Misunderstanding and understanding.

Xiao Xing got called for lunch, he got up and was about to go down when he saw Mo Jin barging into his room without knocking on the door.

As he got inside the room, he closed the door with some force that made a sound that made noise both in the room and inside Xiao Xing's heart.

"Who the hell are you, Xiao Xing?" Mo Jin said as soon as he got into the room and held Xiao Xing's collar in his hands.

"Jin di, what happened, why are you getting so angry? You know who I am. Why are you so angry?" Xiao Xing who was now holding Mo Jin's hands with his hands asked in a bit worried tone.

"When we were going to the office I specifically told you not to do anything but you, you just don't listen to me." Mo Jin's eyes were omitting the fire. "I told you not to speak but you just went against all and made Mr Qin go behind the bar. Now he is not behind the bar but he is no more."

Mo Jin said this and left Xiao Xing's shirt's collar with a jerk. As he left Xiao Xing's collar, he moved away from him, turning back he ran his hand from his hair and took a long heavy breath.

"You don't know what trouble you got us into. Who permitted you to speak at the conference? Do you know how much the Qin family hate the Mo family? Now they all will only make our life hell." Mo Jin first told the actual reason after he came inside the room.

"But Jin di, it hasn't happened because I spoke at the conference...It was already decided by Xie Jayden. He was just waiting for Mo Yuan to come and see how he would punish the culprits." Xiao Xing said while coming and standing in front of Mo Jin.

"What the hell are you talking about?" When Mo Jin heard what Xiao Xing said, he got stunned as he listened to some lies.

"Lin di, Xie Jayden told me that he never protected Mo Yuan before but now he is going to save Mo Yuan from all troubles. He is going to protect Mo Yuan from each trouble." Xiao Xing told Mo Jin thinking that he would relax but what happened next was exactly the opposite of it.

"What? Has he lost his mind? Why now? When Yuan ge needed someone that time..." Mo Jin was about to speak the truth of the past but stopped himself before he could tell Xiao Xing. He looked at him and going near him he scolded him again.

"I don't know what you have done to Jay gege but remember one thing you are an outsider here. After giving birth to a baby you are going to leave this place for everyone's best."

As he broke Xiao Xing's heart, he moved away from him but halted in his steps for a while.

"Xing ge, You are getting married to Jay gege after fifteen days. Make yourself ready to get married and give us an heir. Let us take care of other things."

He said last words to Xiao Xing and opened the door of the bedroom and went out to his room.

"After fifteen days? But wasn't Xie Jayden supposed to ask me about it first? Is that why he said he will always protect me?" Xiao Xing mumbled to himself.


"Xing Xing, where were you? I called you for lunch half an hour ago." Grandma Nuwa said when she saw Xiao Xing coming for lunch.

"Grandma, I am sorry but Mo Jin came to say hello and then I went to the restroom." He told grandma about his late coming of course without telling the whole truth.

"Grandma, you should not wait for me so long. Why haven't you started yet?" Xiao Xing said while serving rice in her bowl.

"How can I start without my Xing Xing? Will he not get angry just like he used to get in the past?" Grandma Nuwa smiled brightly while saying this and like contagion disease that smiles spread around Xiao Xing's sad face.

"So tell me what is the problem?" When grandma Nuwa asked this to Xiao Xing he looked at her with bewildered expressions.

"Grandma, No, nothing is there. Why do you think like that?" Xiao Xing asked, taking a bite of vegetables in his mouth. He needed to do something, otherwise, he had full doubt that he would open his mouth in front of grandma.

"Xing Xing...You know you can't hide much from me. Let me remind you I am your grandma who knows everything about her Xing." Grandma Nuwa said while putting her hand on Xiao Xing's hand. "Now tell me what is troubling you so much?" She asked without wasting any time.

"Grandma...I...that" Xiao Xing hesitated as she was afraid of asking about his marriage but remembering the other thing he had in his mind he asked his question.

"Was Qin Chung related to me somehow? Was I close to Qin Chung? Did we have some history between us that they want to destroy me?" Xiao Xing's thoughts on Qin Chung made chaos in his mind and he asked her grandma about it.

When grandma Nuwa heard a question about Qin Chung, her eyes started to emit fire in them and her whole body started to shiver frantically as someone took what was her.

"Xing Xing, they are enemies of Mo's. They are working with Xie's but they never did anything good in the company and when Mo, I mean you spoke against them they always tried to make it difficult for you." She said and looked back at Xiao Xing. She put her hand on his which she retreated seconds back and spoke again.

"Xing Xing, stay away from Qin Chung. He doesn't have good intentions towards you."

Hearing what grandma said, some pieces of the puzzle started to be put together in Xiao Xing's mind.

"So, that's why Xie Jayden made Mr Qin's arrest in front of me? And Mo Jin thought that I provoked Xie Jayden and that led to the arrest of Mr Qin in office...Oh, why Jin di, you misunderstand me?" Xiao Xing thought to himself.

"Hey, child what happened? What are you thinking? See, if you are thinking about the Qin family just forget about it. Xie Jayden will take care of it." She said very confidently. "You have to keep some issues for Xie Jayden too. I have called Mo Jin for lunch too. We will wait for him. Okay?"

"But grandma, yesterday, in the office..." Xiao Xing tried to tell her what happened but before he could say anything she spoke up.

"Nothing doing, Xing Xing, you have to take care of your health. Yesterday night you fainted in the lobby...."

She was about to speak more but as soon as she mentioned the lobby, Xiao Xing's mind went back to that new photo that was placed there. He got up from his chair and his legs started to go to the lobby without his brain's consent.

"Xing Xing, where are you going?" She called him from behind but to no avail. Then she too went after him to check where he was going.

"Xing Xing, why are you staring at your photo like this?" She asked promptly when she saw him looking at the photo earnestly.

"Grandma, why was I smiling so brightly in this photo?" He asked her without any hesitation.

"Do you have memories of your childhood, Xing Xing? How...How is that possible? I mean, Xing Xing do you...do you...know this is your photograph? Xing Xing, do you...can you...remember...I need...You"

The wiser lady for the first time in life spoke so many things but still, those words never seem to make any sense of things.

Though she was speaking nonstop, all her attention was given only to Xiao Xing.

"Xing Xing..." She again called his name softly.

But still, Xiao Xing remained in a daze but just for some moments, as he closed his eyes to remember the last night's events, a blur of pictures of few memories started to appear in his vision, still blurry but with clear sounds...

"Xing Xing, don't run. See, I won't be able to catch you...I am an old hag now. Stop."

"No, I will only stop when someone catches me..."

"Aauch...Jay gege, leave me. You can't hold me. You cheated. You came from behind. Noooooo...You are a cheater."

As memories of some blurry things started to knock on his heart, his heartbeats started to rise every second making his breathing harder.

But looking at the distressed omega, grandma Nuwa immediately went near him and held his hand in her and whispered in his ear very softly so that her voice would not reach Xie Jayden.

"Xing Xing, no this time is not right. Mo Jin is here. My child, I am sorry for pushing you. Come back to me. He will come at any time. XING XING..."