There is no mark on his chest...

"Gege, it is just a few drops of blood. I am not going to die." Xiao Xing shouted as he saw Xie Jayden holding the collar of a nurse who took his blood for the remaining test.

"No. How dare he prick you again? Haven't they collected the blood from you a few hours back?" He applied more pressure to the nurse's neck to almost choking him.

"Gege, let him go. If that bottle falls and breaks, that blood will go to waste and he will have to prick me again." Xiao Xing tried to put some sense into the alpha whose brain was fried up and acted as the dumbest person in the world.

But he realised his efforts went into thoughtlessness and he pulled up an act of getting drowsy by closing his eyes and putting his right hand on the side of his forehead.

"Ge, I am not feeling..." He claimed and Xie Jayden came running to him leaving the poor nurse to run away for his precious life.