Assurance you are there.

"Xiao Xing, I need you to know that you shouldn't think anything negative. Now that you have come back to me, I will make sure that everything is going to fall into place." His alpha's assurance was something that lurked in his mind for a long time when he dropped Xiao Xing home at midnight.

The crazy day of the office ended with him going into the house where he is supposed to live after their marriage. The late lunch and then light dinner went on very late at night.

By the time they realised that Xie Jayden promised grandma Nuwa to send Xiao Xing safely home after dinner, it was eleven o'clock at night.

They reached Mo villa at midnight, Xie Jayden specifically stopped the car way before the porch of it. When Xiao Xing saw Xie Jayden stopped the car, he smiled looking at him and then tried to open the door of the car but before he could open it properly he got pulled by Alpha for another heartening kiss.

The kiss that started with a light peck then turned into a passionate one. Xie Jayden strongly sucked on the plump lips of Xiao Xing till he felt complete.

"A-Yuan...I love you. I can't live without you. Just be safe and be with me always." Xia Jayden said while they walked the distance till they haven't reached the main door.

"A-Yuan, I know what I am trying to make you understand since the evening is not making any sense for you but I want you to believe me."

"I believe you, Jay gege. But Mo Jin will be accompanying me everywhere and most importantly you are there, so I don't need to think about anything." Xiao Xing answered back to Xie Jayden who was constantly lecturing Xiao Xing to be careful about the world around him.

After saying this, he walked a step to get inside the house but next step he felt the strong arms of alpha circling him and taking him into the back hug.

"A-Yuan, please I need you to take care of yourself because you have started to come to the office from today. I want you to be more careful while you come out of the home. Outside it is not safe for you."

"Jay gege, I don't need to think about my safety. You will always be there." When Xiao Xing said it he turned around in Xie Jayden's arms and gave the most gorgeous smile of the world to Xie Jayden where he lost himself in the fervour of passion. "Why should I care for it?"

"A-Yuan, will you take my words seriously?" Xie Jayden said after a few instants when he came out of his daydream.

"Today whatever happened in the office wasn't planned at all. Many of our business enemies got to know that Mo Yuan is back in the game, so they will try to harm you. You need to know all this.

"Jay gege, I think I need to go inside the house now otherwise you will take me back to your home again..." He said without realising the mistake in his words and got jerked back on alpha's chest so hard that it pains him in the chest.

"Our home, Yuan'er. That is our home. You better keep this in your mind." Xie Jayden's grip around Xiao Xing.

Watching the crazy demeanour of his alpha the ruthless alpha vibes transferred to his whole body making him shiver a bit. His eyes almost fell frown on the floor like he was some criminal who was standing before the judge.

"Jay gege, I am sorry but I will keep this thing in my mind always." His eyes were still rooted to the ground till Xie Jayden's chuckles haven't come to his ears.

"Oh god, my cute omega. You look more beautiful when you behave like a cute little kitten who listens to everything that I say." Xie Jayden chuckled more seeing flabbergasted omega and got a smack on his arm while he got put out of omega's arms.

"I don't want to talk to you, Jay gege. You are bullying me now. I hate you. Go away." Xiao Xing ran inside the house while looking back at the chuckling alpha who was waving his hand towards him.

When Xie Jayden finally came and sat inside the car, he ignited the car engine with his key and hit the main road. Stopping at one of the corners away from Mo villa, he took out the phone which was continuously ringing but on silent mode.

"Yes, Zhao Zhang what is the news?" Xie Jayden asked him as soon as he picked up the phone. "Is there any emergency"

"Sir, I think you need to come to the police depot. We need you for some time." When Zhao Zhang asked Xie Jayde to come to the police depot. He understood the situation that got worse.

"Is he dead?" He asked without a single concern in his mind for the person who died.

"Sir, yes he is dead, sir along with two other members of our group." Zhao Zhang announced while checking all the papers which they needed to submit to the police which he put inside his bag.

He moved out of his study room to the drawing-room to go to the police depot.

"Sir, but this time we are in trouble. The first thing that happened in the morning got witnesses by many people who have any issues with Yuan sir and the second thing if this will come out in the market we are going to lose many contracts that are on the important list for us."

Zhao Zhang latched the door and came out of the building to get into his car when he heard a loud honk of another car that was standing near his car.

"Zhao Zhang, I will come there within few minutes. I am quite near to your house. Let me give you a ride." Xie Jayden said out of habit.

Zhao Zhang felt relieved as he was too tired to drive a car, he was about to say yes but a sudden intruder made it impossible for him to speak.

"Mmmmmhhh" The person in the dark held Zhao Zhang tightly. He tried to come out of it but to no avail. Then the intruder slowly pulled away and put out his hand that was placed on Zhao Zhang's mouth.

"Sir, I will come on my own. Thank you for asking." Zhao Zhang said while he pushed the person who almost fell on the ground but Zhao Zhang somehow managed to take him back into his embrace only for few seconds.

While here Xie Jayden cut the call and took the route of the police depot.

"I think I need to tell you first that why I am here and what exactly I want to speak with you."

The intruder spoke his first sentence and Zhao Zhang held himself from hitting him.

"I am sorry for the previous incident. I should have waited for them to take care of their problems first."

"You came here to tell me this? You just can't stay away from problems, right?" Zhao Zhang shouted at him. "Don't you just get it if anyone will see you here at this time what will happen? How wrong that could get projected?"

"Chuckles*** The hell I care about it and you know that, right?"


"So, finally you got the time to come back? How was your day?" Xiao Xing's steps faltered and his eyes opened wide for a long time when the sound of someone asked him with authority about his whereabouts.

"I.....i...With Xie Jayden...I was coming..." Xiao Xing got shocked by life looking at the person who was looking so angry and without thinking more he started to speak nonsensical talk.