Knowing things but on the surface

Hearing what Lu Dequan just inquired of, the ground under Xiao Xing felt like moving badly. His all senses went numb and other than fast the beating of his heart nothing else he sensed.

How can he make a mistake or the said best friend of Mo Yuan is more intelligent than him or from Mo Jin that he got to know about his reality?

Few questions emerged on the surface of his mind but he couldn't have taken the chance to confront Lu Dequan about it in case he was just throwing the stone in the dark.

"What? What are you talking about?" Xiao Xing somehow managed to ask him a question that doesn't seem to get cared for.

"What? What I am saying? You know what exactly I am saying here. We have discussed this hundred of times." Lu Dequan declared getting up from the couch and it managed to stir waves in Xiao Xing's where his whole face turned pale and his gaze now got rooted to the leg of the coffee table.

Lu Dequan then turned around and coming near to small cupboard. Looking at it he pushed his hand on it and a small crystal piece that was sitting beautifully on it came down and broke into small pieces.

"Aah," A small gasp loosened from Xiao Xing's mouth when he heard the sound of breaking while he almost jumped on his place.

As the sound that scared Xiao Xing resounded in Lu Dequan's head, he turned around and within few steps, he reached for Xiao Xing.

Xiao Xing couldn't have survived another blow from Lu Dequan when his whole body got pulled up in Lu Dequan's arms without any warning but knowing fully that Xie Jayden let him meet with Mo Yuan's best friend and that too alone in the office somehow his whole spirit resisted himself attacking him.

"He kissed me so hard like he was claiming his right on me, was he afraid of this thing or he doesn't trust me?" The thought came to Xiao Xing's mind in the next second and he pushed Lu Dequan ripping him by his both hands.

"LU DEQUAN..." Omega whispered yelled at him thinking about his alpha who must be leaving him with his best friend even when it was hurting him.

"Was Xie Jayden hurt that I said we should meet Lu Dequan?" The opinion of it made Xiao Xing more uneasy and his steps led him to find the one he loves more than his life.

"I am sorry, Yuan'er. I know I hurt you last time so much with my thinking but try to understand my feelings too." Xiao Xing's steps halted when he heard Lu Dequan's confession.

"Yuan'er, you know very well how much Jay di hate people who betray him and you still want to hide the truth from him." Lu Dequan said and ceased to speak till he reached to Xiao Xing.

"You need to tell him where your heart is before it is too late for it." He finally said those words which haunted him day and night.

"Where my heart is? Was Mo Yuan never loved Xie Jayden? Was he hiding some deep secrets in his heart? What is it, Mo Yuan? What you were hiding from Xie Jayden?"

When Xiao Xing was thinking about the questions Lu Dequan asked him, all his thoughts made chaos in his head. That time looking at the bewildered expression on his face Lu Dequan gasped slowly.

"Yuan'er, what happened? Have you completely forgotten about your past? What Mo Jin told me about your amnesia is true? Have you forgotten about the one you love, Yuan'er?"

A whole new wave of unpleasant feelings was evoked in both of their minds when they thought about the said words.

"Is it possible to forget about the person we love more than ourselves?" The only thought that came to Lu Dequan's mind was when the possibility of the next coming future events made his mind quivered.

He moved closer to Xiao Xing and holding his arms in his he shouted hard at him.

"Yuan'er, no you can't do this with me? You can't do this with my cousin. All his life he only loved you even though he never showed it to you. His heart always belonged to one person that is Mo Yuan." The force on Xiao Xing's arms started to increase with each second and he started to fill the bone piercing pain in his arms.


"Sir, your strong coffee." Zhao Zhang said while putting the coffee cup near Xie Jayden's table where he was sitting on the big chair with closed eyes.

"Zhang, is he doing alright? Do you think I did the correct thing to leave him alone with him?" He asked his secretary who was more than a best friend to him.

"Jayden, you need to believe him. If you are going to be like this that day will come when you two will be found yourself standing on exact opposite poles." Knowing very well that Xie Jayden needed a friend at that time, Zhao Zhang spoke his heart out.

"Why do you think that I don't trust him? I...I just don't feel..." Xie Jayden argued back while getting up from his chair.

"Jayden Mo Yuan and Lu Dequan are still in the office and it's just five minutes and you are already sulking here." Zhao Zhang said when he swiftly cut the gaze of Xie Jayden and moved near a table where he took the file that was needed the quick attention of Xie Jayden.

"I am not sulking here." Xie Jayden said with arrogance in his voice. "I am working in here."

"Okay. Then see, this file needs your signature urgently. Our clients are from Canada." Zhao Zhang then placed that file on Xie Jayden's coffee table. "You have fifteen minutes to read it and sign it. It only has twenty pages."

Zhao Zhang then turned to go out of the room just to show his naive boss about the truth. He started to count his steps from one and as he thought at step number six he got called by Xie Jayden.

"Zhang, wait. I know what I am doing but it is just that..." He was looking for words that could convey his feeling to Zhao Zhang but failed and then he heard them by Zhao Zhang.

"You don't trust in your destiny." Zhao Zhang then paused for a moment and spoke again while coming and sitting near Xie Jayden's chair.

"You need to show him you love him, care for him. I was also not sure till now but when I saw him today, I felt him." When Zhao Zhang said this Xie Jayden looked at him with scrutiny.

"What do you mean by that, Zhang?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Jayden, I saw love, admiration, fear, affection, dependency in his eyes for you and only for you and then there was something different in his essence today but I can not pinpoint what is it?" Zhao Zhang explained in detail what he felt when in office he felt something for him.

And at that time Xie Jayden remembered the exact reaction that Zhao Zhang gave for Mo Yuan's presence near him. He remembered how then he strongly felt the need to interject Zhao Zhang to go close to Mo Yuan.

"Zhang, when you tried to go near him that time I strongly felt that my alpha part asking me to push you away from him like I sensed you have endangered him in some way." Xie Jayden closed his eyes again as the same feeling crept into his heart like it was given minutes before.

"No. No, it is not about the trust, Zhang. I know it's not. It is...It is...I strongly feel the urge to protect him just like I used to feel when we were small." He said while turning around to go out of the office.

"Where are you going now?" Zhao Zhang asked as he saw his boss leaving the office.

"I am feeling that he is in danger, Zhang. I need to protect him." He said while leaving behind the omega who was very well aware of that feeling from the bottom of his heart. He too needed to protect someone at that time.