
"Jayden, take him home. He doesn't have any symptoms left but after a few days you need to get him here." Doctor Dong explained Xiao Xing's condition.

"What happened, uncle? Is there something wrong?" Xie Jayden asked, leaning a bit uneasily towards doctor Dong.

"There are a few physical conditions that I am bothered about. He is weak and his heat hasn't come yet. It matters because you two are getting married and I don't want any complications afterwards."

"Will he be okay, uncle..." He tried to speak but it got hard for him.

"Don't worry, child. He is perfectly fine. It is just that he is a bit weak but he will get okay after proper care. I will give a call to his grandma." He said looking towards the anxious alpha. "Child, she knows very well how to take care of him and make him healthy. Just let her handle him."

"But uncle what..." As he started to speak, doctor Dong interjected him.