How long you are going to pretend?

When Xiao Xing turned to look at the source of the voice, he suddenly came out from the daze he was in.

He saw the most handsome and perfect actor sitting in the front chair and praising him for his idea. Lu Dequan was a heartthrob of the millions in the whole world after his historical drama got hit worldwide.

There was a lot of struggle he did to get to the place where he was right now but not only he got successful, he even got more matured after facing the problems single-handedly.

A best friend of Mo Yuan who understood him like the back of his hand. A caring cousin of Xie Jayden from the maternal side who loved him from the bottom of his heart even when he got only disrespect from him for being what he is.

Knowing many things about Mo Yuan's best friend Lu Dequan, Xiao Xing took a step ahead to respond to him but even before he could utter a single word from his mouth, someone with a sour heart spoke his mind out loud.

"Mo Yuan...I love this idea. Zhao Zhang intimate producer of Heaven's path that I want to meet them tonight." Xie Jayden said looking at Xiao Xing and then he turned to look at all the board members.

"This is it, everyone. Does anyone have any questions or want to go against my decision?" He asked with a fierce tone and everyone shivered at their places.

"Xie Jayden, I think we all agreed to this concept. Whatever questions we will have about it we will ask Zhao Zhang about it." When one of the senior members cleared his thoughts on all the happening, everyone else started to applause Xiao Xing.

"I think that's all then. Goodbye, everyone. We will meet up soon for the next meeting."

As Xie Jayden announced his thought he got up from his chair. He went near Xiao Xing and took his left hand in his. He turned without giving him any scrutiny, taking him along with him he started to move out of the conference room.

"Mo Yuan..." A whispered voice then came to them ceasing their steps to ensure a halt. The yearning heart that was waiting for his best companion finally got the relief of seeing that heart alive.

"...Yudi, don't you want to meet me? Are you upset that I came so late?" He asked with all the sentiments and Xiao Xing felt a strong pang in his heart like someone stabbed a dagger in it. He immediately turned around to look at the lonely soul that was waiting for him to get just one glimpse.

Their eyes confronted many unanswered questions and soon with the adorable smile in the world, Lu Dequan got his answer back. His bunny rabbit smiled at him after a truly long time that reached his eyes.

"A-Yuan...We need to go now." The furious voice of alpha then broke the connected gaze and soon Xiao Xing found himself striding along with Xie Jayden to his office.

"Xie Jayden, wait. Lu Dequan is here. We should meet him first." As words left Xiao Xing's mouth, furious alpha's gaze met with his and he felt intimated by him.

"MO YUAN..." He roared at Xiao Xing and took him with him to his office. As the door of the office got closed he pushed Xiao Xing against the door. His hands got shoved above his head and soon he found the heat of Xie Jayden's body against his body.

"Xie..." His words got muffled in his mouth as Xie Jayden's lips landed on his lips. A strong sweet taste of alpha's luscious lips made his heart give away in a single moment. After a nibble and then a strong suck his lips got released from the strong grip of love made him go dizzy and miserable at the same time.

"Always remember one thing, Mo Yuan. Your heart belongs to me just like you." Xie Jayden said while he placed his forehead on Xiao Xing's and before the heat of the moment could take them away in a different world, Xie Jayden move away from the miserable omega who was still trying to breathe.

"A-Yuan, do you need something?" Xie Jayden asked while he took him near the couch and made him sit on it."Do you want to drink something?"

"Jay gege...I...I need water." Mo Yuan, whose face was turned whole red like a tomato said while digging the hole in the floor. What was happening to him was not in his hands and even if it would one day comes to his hands, he would like to give up all that only to listen to these sweet confessions, all he wanted to flow with the wind that Xie Jayden will blow.

"I will just get it." He said and got the glass of water for Xiao Xing from the table. "A-Yuan have this."

Xiao Xing immediately took the glass from Xie Jayden's hand and one more time gulped down the whole glass of water without wasting a single drop.

Seeing one more time Mo Yuan drinking the water like a thirsty person Xie Jayden remembered the scene that happened in the conference room and when he thought of asking about it, he heard a knock on the door.

"He is here, Mo Yuan. If you want to speak with him you can but don't involve me in it. You know it won't do any good." When Xie Jayden said it to him, hundreds of questions arose in his head but stopping himself from asking it, he looked down to the floor again.

"I need to ask Jin di about it. Why Xie Jayden is so angry with his cousin?" When Xiao Xing got a bit calmed down he made a mental note inside his head.

Xie Jayden then went near the door and looked at the person who was standing at the door waiting for his permission to get inside.

"You have five minutes." Xie Jayden stormed out of his office to give two best friends some privacy knowing fully that Lu Dequan wanted to meet with Mo Yuan desperately.

"Thank you." His steps halted only for seconds when Xie Jayden heard his elder cousin thanked him but not giving him any response he moved away from him as fast as possible.

Lu Dequan smiled bitterly looking at his disappearing silhouette and murmured in a sad but hopeful voice.

"You brat, still care for me and showing that you hate me. One day, Xie Jayden one day I will make you understand what real love is."

He came inside the office only to look at the dazed omega thinking about something that was bothering him to death. Lu Dequan came near him and sat on the couch that was placed on another side of Xiao Xing's couch.

He kept looking at him for a while and when even after a long time he hadn't got a reaction from another soul, he took the initiative to speak with him.

"Yudi, are you still thinking of him? Why can't you listen to me?"

His words made Xiao Xing trembled and then he looked at his every facial reaction with scrutiny to know everything from it.

"What...What are you talking about, Quan ge? I can't understand you." When Xiao Xing asked Lu Dequan a question he stilled in his gaze just to look inside the soul of Xiao Xing and then asked a question that made Xiao Xing broke into a cold sweat.

"How long you are going to pretend what is fake? You know very well that soon Jay di is going to find out about it." Lu Dequan asked with a very furious voice that made Xiao Xing flinched on his spot.