
When Xie Jayden confessed his feelings for Mo Yuan's safety, the nerves in Xiao Xing's heart got tied up in painful knots. Yes, he again started to get envious of Mo Yuan.

"Oh God, why am I so envious of him? Isn't all this his in the first place? Whatever I am getting right now is your blessings for me. How can I get jealous of the person because of whom I have found a true love of my life even for a year, it is a blessing."

His thoughts made it clear not to think about the fact of his life. He was an imposter but even then got more than life in that single existence. How can he ask for more when he got to live his life with his love when he was about to get robbed of his and his sister's life.

"A-Yuan...What are you thinking?" Xie Jayden's whisper then took him out of his thoughts.

"Nothing Jay gege, please don't think too much about it. See, I am here with you right now." As Xiao Xing said it he turned Xie Jayden with his body and then hovered on top of him. "Can't we just forget all the worries, Jay gege? Even if for a day that will be just great." He said this and finding a comfortable place on Xie Jayden's shoulder he lay down leisurely.

Xie Jayden looked at Xiao Xing who's only hair and a bit of face was visible to him. He went near him and kissing his hair, he asked him a question.

"Would you like to forget your worries, Mo Yuan? Will you be able to trust me with all decisions of our life?"

"Gege, do you think I don't trust you?" Xiao Xing asked in so much amusement. Then even within a heartbeat that passed remembered the fact that Mo Yuan's feelings were different than his.

"A-Yuan, it's not like that but never...I mean..." Xie Jayden got stuck at the point where he wanted to share his thoughts but never want to hurt Mo Yuan.

"Jay gege, I know...Maybe there was a time I was not aware of my feelings but now things have changed. Can you read me, ge?" He asked piercing his gaze into his alpha's soul.

"What are you trying to say, A-Yuan?" Xie Jayden was dumbfounded.

"I already trust you. Otherwise, I would have never come to you, Jay gege." Xiao Xing looked up in Xie Jayden's eyes, getting up a little. "Jay gege, yesterday in a meeting when I interpreted my new idea, that time it was my trust in you that made me speak my heart bluntly."

Listening to ripen speech from Xiao Xing, Xie Jayden kept looking at him with a bewildered manner.

"Jay gege, don't look at me Iike that. See, when we first met after that accident I straight away asked you to postpone our marriage and become my boyfriend. Then every day we are going for a walk without even us realising about it. Yesterday grandma sent me to the office only because you were there."

Xiao Xing spoke everything in one go but then again stopped thinking about his first thought when he was asked to join the office.

"Jay gege, yes, I was reluctant to join you but that wasn't because I haven't trusted you but I was reluctant because of my incompetence. I thought maybe will create problems in the office but in the end, I spoke my heart, haven't I?"

As he asked the question he looked at Xie Jayden for an answer.

"A-Yuan, when did you grow up so much?" Xie Jayden cupped Xiao Xing's face and kissed on his forehead. "I never knew you were so mature. I love you, A-Yuan. No, not because you become matured but I love you for the heart you have."

As Xie Jayden's words left his mouth, the heart one more time thumped loudly. One heartbeat delay and then other, like playing some sort of game. Xiao Xing strongly felt his heart thumping inside him after the pain he observed in the night but then again choosing to ignore the fact, he resumed his talk with Xie Jayden.

"Jay gege, but tell me the truth, have I made a blunder in office?" He asked innocently. "Will it is going to be a headache for you?"

Xie Jayden's eyes then moved like a butterfly who can't sit still, and he cursed himself loudly.

"Fuck you Jayden...You are supposed to be in the office right now."


Everything around alpha halted when the sound so beautiful like a water stream resonated in his small world that only had two souls living for each other.

His laughter was like medicine for his heart's grief. Xie Jayden was mesmerized by Xiao Xing's laughter will be an understatement if correctly said. His heartbeats started t beat so fast that he felt like they will come out of his chest anytime soon.

Not knowing the changes in his alpha, Xiao Xing sat up in bed while laughing his heart out and after controlling himself merely for moments spoke the words that nearly challenged his alpha.

"Gege, you look so cute when you cursed...chuckles***"

"What you said, I look cute? Don't I look dangerous when I am cursing?"

"Haha hahaha. Gege, you...hahaha and...hahaha dangerous...hahaha...mmmmhhhhh"

And his lips got sealed with the fury that ran inside alpha when he got called cute by his omega. Xie Jayden's lips got strongly pressed on Xiao Xing lips. His teeth soon got sank into the lower lip and gawked on it.

The biting promptly opened the moist mouth where alpha's tongue attacked with all might. The wildly opened eyes of Xiao Xing looked at his alpha only to find him immense in that kiss and he tried to push him in fear of losing the last bit of sanity that remained in him.

The growl was then heard by him and his wrist one more time got held in alpha's hands that got yanked on the bed on both sides. He got kissed like Xie Jayden's life was depending on that kiss.

"I need to go to the office, Baobai. Will you be okay?" Xie Jayden left his lips and asked him with concern. But failed to realise that it was him who made his state miserable under him.

But still, in a daze, Xiao Xing nodded his head and turned to the one side. Making himself comfortable in one position, he said the words which were impossible to understand as he drifted into the siesta of wonderful dreams those were waiting for him to make him happy.

Looking at the sleepyhead under him, Xie Jayden got mesmerised to the core.

"Are you for real, A-Yuan? How can you sleep just with the kiss? I just can't believe you. If this going to happen while our mating, how I am going to make you mine without knowing how shy and nervous you get under me?"

Smiling wholeheartedly he got up from bed. Putting comforter on Xiao Xing, he got ready in Xiao Xing's bathroom to go directly to the office. Wearing the same clothes again, he called Zhao Zhang and remembered the last night's events that he left unsolved because of someone so special in his life.

"Zhang, I will be in office in next half an hour. I need to get the dress before our meeting, get it ready in the first-floor office." He finished telling Zhao Zhang instructions only to get instructions from another side of the line.

"What? When? Don't let it get spread. Stop all the videos as soon as possible. Crash the site and wipe out every damn video." He instructed carefully not to wake up Xiao Xing.

Kissing Xiao Xing's forehead one last time, his steps forwarded outside only to get stopped with the call for his name came.

"Xie Jayden, stop, we need to talk first." The voice behind him felt so serious for the first time in his life that it skipped a beat in his heart.