Truth to be told.

"Xie Jayden, stop. We need to talk first." Grandma Nuwa said this when she saw Xie Jayden leaving Mo mansion. After hearing the serious tone of when Xie Jayden came to her, he took her hand in his hand, they both went to her study room to speak privately.

"Xie Jayden, yesterday night when you came here and saw Mo Yuan's condition that time you broke down. May I know what happened between you two?"

She asked with a bit of a serious but sweet tone. "Had Mo Yuan again misbehaved with you? Have you two fighting because of Mo Yuan's stupidity?"

"No, no. Grandma, nothing like that happened. This time it wasn't his fault." Xie Jayden spoke up for Xiao Xing and then stopped himself and looked at another side. "Grandma, have you heard what happened in the office yesterday?" Looking back at her he asked a question too.

"Yes, I know. Yuan was wonderful yesterday. He got the best idea to launch 'Tian's fashion house'." She stopped in between and then got more serious than before. "Have he remembered Qin Chung? Is that why he fainted yesterday night?"

"No, Grandma. There must be some other reason because when I talked about Qin Chung this morning, he was so unconcerned that I felt he is someone else, not Yuan." Xie Jayden spoke up looking straight into her eyes only to know her sentiments.

"NO...He is Mo Yuan. Or Yuan. Never think otherwise, Xie Jayden. He is our Xing Xing. It is just that he can't remember anything." She said very nervously. Then what she said was just mumbling to herself but Xie Jayden heard her properly.

"He is our Xing Xing."

"Grandma, don't worry. I know he is our Yuan." Xie Jayden made a point to make her feel at peace.

"You know people can't remember even what they ate yesterday and for him remembering the past from another lifetime is not possible."

When grandma Nuwa said these words Xie Jayden sensed something not right but then his thoughts turned to think about Mo Yuan and he forgot what grandma said seconds back. Xie Jayden felt more compassion for Mo Yuan as he didn't know how remembering the past is torturous for Mo Yuan.

"Grandma, do you believe in me?" Xie Jayden slowly took grandma Nuwa's hands in his and said in the softest voice ever. "Grandma, I love Mo Yuan, with memories or without memories. I don't care, the only thing that matters to me is his happiness."

"Yes, I believe you, Xie Jayden. I just want to ask you to believe in your love for Xing Xing. Even if he is not what you are hoping for." She asked, keeping hope in her eyes. "Will you be able to give him equal love as you do now?"

"Yes, Grandma, no matter what happens in future, even if Xing Xing changes into another person, I will love him just like this. Trust me, grandma."

When Xie Jayden confessed his feelings, grandma's eyes got filled with moisture and her hopes rose a lot.

"Whatever I am doing right now only because of this trust in you, Xie Jayden. Thank you for your acceptance. I hope you keep your words even after you know the whole truth." She said those words in her mind and left to check on Mo Jin who was still in his office since yesterday night.


"Hello, A-Jin, have you finished your work?" Grandma Nuwa asked him on the phone.

"Yes, grandma. I will be coming home shortly. Have you taken your breakfast and pills?" Mo Jin asked as it was his work every day to give medicine to Grandma Nuwa whenever he would be at home.

"Yes, child, I have taken them. Tell me, A-Jin is a matter of Qin Chung solved? Has he taken the complaint back?" She asked with a worried voice.

"Grandma, don't worry about it now. Jay gege took good care of this matter. He got all the proof that showed Qin Bai was a criminal and Qin Chung was the same as his uncle." Mo Jin said when he felt the need to share a bit of information with his grandma to give her mental peace.

"That's great, dear. I believe in you two. I know you will never let me down. Mo Jin, come home then we will speak in detail." She cut the call when she heard everything was under control only if she knew what was exactly going on in the outside world.


"Hey, Xing Xing, how long are you planning to sleep? See, it is almost lunchtime. Get up." Grandma Nuwa was trying to get Xiao Xing to wake up when her butler told her about lunch.

"Grandma, only two minutes, please." And again Xiao Xing took the blanket on his head to sleep peacefully.

"You are saying the same thing from the last fifteen minutes. Now get up fast okay." Grandma Nuwa said while getting a bit mad.

"Oh, grandma, only two more minutes, I promise I will get up soon." Xiao Xing again retorted.

"Oh, you want to sleep more? Then I will tell Xie Jayden to go away, little Xing Xing wants to sleep some more." Grandma Nuwa teased and instantly got the result of it.

Xiao Xing got up from the bed in seconds and almost started to walk towards the door while saying.

"Oh, grandma, why haven't you told me about it before? Is he in the drawing-room or music room?" Xiao Xing asked excitedly but when he heard the laughing sound from behind, his steps ceased to move forward.

"Grandma, you were teasing me? How can you always do this with me?" Xiao Xing asked while he turned back and sat on his bed with a pout and crossed arms.

"Oh, Xing Xing, I should ask you this question. How can you just be so naive that you always get into my teasing?" And she giggled again looking at the red face of Xiao Xiao Xing.

"This is not fair, Grandma." He was still pouting while sitting on the bed when grandma Nuwa came and sat near him.

"You just met him in the morning and see how eager you are to meet him again? This gives me a chance to pull your leg." She said in an amused tone and Xiao Xing looked at her.

"Xing Xing, that night you asked me what is love? Do you know now?" She asked, looking at him with bright hope.

"Yes. Grandma, now I know what love is and I know that I am blessed with the world's best feeling." He said while putting his head on her shoulder.

"I know my Xing Xing can only fall in love with Xie Jayden. No matter what you are. Mo Yuan's heart only beats for Xie Jayden." She said and both giggled a bit.

"Xing Xing, I am going. Get ready and come for lunch. I will be waiting for my Xing Xing."


After talking to grandma when Xiao Xing got ready for lunch, he heard his phone's ringtone that started to play his favourite ringtone and immediately he learnt that it was Xie Jayden's call.

"Hello, Jay gege." Xiao Xing talked to Xie Jayden excitedly while sitting back on the corner of the bed.

"I am perfectly alright but how are you, A-Yuan, do you still feel dizzy or something?" He asked with concern.

Xiao Xing got up from the bed and went near the window to see outside.

"Jay gege, just don't worry. I am perfectly all right. Yesterday I guess, was such a tiring day. That's why I fainted.

I think I should start working but slowly."

As Xiao Xing said this, a negative reaction from Xie Jayden got Xiao Xing by surprise.

"No, there is no need to work. We are happy with the way we are, so no more work for you."

Xie Jayden said while getting up from the chair. He stood near the window and put his forehead on the glass window.

"A-Yuan, you, believe me, right?" He asked as the tear slipped from his right eye.

"I believe you, gege. Just don't worry. I am okay with the way things are going. Just take care of yourself." Xiao Xing said while putting his forehead on the window.

"So, take a rest for the day. We will talk about the office next time, okay?"

"Okay, Jay gege, we will talk about it afterwards. Bye."

As he put down the phone and got a call from grandma from down. But before he could take a step to go out, someone barged into his room.