mind as he looked back at omega to give some relief to him.

"Zhou Cheng, don't think much. Just do your work. You are getting the best of facilities and money for the job you are doing." He took a little breath when he saw the colour of the omega's face coming back to normal. He sat on the chair and looked back at his secretary.

"Brief me about today's meeting. I need to know where they are in the new product launch of Tian's fashion. I don't want to miss out on anything. It is the first product of Tian's and I don't want any mistake."

As Xiao Xing said the word mistake one more time in front of Zhou Cheng, he started to shiver like a dried leaf and suddenly everything went black in front of his eyes.

Xiao Xing who was expecting a summary from him saw these changes in him and moved away quickly to get hold of him before he hit the ground.

He looked at the pale-looking secretary and tapped on his cheeks to get him out of his slumber but to no avail and then he thought of calling someone to help but before he could shout, he saw the silhouette standing on the door, sending a death glare at him with so much intensity that Xiao Xing felt shiver ran through his back.

The mouth that opened to call someone got closed instantly and his gaze went down on the floor without a delay as he could no longer handle the frown on others' faces.