You are mine

"Can you get away from me?" As he said it, his right hand got banged on the wall near Xiao Xing's left ear. "Tell me, can you get away from me?" He asked in rage again.

"Jay gege, I mean...I... it's" The rumbling continued with Xiao Xing as the proximity of the alpha made him gasp within. Then Alpha looked away for a second only to return his gaze to Xiao Xing.

Where Xiao Xing tried to speak but only his lips remained parted, no words came out of his mouth as he expected them to come.

"What do you take me for, A-Yuan?" Xie Jayden asked Xiao Xing, putting both of his hands on the wall behind him, perfectly caging him between him and the wall.

The question was asked but no answer came out of Xiao Xing's mouth. His lips got sealed under the pressure of love that bored a hole in his heart.

"Do you think I am delusional that I can't feel your feelings for me?" He asked his omega a single question but in return told him about his awareness about Xiao Xing's love for him. "I can see the affection you are feeling for me since you came back into my life again. I don't know why but I feel this heart of yours. This heartbeat, this...this you... it's just like way back before everything turned out to be disastrous."

Xiao Xing remained silent as his heart and mind gave away any hope to speak and logical conversations with his alpha as emotions of his alpha were too much to handle for him.

"Tell me, A-Yuan, now what do you mean by'' you can go away from me?" Looking at the silent omega, he spoke again. "You...Can you fucking speak what's in your mind?" He almost yelled at Xiao Xing, making him tremble on his spot. His chest started to heave strongly.

"I just...I...think... We never know what happens and...accidents can happen at any time...what if one day...I suddenly disappeared..."

"MO YUAN..."

Xie Jayden's fierce pitch of voice roamed around the whole house and Xiao Xing's heart skipped a bit in fright and his both hands touched the cold wall behind him almost digging into it.

At that time all his instinct told him to back away and he did the same. He tried to push himself into the wall as much as possible creating a space for air to run between their bodies.

"A-Yuan, what the hell are you talking about?" Xie Jayden asked him in rage.

Xiao Xing's eyes got closed thinking about the future that was already written for him even if they get married and get their baby. All the incidents come in front of his eyes like some movie is going on. How they are supposed to get married and how they are supposed to get away from each other for eternity.

"I am not immortal, Jay gege." And then Xiao Xing makes the final fatal attack that breaks Xie Jayden into pieces.

"No..." Xie Jayden shouted hard and looked sternly at Xiao Xing,

"You need to control your anger, Jay gege...I don't think I am wrong." Xiao Xing said with firmness from outside but exactly broken from inside.

"You are wrong...You are wrong. Do you hear me, Mo-Yuan? I don't want to talk about it ever again, Do you get me?" Xie Jayden spoke his final words and turned around to go away from his love but Xiao Xing did see the strained red in the corner of his eyes.

"Jay gege..." Xiao Xing spoke inside his head and closed his eyes again just to think about the last few minutes' events.

"How did we reached here? This thing is not even that important to hurt him. I should have never said that in the first place." As the thought came to his mind, his senses went numb.

"But isn't it necessary to prepare his mind for the worst from the start?" His mind again gave him thought to think. But when he saw the walking silhouette of alpha his heart came to his throat.

He instructed his body to move and call him back but his muscles refused to listen to his request as his whole body went numb to any sense. Something churned inside his abdominal pit.

"Xie Jayden..." His mind again called him inside it. Moments passed by in their heartbeats.

Then he saw the alpha's steps come to a sudden halt. He turned around and within a few strides, he came face to face with Xiao Xing. Looking darkly into his hazel eyes, brown orbs spoke thousands of thoughts.

"No. We are never going to break apart. Do you hear me? Immortal or not, I want to spend my whole life with you." When he heard his words a boulder of responsibility hit Xiao Xing hard remembering Mo Yuan, his sister and his gaze lowered in fear of losing himself in front of Xie Jayden but stubborn alpha wasn't ready to accept it.

Xie Jayden's fingers clenched his chin and he pulled his face up.

"Look at me when I am speaking with you. Do you hear what I said to you?" He said with the fervour of love. "You are mine to start with. This heart of yours belongs to me only."

"But Xie Jayden..." Xiao Xing tried to speak again but only to get interrupted by his alpha.

"I know there are thousands of reasons to get scared but I love you and I promise I will solve them all." Xie Jayden spoke up and the sentiments that are about to stay inside Xiao Xing started to fall from his eyes.

"Ja...mmmmhhh" The remaining words got muffled into omega's mouth with the sweet taste of his alpha's lips and salty taste of his sentiments.

The holiest taste of that kiss transferred in his whole body by the tingling sensation. The tongue that invaded his mouth's corner felt like a heavenly fascination. The arms of his alpha felt like an enchanted place to live through all life.

Soon alpha broke the kiss and put his forehead on Xiao Xing's forehead.

"A-Yuan, please don't ever talk about getting apart again. I will never let that happen. I promise."

His alpha promised him that thing which was an almost impossible thing to happen ever but for the first time in his life, he felt the need of believing the biggest lie of his life and he believed in it.

And when alpha moved a bit away from his omega nodded his head. As moments passed between them alpha seemed to calm down a bit.

"A-Yuan, I am sorry that I almost scared the hell out of you." Xie Jayden apologised for it and took Xiao Xing into his embrace.

"Jay gege, you don't need to say sorry. I know how to live in the fear of losing a loved one." Xiao Xing whispered in his embrace. "But from now on let's never talk about it."

After finishing their talk, they sat at the dining table with all the food that was prepared. Xiao Xing held his breath just looking at all the food.

"Jay gege, this is too much. Why did you ask to cook so much? We could have managed with two-three dishes." When Xiao Xing raised a question, Xie Jayden just smiled cutely in his cheeks and grabbing his cheek with his hand he said something that made Xiao Xing go cautiously around him.

He ate silently, keeping his tongue tight. By the time he finished eating food all he felt was that his stomach was about to explode and the pain in his jaws after chewing too much meat.

"Jay gege, please stop putting anything in my bowl. If I am going to eat even a single bite, my stomach will explode." He said as he got up from his chair without giving a single glance at food or Xie Jayden.

"Hey, Baobai, are you that full? You must eat more to become healthy..." As Xie Jayden said this while going behind Xiao Xing, he turned around and threatened him.

"Dare to feed me one bite, Xie Jayden. I will postpone our marriage until next year."

"But, A-Yuan, your health is weak, so you must eat..."

"One more word and it will be postponed to the next ten years."

"But Yuan..."

"Next life...mmmmhhhh" And again his words got muffled into his mouth.


"Is it confirmed that he is pregnant?" Zhang Kai who was standing near the window looking at the shimmering sky asked when he realised the arrival of another person in the room.

"Yes, sir. All the results came positive. He is already two and a half months pregnant." Zhao Zhang said when he put the file on the table. "These are his reports. I think he was into someone else before that thing happened."

"But how's that possible?" Zhang Kai turned around and took that file into his hand to check all the reports that were there.

"Zhao Zhang, take a whole month but give me the exact information that happened and has been happening around all of us since the last three-four months. Give me each person's information involved in this."

"It will be done in a month." As he said it he collected all the files and when he reached the door of the office he heard him saying something to him.

"Zhao Zhang, please don't tell all this to him. Just handle it till I won't give you a signal for it." Zhang Kai said firmly looking into Zhao Zhang.

"Yes, sir. I understand you very well. I will try to keep him out of it. Till the time I can." The assurance in his eyes allowed Zhang Kai to be at peace for a long time.