Kissing your sorrows away.

"I am sorry...I am sorry." The pleading for forgiveness soon reached the soul and Xiao Xing came back to life slowly in the bedroom which was adorned by the European touch in everything.

The light coloured curtains fluttered as the wind entered the room unhurriedly. The sweet aroma of the room lingered heavenly around both of them. The lights coming from outside illuminated every corner wonderfully.

"A-Yuan...are you feeling okay?" Xie Jayden asked while he was sitting near Xiao Xing on the bed. Getting relieved that his omega finally opened his eyes. "Do you want something?"

He cupped Xiao Xing's face and asked most delicately but Xiao Xing only looked at him in bewilderment. Realising the loss of touch to reality, Xie Jayden started to explain what happened but in an exactly defensive attitude that he carefully avoided the topic of calling him, Xing Xing.

"A-Yuan, you fainted in the lift. I think you skipped today's breakfast and at the time of lunch, we were in that meeting. I guess it all affected your health and you fainted."

Xiao Xing for a second hadn't realised what was happening to him but then Xie Jayden's explanation for the aspects made him remember the things that happened in the lift.

At that point when Xiao Xing remembered the reason for his dizziness and unconsciousness, he started to get a shiver running through his veins. He trembled in fear for a second but he closed his eyes to get himself together.

"I am sorry...I am sorry, Xie Jayden. don't hurt... for my mistakes..." Xiao Xing rumbled some illogical words which went unnoticed by Xie Jayden only the panic in Xiao Xing's voice was heard by him.

"A-Yuan...A-Yuan, stop panicking. Look, I am here with you." Xie Jayden tried to calm him down. He sat closer to Xiao Xing and took him into his embrace to ease the pain. "I will take care of everything. Just don't worry. I will be with you always."

Slowly the alpha scent that released his pheromones reached Xiao Xing, filling his lungs with the light scent of sandalwood, got another scent of roses then got added to it and it calmed down every nerve of Xiao Xing that was pulsing hard.

"Jay gege, what happened..." When he spoke one more time, Xie Jayden put his finger on Xiao Xing's lips to make him stop speaking.

"A-Yuan, I know you have a lot to talk about but I don't want you to burden yourself with everything." He said while he slowly retreated from his position and then held his hand in the air near Xiao Xing. "I will listen to everything you tell me but you need to eat something first."

When Xiao Xing saw the alpha extend his hand to him, without a second thought he held on to Xie Jayden's left hand with his right hand and came out of bed gradually at his own pace.

He was totally into a trance when his hand got held tightly by alpha. They moved along with each other till the time they came near the staircase of the house and that's when the trance got cracked down.

A big staircase entered the most lavish drawing room where a big chandelier was hanging exactly on the central sitting arrangement. The minimum but the most expensive pieces of art were adorning the place at its best. The way they took laid them into the western technique kitchen after a small but very elegant dining room.

"Where are we, Jay gege?" Xiao Xing asked when he looked around. "I don't know anything about this place. Have I forgotten about this place too?" He then inquired using the lie that always managed to save him.

"You won't remember because you have never been here before. I built this house to stay here after marriage." When Xie Jayden announced about marriage a hand that was buried in his hand got a shudder in anticipation of the future.

With how much intensity Xiao Xing wanted to marry Xie Jayden couldn't even get measured with the millions of stars in the sky and with the same fervour he hated to get married to Xie Jayden under the name of Mo Yuan.

But that thought got interrupted when he felt the tight grip of Xie Jayden's hand not just on his hand but on his waist which got pulled up by his alpha. Xie Jayden put his forehead on Xiao Xing's forehead only to find solace for him.

"I know this was supposed to be kept as a secret from you till our marriage but when I held your unconscious body in my arms today, I felt like I lost everything just like thirteen years back."

Saying this lone tear fled away from his eye before letting him know its presence which got captured by Xiao Xing's lips. A sharp gasp got heard by him at that point and his eyes got opened gradually debating whether to open up or not.

"Xie Jayden, I know you are waiting for our marriage for a long time but I am sorry that I made it difficult for you to get your happiness easily." Xiao Xing said in an apologetic tone when his emotions got overwhelmed by the touch of Xie Jayden's pain of waiting.

"No, don't blame yourself, A-Yuan for it. When you asked me to postpone our marriage, you permitted me not to listen to your request." He said caressing Xiao Xing's right cheek.

"It was my choice back then to wait for you some more. A-Yuan even if you are going to ask me to wait for eternity, I am ready to wait for you because I know that you are ready to come to me." He explained himself while taking Xiao Xing down from the dining area to the kitchen.

"I love you, A-Yuan. I don't want to force myself on you. It is just that I want you to be back in my life so that I am ready to do anything. Just don't leave me again like this." He requested as he placed a glass of water in Xiao Xing's hand for him to drink where he turned back to reheat the food that was cooked by the servants of the house.

"Just don't leave me again like this..." {Xie Jayden}

"You are supposed to go away from our life as soon as you give birth to Xie's heir..." {Mo Jin}

Both the orders that came to his mind as life gave a tight slap to him as he played the game with destiny that was written for him to die in the hands of it along with his sister.

An adamant soul dreamt about a happy life with his sister by playing with destiny...haa...what a lame joke that was. Isn't it a destiny that played him in return by making him fall for the only person with whom he was never supposed to fall in love in the first place?

And even made that person in love with his look-alike tortured his soul till the time he will live with Xie Jayden. Yes, he played with destiny and got played by it in return. Without the option of turning back he needed to make Xie Jayden strong enough to fight solitary after he left him alone and for that, he took the first step without realising its after-effects. He turned around and asked Xie Jayden.

"Jay gege, please don't love me so much. I have a fear of my own. What if I will again leave you alone in this world as it happened in the past?" Xiao Xing turned back to see his alpha fuming in anger by then.

His breath got hitched and his steps strode back with the fear of his alpha. He didn't understand the mistake in his sentence then but a strong need to step away from his enraged alpha made him go back till his back hadn't hit the wall behind him.

"DON'T YOU EVER THINK OF GOING AWAY FROM ME, A-YUAN. THERE IS NO PLACE OUT THERE FOR YOU WITHOUT ME." Xie Jayden said with hostility in his eyes and Xiao Xing gulped hard when he found out the nearing steps of Xie Jayden to him.

"I just thought..." He tried to reason himself but only to get slashed himself.

"What you thought, A-Yuan?" Xie Jayden asked while his steps got closer to Xiao Xing. His furious gaze held Xiao Xing under scrutiny. "Can you get away from me?" As he said it, his right hand got banged on the wall near Xiao Xing's left ear.