Facing the truth


A sharp call from his grandma got him out of his daze in seconds and he looked back at her with the daze that continued in his eyes.

"Grandma, I am sorry, I...I troubled you. I am okay."

Was he really okay? He heard some sound in his head just now...Who're sounds were they? Who was calling him? And why he felt that those sounds were so familiar?

Though he answered grandma that he was okay but he knew that he won't be able to stand for long and looking at his wobbly legs, she immediately realised the need for that time.

She made him sit on the chair that was placed near them and called for water. When the servant got the water, she immediately picked it up and gave it to him. As he drank the whole glass, he kept it back on the tray and with grandma, Nuwa's command servant left them alone.

After drinking the whole glass of water Xiao Xing felt much better but those memories of those voices, however, remained in his mind only to haunt him later.

"Are you feeling okay, Xing Xing? See, if you are not feeling good we will have lunch in your room. There is no problem." She asked him cupping one cheek in her hand.

"Xing Xing, I am sorry for putting you into this condition. I...I thought now I can take out every old stuff. I wanted to relieve all those days till you won't get married but I never knew this will make you sick. I will shift it back as soon as possible..."

She said with a worried expression where her eyes got all moisture, which was trying to seek solace for her own.

"No. No, grandma. No need for that. Let it be here. I too want to know about the old days." He said looking at her eyes. "Grandma, I am getting married soon. Let me live those memories too."

He knew his life was never that simple. With every solution of life, he got a brand new puzzle. How could he have forgotten that his life always walked the opposite path? He needed to work hard to earn a decent living and this time he needed to work harder to keep his living.

He got up from the chair slowly and hugged her tightly making sure he was not suffocating her with that hug.

"Grandma, I am okay. I just need some rest now and you too. Let's just have lunch and we will take some rest." As he said it, she peeked up to look at his face which felt much calm and compose.

Believing him she too moved to the dining area while he was still holding her in her hug. But after walking few steps he turned to look at that picture and his heart skipped a bit.

He immediately turned back and closed his eyes only to hear some sound in his head one more time. When they sat down on the chair, grandma one more time took Xiao Xing's hand in her hand and pressed it lightly.

"Xing Xing, I will not ask what you felt or sensed there but I just want to know if you fainted in front of that photo yesterday night."

She stopped in between and deciding something she spoke again. "I expect only truth from you. Did you faint because of that picture? Please tell me the truth, Yuan'er."

"Grandma...I...I" He hesitated for some time.

"Xing Xing, I need the truth." She one more time forced him to speak the truth.

"Yes, Grandma I felt some pain and then everything went blank. Then I found myself on my bed in the morning." He told her and instantly held her hand with his other hand. "I think It happens sometimes. Don't worry."

"I know Xing Xing. Just don't worry but I forgot to ask you something." She asked him taking her hand out of his hands. "I need to go to the hospital, will you come with me?"

"What happened to you, grandma? Are you okay?" They both got starlet when they heard the third voice that interrupted their conversation. Both looked at the staircase from where the sound came and saw Mo Jin coming to them.

"I am perfectly all right, A-Jin, It is just a half-yearly check-up nothing else but this time I just wanted A-Yuan to accompany me." She told without any wavering in her voice.

But when he listened that she wanted to take Xiao Xing out of the house, his whole body got stiff and he sat upright on a chair.

"No, you can't take him out of the house these days." He said firmly. "The Qin family has created a big issue for him. They have leaked a small video of Yuan ge, that was making ripples in the whole business world."

He said and looked at the surprised faces of both but then again spoke.

"Jay gege took care of that video but if media will know that Yuan ge is out in the open then they won't spare him at all. He can't go out now."

"What was in that video, A-Jin?" She asked him with an authoritative tone looking straight into his eyes. "You know, I will not take a lie as an answer."

"Yuan ge was drinking with Qin Chung while laughing. Now they are saying who sit and drink with a stalker?"


"Zhao Zhang, how long?" Xie Jayden asked as he noticed his driver still driving the car at full speed.

"Sir, just one mile now. We will reach them in few minutes." Zhao Zhang replied who was tracking someone's location on his laptop.

"Zhang, I don't want to get late." He warned Zhao Zhang staring deeply into his eyes. "I want to make them suffer as much as my Yuan suffered last year.

As he said it he closed his eyes and put his head on the headrest of the car. When his eyes got closed the blur memories from the past came back to him and pain hovered in his heart.


"The hell with your friends and party, A-Yuan, you never needed to go to that party. Now see what I have to do to erase all of your did." Xie Jayden shouted hard on Mo Yuan who was standing in his office.

When in the morning the first thing alpha saw was the pictures of a party where his would-be husband was with his friends, completely drunk and wasted, his anger reached near to kill everyone who would come in his way.

His father and mother hopelessly pleaded with him to stop himself to scold Mo Yuan so that they will not get into another fight but to their dismay that never happened. Xie Jayden reached Mo Yuan's office after cleaning all the mess that Mo Yuan created.

"Xie Jayden, how many times do I have to tell you about it? This is my lifestyle and if you can't protect me then why do you call me your fiance?" Mo Yuan yelled back at Xie Jayden with equal emotions glaring at him.

"No. This was never your lifestyle. This is only happening for the last year. You are changed, A-Yuan. You are changed. Come back to me my Yuan."

Xie Jayden held Mo Yuan's forearm and pulled him closer to himself but as soon as their bodies touched each other Mo Yuan pushed him hard that made him staggered back.

"MO YUAN..." Raged alpha shouted very hard. "What happened to you? Do you have an idea that how much trouble I have to face to clear your deeds?

"Then who is asking you to clear them?" Mo Yuan asked shouting back.

"Mo Yuan..." Xie Jayden shout again.

"If you have to do so much then why don't you just leave me?" When Mo Yuan said this someone comes inside the office and at the same time Xie Jayden shout at him. The embarrassing situation happened but I one could do anything.

"MO YUAN..."